To act or not to act....

Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by Forreal68
Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by Capz
what sign are you ?

You haven't answered this question.

What do you mean by 'official'? What isn't he doing that would make the relationship feel like it's official?

I am a virgo woman and please don't judge me just bcoz I am a virgo coz a lot of people here hate virgos.

He is not vocal to me about our status. Other things i can't complain coz he do almost everything for me only that part and I don't want to ask him anymore.

He told me twice he is not good in words that's why he wants to show it more in actions.

I'm not a Virgo hater, but I do know that Virgos can be pretty insecure and neurotic.

Caps are all about action, not words. Have you vere considered that he may not be into labels? Not everyone is.

From your reply, I really don't see what there is to worry about. Surely, the quality of the relationship is more important than a label?

My advice is to keep things in perspective and to enjoy what you have. If you keep nagging him for an 'official' status, you may end up pushing him away...

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Thank you so much. You are right I have a lot of insecurities especially with this cappy guy. Never been into a kind of relationship like this. This is my first time and it is killing me inside but I am not the nagger type.

Thank you so much again✌️

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As I remember myself I wanted to have sex when I grow up! Though my parents were against it and I've suffered until 21!

Talk about lost years...
Posted by GC01
A pop star like Britney because she was fab and had a cute boyfriend. ⭐️?

Id stuff my shirt with my stuffed animals and pretended to have boobs and sing into my toy mic.

My parents hated that lmao.?
You just like my daughter! She is 22 and ahe was so like Brit - we were nuts over her! I am more than her!

I had never got the part 'hit me baby one more time' though...?
Posted by compy
Posted by fem_femme
Posted by compy
Posted by Zuletnilibra
How do you attract a Aquarius man??? Any tips??? I'm going crazy ?!?!?!? Try to understand Aquarius man!?!?!?
You cannot. Aquarius is the most detached fixed energy. If you did not capture his attention from the beginning, it is almost impossible to change it. Aquarians are very friendly, therefore keeping communication with them may not be a consistent sign. He has to express it through actions. If he likes you, he will reach for you, he will initiate dating, he will want to spend time with you, progressively.
What if he costatly reaches out to you, acts like a boyfriend would act via texts yet keeps himself physically distant from you for the fear of intimacy? Does't matter how may times I let go of him (like 8 lol), he keeps contacting me after a while as if I never cut things off or as if we never argued. He also cancels the dates he initiates himself......i do think he does't want the sex part to happen so his cancellations are the fear of just that no matter how much I keep hearing i every text how much sexually he is attracted to me.
It happened to me with three different Aquas. They are still occasionally contacting me, but I cut the crap from the roots, because they only feel the need to satisfy themselves sexually, without the trouble of being involved in any way with a woman. They are still around yet. One is around 45 and I've known him for about 10 years. The others are 26 and 44. They are all single by nature or with no significant relationships in their lives.

There is a huge difference between texting and actually meeting. My Aqua really wanted to meet me and we are fine. I cannot get rid of him, he is like glue now smile

Your man will not cease to contact you, because you don't stop him. He will not progress physically in any way. Unfortunately, he is only using you as a surrogate for his sexual needs and this will continue until you put an end to it.

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We never had sex although he keeps telling me in every text that he wants it yet he avoids me physically while claiming how passionately he is attracted to me. Several times he initiated a date for sex then cancelled it so all I hear are compliments about my body parts, how hot & sexy I am how attractive & intelligent I am when I confronted him about avoiding me physically, he says he is a bit shy maybe from taking the first step. All men I encounter jump at me at the first encounter and with him we have gone as far as kissing while he was on top of me on his ed a year ago and it was nice lol.....he always compliments me for my lips, tells me what he's like to do to me etc.....he is sexually very attracted to me ut once things started to heat up etwee us i feel like he intentionally keeps me at arm's leght a year now regarless how may times he crawls ack. He told me he does't force sex on me so I wont feel disrespected lol (im 34 & he is 50)....i feel like he might just have sexual issues although talking to him gets him hard lol.....Just 3 days ago he invited me over again for sex...then when Sunday arrived, I never heard from him, but when we texted nefore that, I said "you dont have the guts to touch me" being sarcastic since he hasn't really touched me regardless of all the talk about it, his aswer was 'maybe' lol so he argeed that he doesn't have the guts to touch me?! I was like HUH!?!??! So how is he coming back for sex if we never had it...i kicked him to the curb 8 times now within a year & he keeps coming back....this time I said im planing to get pregnant in a few months (via sperm donor) hoping that will keep him away from me & will hit a sore point since he loves kids and is depressed not having one at that age!

