To act or not to act....

Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by Capz
what sign are you ?

You haven't answered this question.

What do you mean by 'official'? What isn't he doing that would make the relationship feel like it's official?

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I am a virgo woman and please don't judge me just bcoz I am a virgo coz a lot of people here hate virgos.

He is not vocal to me about our status. Other things i can't complain coz he do almost everything for me only that part and I don't want to ask him anymore.

He told me twice he is not good in words that's why he wants to show it more in actions.

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Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Did you almost kill yaself from the anguish of being around someone who is 10x better than you?
I am Leo moon.

No casualties yet.

Small open wounds maybe but that's it.

Or maybe there were casualties but they didn't report back. For apparent reason...

She is virgo with virgo moon (!!!!!!) It was all good for the first three weeks, but then she went "full on Virgo mode" and started to say some nasty things and treating me bad over simple things that didn't need much analysis to it, always analysing every little bit of anything and not appreciating that I jumped subjects on conversations (going on tangents), she wanted to stay for hours in the same subject (boring!). All of that broke the glass, and I was never been able to glue it back together.

Was he your only brother?
So,I met this libra guy and we got along pretty well.I always had a crush on him but being a gemini moon,I flirt and crush on everybody so he wasn't anything especial.He sent me a sms first and then I started messaging him sometimes but later I stopped!!!After that,I noticed that he used to flirt with me but I didn't entertained it because he had a girlfriend at the time and later he began to always message me and commenting making fun of me on my social media posts.We were really good friends but now he disappeared with no reason.I sent him a funny video on whatsapp and he didn't reply and that is the second time that he does that.Did I do something to him or is this a normal libra behavior ??

PS:English isn't my first language.
Ok, I understand virgo women are not for me. But the second question I made stays unanswered: Were you fellow Gemini folks able to find someone who does not makes us want to jump out of the ship? (appreciate if you inform their sun/moon/venus signs)
Run into the sea naked
Do the things that you like, love and enjoy the most.
Though my top 3 most complimented features are:

1-hair/ color

2-eyebrows (I don't even do them)

3-legs (they're short but have a nice shape)

People don't typically come out and say "nice tits" unless they are drunk and feeling bold

Sag sun
Posted by Freeloader
Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by Freeloader
Posted by rabidtalker
Alexander the Great

Alexander III the Great, the King of Macedonia and conqueror of the Persian Empire is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He was inspiration for later conquerors such as Hannibal the Carthaginian, the Romans Pompey and Caesar, and Napoleon.

I'm well read on that. It was not the point

A. the Great =/= ??
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