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Posted by SolesanThe most amazing lady in the world.
Who are you?
Posted by Sodapopshe shows no sign of cooling off. if the past is anything to go by she is going to be angry for at least another few decades.Posted by NevermoreOh yes Taurus anger is like water, takes a while to boil, but takes a while to cool off as well.Posted by jeaneWe're not that fast enough to lose those anger though. We won't forget of what others did or angry about it.Posted by Nevermoreit's literally been years. as a libra, i just don't get it. life is too short to be angry for this long.Posted by jeaneWe're like a charcoal that never ends the burning inside of you.
how do you get a taurus woman to stop being so fucking angry all the time? i mean angry for years. so angry she has made herself chronically physically unwell. it's like she can't not be angry.
From memories, trauma, stressed and/or happens recently. Or pms/period.
Beside, that reminds me of my aunt, a Taurus, who's angry all the time though. Words from my mom about her past with her sis.click to expand
Posted by NevermorePosted by jeaneHate to say, but it's the latter. Even constantly telling her that makes the whole sense still being angry.Posted by Nevermorei do kind of feel sorry for her. she's ruined her life (and others around her) because of it and is wasting years by not moving on.Posted by jeaneWe're not that fast enough to lose those anger though. We won't forget of what others did or angry about it.Posted by Nevermoreit's literally been years. as a libra, i just don't get it. life is too short to be angry for this long.Posted by jeaneWe're like a charcoal that never ends the burning inside of you.
how do you get a taurus woman to stop being so fucking angry all the time? i mean angry for years. so angry she has made herself chronically physically unwell. it's like she can't not be angry.
From memories, trauma, stressed and/or happens recently. Or pms/period.
Beside, that reminds me of my aunt, a Taurus, who's angry all the time though. Words from my mom about her past with her sis.
is there anything that can be done? or is she stuck in this perpetual cycle of hatred?click to expand
Posted by SodapopPosted by jeaneUgh that's so sad... I feel for her, that must truly feel so awful and like rubbish at all times! That fight or flight feeling is exhausting.Posted by Sodapopshe shows no sign of cooling off. if the past is anything to go by she is going to be angry for at least another few decades.Posted by NevermoreOh yes Taurus anger is like water, takes a while to boil, but takes a while to cool off as well.Posted by jeaneWe're not that fast enough to lose those anger though. We won't forget of what others did or angry about it.Posted by Nevermoreit's literally been years. as a libra, i just don't get it. life is too short to be angry for this long.Posted by jeaneWe're like a charcoal that never ends the burning inside of you.
how do you get a taurus woman to stop being so fucking angry all the time? i mean angry for years. so angry she has made herself chronically physically unwell. it's like she can't not be angry.
From memories, trauma, stressed and/or happens recently. Or pms/period.
Beside, that reminds me of my aunt, a Taurus, who's angry all the time though. Words from my mom about her past with her sis.
Has she tried therapy or even massages? That adrenaline you get high on when you're angry gets trapped under your skin and a massage could help it release. Maybe get her a massage gift card for Christmas?click to expand
Posted by lisabethur8Had a ex bf cap/aqua who had very low self esteem. He wouldnt admit iT and was covered up with His " I am cool af and very confident " mask.
so no low self esteem dudes and dudettes??
here's another site that is great to DISCOVER yourself. if you have low self esteem k?
“My co-workers have more experience, so I should just shut my mouth during meetings. What could I possibly4 say that they don’t already know?”
“My boyfriend was born into money and went to an Ivy League school. Of course, he’s amazing and I’m lucky to have him! Who cares if he doesn’t always listen to what I say? At least we’re together….”
“My sister’s job is so cool! I couldn’t have accomplished what she did. She’s just smarter than me. No wonder she’s dad’s favorite. I could never compete with her.”
Have you ever said these things to yourself?
you have a certain negative belief of yourself—that you’re unworthy and unlovable. And you go out of your way to observe others around you. You pay attention to their tone of voice, choice of words, mannerisms and mentally keep score of how they treat you.
Of course, your conclusions usually confirm the worst about yourself. But how can you be so sure of your conclusions if it’s all in your head?
Read more: #ixzz4mIBOACaq" data-url="http://www.keepinspiring.me/7-signs-of-low-self-esteem-and-how-to-overcome-it/#ixzz4mIBOACaq" target="_blank">http://www.keepinspiring.me/7-signs-of-low-self-esteem-and-how-to-overcome-it/#ixzz4mIBOACaq
Posted by enfant_terribleDidn't use it in front of you ??Posted by LadyNeptuneI never said it could. Though twice I've bought vibrators to girlfriends and they've barely used it, just tossed it into the closet never to be found again. So there's that too whatever that is..Posted by enfant_terribleYour tongue can't compete with a 10 settings vibe. No tongue can
Jfc we're getting nowhere. I didn't come here seeking advice. I had a general question about sensitivity of clits so stop discussing my gf's and start sharing your stats !click to expand
Posted by GemitatiPosted by LadyNeptuneYours maybe can't...if you on love with your vibrator! Does it suck on your clit?Posted by enfant_terribleYour tongue can't compete with a 10 settings vibe. No tongue can
Jfc we're getting nowhere. I didn't come here seeking advice. I had a general question about sensitivity of clits so stop discussing my gf's and start sharing your stats !
And tells you how good you taste?
?click to expand
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