Posted by jeaneSorry i waa super drunk last night.... He mentioned he only wanted women friends cuz they were more understanding and fun, as opposed to men.... He never said he just wanted to be friends with me...that was a misunderstanding..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by jeaneNo he's never said anything about just being friends... We've never really talked about this.. He's just come to see me and we talk all the time..Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by LibraVibesPreeesh. But i know he's not fucking anyone else. I see no reason at this point for him to think it wouldn't work out..... Unless he's simply unsure...
@Gixxie Sad to say he is keeping you as an option, if things don't work out with her he will come to you to avoid being alone in the situation. However, if you told him that you didn't want him at all he most likely won't leave his relationship. I've personally have done this before, I had a few female friends that I talked to and didn't want to commit to any of them so I could keep mutual relationships amongst them all. Its a balance thing, I would have to know without a doubt that if I committed to one it would be worth it in the long run. I wasn't going to risk losing a nature with them over trying to be in a relationship with one that would not work out. I would rather keep a mutual relationship with more than one, rather lose those connections for a unsure potential.
Is this still the guy who said he wanted to be friends? Has he said anything else besides this?
Oh ok. So not this guy? Different guy.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by tizianiHe only wanta friends right now meh.... You're not big on sex?!?!?
Best to just tell him where you stand, like MyStarsShine was suggesting. That way it saves making a lot of stuff up in our head.
I'm personally not big on sex, it is what it is. You want to get laid, can't wait around and nurture the dude into bed forever it'll just wear you out.Posted by boxcarmirntaPosted by MyStarsShineI didn't even ask. He said he only wanted women as friends right now.. Cuz they listen and have fun etc... Meh
I would bite the bullet and tell him exactly how you feel and what you want and ask him the same? At least then you will be clear.....
Let us know what he says
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