Posted by LazyKTrying to rationalize what nonsense?Posted by lnana04Ohhh....that explains why your trying to rationalize that non sensePosted by LazyKMaking them seem abstract? How? Lol.Posted by lnana04Yea ur making them seem more abstract than neccessary with this rhetoric.Posted by LazyKI see a lot of women complain on the Cap board about the Cap being too busy/workaholics or too focused on their goals. Those type are worse to women then the pretentious Caps, because people don't understand why that type of Cap is so goal oriented and can't focus on anything else. Its because THAT Cap is actually trying to be who/what they want to be before they let anyone in. Its a problem to people.
Actually the reason I say this is because I have a lot of cap friends & im like the guru to them.
When they have a question they know I'm the guy who always knows something about something.
Despite what you may think, they are some of my really good friends.
I always force them to think harder & try to convince them why they should be a man of their word. Instead of trying to convince lower minded people u are package, actually become the package u believe you are
My problem with Cap is when they don't try and reach potential & weak people buy into the fake package. The people that buy into the crap are just holding them back.
Both of my friends are the pretentious Caps. I've been humbled over the years, so I'm a little more in touch with reality and aware. This type of Cap is impatient. Ambitious to the extreme but lazy and impatient.
Don't give them room to confuse themselves
What sign are u?
I'm Virgo, the mutable earth. Trust me I know them
I'm a Cap myself BTW.
They just wanna work themselves to death right? Lol
I think it's a choice to solely focus on career & not focus on being versatile in their relationship or with others.
I swear caps are water signs
Life isn't all about money, no to expand