Met up with an old college professor off campus. He was a bit touchy feely weird.Should I worry?

Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Teena
Some people are touchy. But involuntarily or not consciously so. I wouldn't have worried in general. But he emphasizing n actually explaining that would definitely make me think ??

when people feel the need to justify their actions that is when I get suspicious

also one pat on the back vs like 5 or 6.

and two random back rubs

and the close sitting / close really close?

click to expand

Lol! Yeah justifying would make me suspicious too. Or maybe he explained after seeing you getting uncomfortable? A very similar thing happened to me. I tried to ignore or reason his behavior in my head many times until one day he tried to tuck my hair behind my ear in a very ..umm..weird way.Also after that this professor asked me to come over to his place to take some books(which were so not needed) n added that his wife is not gonna be in town that night n also for few more days. I still wasn't sure if I was jumping into conclusions.. considering his age n all. But few more things following that confirmed that for me.

I usually don't notice things..yes being touched too.. unless it's very inappropriate to start with.Initially when my friends observed this about me they were like "Did he actually just do that to you n you're actually saying you didn't know?" I be like "What?" I really didn't know!! I either had them telling me what happened or I realize after seeing some pics "ok so this guy actually put his hand on my waist or yeah this guy was all over me"?.Me noticing itself is a huge deal n there sure must be something wrong lol.

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