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Posted by Wineaux15Get a Rottweiler!Posted by KoniuchaaThis is so scary!Posted by bittercupcakeI was told by my other neighbor that he was caught peeping into the window of another woman that lived alone.Posted by Wineaux15Aquarius can be weird... especially the males give me a peeping tom vibe... it's either one extreme or the other. Weirdo or semi-normalPosted by Koniuchaa
I have a neighbor that was. He kept coming on to my property uninvited. I eventually called the police and have a trespassing order against him. I do not mess around with that sort of stuff.
I got his birthdate from the order and he is Aqua sun, Taurus moon. I don't remember the rest.
Oh dear I'm sorry to hear that. An Aqua stalker? Weirdo!
He also has a criminal record for burglary, assault, and public indecencyclick to expand
Posted by LePetitFiskTaurus are private loyal and known for endurance Aries and Taurus are some of the best mma fighters. There just kinda slow at first.Posted by EffervescentI dunno about Taurus. I need someone who can run if the cops show up, and not be winded the first 10 feet.
I don't know. I feel like Fire signs would be too obvious and wreckless and could possibly get caught. Taurus and Scorpio would do it perfectly, probably. Gemini is either a hit or miss. Aqua, not sure about. I know I wouldn't try it with a Libra.click to expand
Posted by wagtailDamn he quit his job for you!? It must be lurve.
Me Leo
He Virgo
Met through work.
Dating 3months.
He is moving in next week. He quit his job for this so we won't be working for same company AND living together.
So, fairly serious potato situation... ? ❤️
Posted by GemitatiThe dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.Posted by LadyNeptuneSo dildo is your cure for consriparion?Posted by GemitatiYour confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.Posted by LadyNeptuneWhy are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?Posted by GemitatiYou'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass firstPosted by GetMistedSo when I shit I must be arrested???Posted by brianafayYeah.. It's def Gemitati
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees
Like it sounds like she's climaxing
In a public restroom
I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...
Maybe you need larger dog?
Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton...
Bwhahahaha...you are hopeless...
At work?
Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.
Company might go down though...
You ARE a moron! Admit it!
?click to expand
Posted by EffervescentOpening business. He was my main supplier.Posted by Gemitati
Where did you meet the Scorpio??click to expand
Posted by bittercupcakeIn a sense, lol.Posted by sultrykittyIn other words, I have to subjugate to Mr Leos needs and tantrums lol ....Posted by bittercupcakeMore traditional gender roles. I'm not a "happy housewife", but he gets what he wants most of the time.Posted by sultrykittyHmmm I wish I understood what you meant by male/female paradigm..?Posted by bittercupcakeLeo and Aqua both have such strong wills that we have to revert to the male/female paradigm.Posted by sultrykittyLol why?Posted by bittercupcakeI kinda don't think so.Posted by sultrykittyLol I wonder if it works the other way around, with an Aquarius woman having to kiss ass to a Leo man... even if he's wrong. ..Posted by bittercupcakeAnd if she wants to keep him, she'll have to (without giving up her self respect).Posted by justpeachee03don't be dramatic. ... Aquarius aren't like Libras where we throw the word Love around and it means Nuthin' .... he loves you but is being petty and is probably sulking hoping for you to kiss ass to him
We been seeing each other for 2 years. The "L" word has been exchanged but I guess that means nothing.
Been there, done that.![]()
click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneSo at least you like something about me!Posted by GemitatiThe dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.Posted by LadyNeptuneSo dildo is your cure for consriparion?Posted by GemitatiYour confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.Posted by LadyNeptuneWhy are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?Posted by GemitatiYou'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass firstPosted by GetMistedSo when I shit I must be arrested???Posted by brianafayYeah.. It's def Gemitati
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees
Like it sounds like she's climaxing
In a public restroom
I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...
Maybe you need larger dog?
Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton...
Bwhahahaha...you are hopeless...
At work?
Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.
Company might go down though...
You ARE a moron! Admit it!
I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.click to expand
Posted by EffervescentWell...he penetrated me as soon as we've met! ?Posted by GemitatiPosted by EffervescentOpening business. He was my main supplier.Posted by Gemitati
Where did you meet the Scorpio??
Where you hoping for something juicier?
Damnit. Yes! lol.click to expand
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