Would you wear an ex's engagement ring after 2 years?

Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by ladylibra21
A guy I am currently dating said he boutiques his ex wearing her engagement ring when he dropped their son off the other day. They have been broken up for 2 years. He broke up with her. I know you Taurus tend to hang on quite tight but would any of you go so far as to still wear your ex's engagement ring ?

My bad, I made a mistake.

But how did you know his ex is wearing that ring??!

I think you should ask him if you have any doubts about their situation.

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We were laying in bed complaining about our ex other halfs whom we have children with and he said "oh get this he is a new development of crazy, aparently we are still engaged. I dropped my son off the other day and she had the engagement ring I gave her on. I thought she got rid of that thing it has been 2 years."

I didn't know there were ever engaged I suspected because I saw a pic of her with a ring on, but he never said anything about it until last night. But another thing he said last night after I told him she probably still loved you he said "well that was the only solid thing about her is that he never doubted she would chicest because she tried to posses him so much.