I have a question for all the scorpio men out there ****

I'm a libra girl and I've been knowing my scorpio for about a year now but we didn't really start getting serious until June. It's been pretty rocky because of his jealous and possessive ways but I try to reassure him that I only want to be with him and no one else. However, we have been back and fourth because of lack of trust and communication. I am doing everything I can to try and understand my Scorpio lover cause I want to be with him.

Almost the entire month of August I didn't see him up until this last weekend when he invited me over to his friends house to watch the fight and he brought over his cousin and really good friends. Some of them I know some of them I just met. While we were at the party everything was fine I was mostly interacting with his cousins girlfriend and he was interacting with his boys.

There was another guy there who saw that I was taking shots with my Scorpio and his friends. He immediately wanted to know why I forgot to take a shot with him. Never knew or talked to this man till the night of the fight, FYI.

My Scorpio immediately became enraged when he saw the guy give me a shot and do a toast. It got so bad, I started to leave. But he eventually pulled me to the side and apologized about his behavior and said he was a Scorpio and he doesn't want to see me talk to anyone or anyone talk to me. He just went from 0-1000. His friend were even saying they would talk to him and were trying to calm him down because he just lost it that quick.

We all ended up going to a club which turned out to be fun. I stayed by my scorpio and he stayed by my side all night. Even when we went to the bathroom, he waited for me.

As we were getting ready to leave... drama happens as I was waving down a uber driver. My scorpio wasn't that far away from me. Some random guy runs past me and grabs my butt as if he stole cookie out of a jar. I didn't see who it was because it happened so fast! But my scorpio did and he immediately walked up to the guy and pushes him. Tells him that im his girl. They immediately begin fighting! The fight was so bad my scorpio ended up with a black eye.

The reason why my scorpio was avoiding to see me the month of August was because I believe he might've been seeing someone else or getting to know a different women. I just don't know how he really feels... how can my scorpio not see me the entire month of august but than when we do see each other he invites me to things that involve family and close friends and than end up fighting that same night.

I guess I am just wondering what kind of game is he playing. Is he leading me on? What's motive for me?