Posted by ScorpioTruthyea people do get comfortable.
My cap isn't hard to love, he's easy to love but hard to like at times because he is extremely selfish and I don't think he even realizes it. He's a good provider and even a good caretaker.. if I have a migraine he will stop what he's doing to rub my temples. ❤️
But when it comes to dreams, goals, plans.. his always have taken priority over mine. I have dreams of my own that we can't pursue together until he has accomplished his own.
And he will come home and talk about his day in detail and will ask how my day went.. I tell him about my day in short and I get one-word replies like "awesome" or "damn" and that's the end of the conversation. He doesn't ask any more questions which shows he's not really engaged or interested in hearing about it. But that may have nothing to do with his sign and just be because we are in a long term relationship and maybe that's just what happens when you've been with someone for nearly a decade.