Posted by LePetitFisk
An architect
That's funny how?
Flat bust can work in a woman... But flat butt???

1. Smile

2. Legs

3. Ass

4. Stomach

Posted by saweetz1988
lol ok..

well i promised my aqua to take him out to a swinger party..

well it was actually my idea ..


anyway, we had a foursome before with my libra friend and her aqua

half of that experience he cud't get it up...


when we went to that swinger party as a couple to a new experience.. it was indeed interesting ...:p

but again, 5-6 couples sexing next to us..and my man is fully cloths up...


we both like the couple further away with a hot nice boobs and we both wanted her but she had 2 men already..

so i pretty much dragged him there and pretty much just pushed myself to * their party..* i enjoyed myself

my aqua was on me..playing..still clothed up..HAHAHAH

n i was like

babe come on !!! do it

and he's like .. i can't babe i'm not hard....

ok that was the whole experience lol

it became boring like..none of us really get turn on at all...

we walked around seeing sex couples like its nothing...

then ofcoz we came home to crazy wild sex..just us

so i told him, he's more intimate and need real connection that what he lets on ( all pisces placements on him) and he kept saying sorry coz he cud't perform... ( as expected)

then we came home n he's all sweet though again ended the convo that he's still not looking for a girlfriend...

story of my life...

so i'm like u noe what...this is it ..HAHAHA

a man can not contradict his words and actions enough...

oh lets not forget the piggy back ride on the way back and him driving me home and all...

This man is the most sensitive and romantic man alive...yet running away from real intimacy...

so i am at a place where i'm confused, where do i go from here :p

oh...we were amazing together as a couple there... we do connect emotionally, physically and mentally..

this whole not looking for a girlfriend stuff is getting old n I'm sick of it...i expressed my needs...but i think i am going to move on now..

there is my story...

the end

Did YOU try to get him hard or just expect him to get hard watching another guy plow you from behind?
Posted by jpx
My heart has broken into a thousand pieces.

My silent Scorpio friend who disappeared from me is now dead. It is ruled to be an accident, but I am not so sure. I have a strange feeling it's related to his depression, but I don't know.

I'm still in shock and denial and have a strange sense of guilt that I couldn't be there for him for the last part of his life.

Is there anyone slightly.. psychic out there? I'm grasping for hay straws, I know that. But everything feels so damn inconclusive for me. I'm desperately looking for answers. Sad
My heart is broken for you.

It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anything you did, or didn't do...and don't think for a minute that you didn't matter...

Love and prayers to you.
Posted by CopperDove
Posted by Teena
Posted by tiziani
"I went through something similar that seemed like a very intricately detailed, tactful and evil plan of the universe. It was as if that's exactly how it should happen. A carefully planned maze which lures you in, but never ends. We may not have an answer as to why it happens, but we will surely get to see the artistic nature of it all by dusk."

- Scorpio Woman
Can someone explain this to me?

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I think the universe decided to play with this "Scorpio woman" n it has thrown one really difficult custom-made challenge at her.. which she has no option but to play. She understood n appreciated the beauty of the game n learned to smile through it all instead of getting all worked up over how to win it or overcome it. I think she befriended the universe instead of resenting it lol. But what do I know. @Tiziani can probably explain it better.

Posted by bkbella86
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by starwars
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
And why the fuk do you keep bringing up pisces placements?

Pisces can be into swinger stuff

I see pisces way more into sheet like that than an aqua
wow this is interesting.

Are you a sociopath?

They never own up to their mistake and never see themselves being wrong and they have no faults.

And you letting him drive your car is printed in my brain!

What else did you 'let' him do?
Wait what...he's driving her car??

What did I say in that other thread?? Be useful to them and they will be around forever.
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Apparently he didn't value her 'letting' him drive her car! What a POS! ?