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Posted by LibraLovesHimno other thoughts would be given to the one removed?Posted by AjuUniverse removing them, they're served their time/purpose.
How do you feel about someone slowly disappearing ?
When someone you know slowly loses contact with
family and friends by his own free will..
Do you think it's rude or something
is wrong with him or her?
Please share what would
your thoughts be about
this person. Thank Youclick to expand
Posted by ShadowcatWhat do you mean? (*I'm interested because there's this Capricorn man showing interest in me*)Posted by HoneybunniieAnd this, ladies and gentlemen, is why taurus and cap trine.
I agree with mered1th... we are bad communicators. Words mean nothing to me. Actions speaks volumes. I want you to feel my love by the things I do for u, buy for u, share with you etc. anyone can say those three words but can they prove it?click to expand
Posted by EllygantHe better ease up on that superman shit! ?
Worked a 14 hour shift with the Leo. We're both spaced out and exhausted by the end of the night.
Elly: Leo, will you carry me across the street to my car? I don't think I can feel my toes. Cannot confirm I still have any.
Leo: Yeah of course! *pauses* But can there be a building exploding behind me?
Elly: *gives weird half smile half wtf look* Uh wuh?
Leo: Yeah. I definitely need a building blowing up behind me. And a cape. Like Superman. *beams*
Which is extra funny. Because he looks a lot like Henry Cavill in Superman and I often call him Superman jokingly at work.
Posted by SassyKiwiI can relate. I feel like I'm on the edge of my truths and it is scary but eriely calm.
Same.... didn't understand why I woke up with this profound wave of something out of nowhere. It's had me on this weird edge. I totally forgot about how it could be the eclipse. It tightly hits stuff on my chart too.
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