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Posted by seraphI am uncomfortable ... because I don't talk or joke like that and he knows that too.Posted by ChickpeasUnless you really feel uncomfortable (in which case you should tell him to back off a bit) just ignore it. It doesn't seem like harassment at the moment, so nip it in the bud: tell him you forgive him and it's a matter to be forgotten, and politely give the impression that you aren't open to advances that are beyond the realm of professional friendliness.Posted by seraphPosted by Chickpeas
He lied before and speak very unprofessionally, that's partly reason I stopped talking to him.Posted by Chickpeas
And now he just dropped by my desk, wanting to resume the long chat.
He said When is your Birthday again ?
Remember we were going to get you a Vibrator.
That he made me a normal human being, and now I regressed back.Posted by Chickpeas
Just now, he said I once stood on top of my desk with short skirt because of cockroach.
What should I do now ??![]()
If people get the impression that you aren't open for business, and you aren't ambiguous in your polite yet clear communication of this, only the truly unwise will pursue the matter further in your particular environment. In which case your next point of contact above you can be informed, or failing that, HR.click to expand
Posted by LibraLovesHimNo saving marriages here no more!Posted by GemitatiSo do you think your role in this is saving a marriage or contributing to its failure?Posted by LibraLovesHimOy vey!Posted by GemitatiWhatever you feel comfortable with darlin'Posted by LibraLovesHimYou may. Bust I am not giving it to you?Posted by GemitatiMay I ask your origin?Posted by Astrology101Your opinion is narrow minded.Posted by sultrykittyWhen you become involved in a secret orgy... you want no part of. ??? I find cheating gross on so many levels.
I'm gonna get hammered for this, but the older I get, the less I believe that "side chicks" exist outside of a committed relationship.
A man who has committed to you will either a) not cheat or b) marry you. Or both.
Women know when their man is out playing.
Basically, if a man's gonna cheat, then he's fair game and no one is his main chick/side chick, etc. If he settles down with one it doesn't matter which one it was. They're all in the game together.
And I agree a cheater does have this mentality. They don't want to give up on anyone.
??????? gross.
We both married and don't have sex within marriage. And don't have sex outside of us. We have fighted it for 5 years.
Now as soon as he is free I am going to be as well. So I am getting all 'news' and 'problems' first. Some of which he doesn't share with wife even when it concerns their grown up children. I am the one to have a say. He reports to me on a development. I don't mind side chick status because I don't care. I just worship his ass! And I wouldn't change it!!!
? Away!
I am European Caucasian - that's all you can have.?
And it's "we fought it" not "we fighted"
Anyway, re you being a side chick. Do you feel you are betraying another woman in anyway or she doesn't enter your mind at all? Or she knows?
I need to write a book! And you can be my editor...for language issues that you pointed out. Ok?
It's a looong story.
He was an ass for a looong time.
So she became hostile.
Then he had matured. And became as awesome man as he is right now.
She is still bitter and I can only feel for her.
That's why knowing that he listens to me I had suggested he will try to reconcile with her. He had chocked but promised.
Came back in a week to say 'my relationships with my wife are going to stay the way it is...'
So I had stopped thinking about her.
He had never bad mouthed her except once we had talked and he said 'she went into my face'...and I was like 'oops'...
So I am not thinking anymore.
And strangely so. Considering I had never ever in my life cheated on my men - I can't explain this to anyone nor myself.
I would but I can't. I wish I could.click to expand
Posted by GemitatiUnderstood. Very difficult situation. I hope everyone comes out better for it.Posted by LibraLovesHimNo saving marriages here no more!Posted by GemitatiSo do you think your role in this is saving a marriage or contributing to its failure?Posted by LibraLovesHimOy vey!Posted by GemitatiWhatever you feel comfortable with darlin'Posted by LibraLovesHimYou may. Bust I am not giving it to you?Posted by GemitatiMay I ask your origin?Posted by Astrology101Your opinion is narrow minded.Posted by sultrykittyWhen you become involved in a secret orgy... you want no part of. ??? I find cheating gross on so many levels.
I'm gonna get hammered for this, but the older I get, the less I believe that "side chicks" exist outside of a committed relationship.
A man who has committed to you will either a) not cheat or b) marry you. Or both.
Women know when their man is out playing.
Basically, if a man's gonna cheat, then he's fair game and no one is his main chick/side chick, etc. If he settles down with one it doesn't matter which one it was. They're all in the game together.
And I agree a cheater does have this mentality. They don't want to give up on anyone.
??????? gross.
We both married and don't have sex within marriage. And don't have sex outside of us. We have fighted it for 5 years.
Now as soon as he is free I am going to be as well. So I am getting all 'news' and 'problems' first. Some of which he doesn't share with wife even when it concerns their grown up children. I am the one to have a say. He reports to me on a development. I don't mind side chick status because I don't care. I just worship his ass! And I wouldn't change it!!!
? Away!
I am European Caucasian - that's all you can have.?
And it's "we fought it" not "we fighted"
Anyway, re you being a side chick. Do you feel you are betraying another woman in anyway or she doesn't enter your mind at all? Or she knows?
I need to write a book! And you can be my editor...for language issues that you pointed out. Ok?
It's a looong story.
He was an ass for a looong time.
So she became hostile.
Then he had matured. And became as awesome man as he is right now.
She is still bitter and I can only feel for her.
That's why knowing that he listens to me I had suggested he will try to reconcile with her. He had chocked but promised.
Came back in a week to say 'my relationships with my wife are going to stay the way it is...'
So I had stopped thinking about her.
He had never bad mouthed her except once we had talked and he said 'she went into my face'...and I was like 'oops'...
So I am not thinking anymore.
And strangely so. Considering I had never ever in my life cheated on my men - I can't explain this to anyone nor myself.
I would but I can't. I wish I could.
In best case scenario we are ending up together forever...because not much time left considering his divorce will take about 2 years and shitload of money!
Our marriages fell before we've met.
Our meeting was a realization of the end!
I keep repeating but it falls on deaf ears that IF we were about to fk - no one would wait for FIVE YEARS! We would have done it in a first week!!! Or next day! Because thunder was huge!
But we've kept it as a business pros!
When I could lay on his back and look at his computer screen - I had never even came as close! We've kept as far as we could!
That's why I refuse to 'take responsibility' for failure of our marriages. It was done and over with BEFORE!
We had just kept busy and as he said 'I have life but I am not enjoying it' following by 'we have good lives but not the lives we want'...along with 'we are living a lies'...
Why? Because...
We are dying for our adult children
We have spouses we care about in a non-sexual but too long together way
Financial disaster. We both self made...and have NO idea how to cope with starting from scratch again...
Families around us who will hate and judge regardless of them all being divorced at least once...
Colleagues all over the world who will go 'wow...you what'?
All of the youngsters who spewing immature hating are just morons with no experience and quick to speak!
But I am trying to deliver a message.
Nothing is forever. Everything has an end.
And most important one - from a Bible.
Throw first stone who is without sin!
Don't judge and...you know...❤️click to expand
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