What Venus sign is your favorite in a male's chart?

Posted by Senorita_LL
Posted by IamTheRam
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by IamTheRam
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Senorita_LL
Posted by queenaries_
Posted by Shadowcat
Aren't they cheaters
Nooooooo....we are not cheaters.

Believe it or not, I've been cheated by a few venus in Cap. Grrrrr
Yeah they're too cold to commit I think

Not to cold to commit tbh...

From where i stand it's kinda of the other way arround...i just think it's really fkin hard to find That of a Woman that makes me want to fully commit to her and never look back in my life...

It's not like they aren't out there...they are..but they are rare...very rare...and the worst part is that we want it our *own way*...so i can almost bet that diferent Venus in Aries have very diferent tastes...

But...we are still the best though...just wanted to make this last part very clear...Laughing hehe
What's your sun? Moon? Venus?

Sun Aries, Venus Aries, Moon Virgo...

But what *locks me up* it's none of those...

It's the Mars in Scorpio.
Ummm...not even your Virghoe eh Virgo moon? Big Grin

click to expand
Are you sure you wanna go down that road ?...shall talk about the twins ?! hahahLaughing

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