Posted by DreamyboyMy roots are in Houston. lolPosted by nikkistar???? Don't forget your roots fam
This is why I stay out of to expand
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Posted by MyStarsShineMost of them get rejected anyway whether they read profiles or not so they just get to the point cause it doesn't take too much effort.
I was on POF for a lie, almost all of the guys didn't read what I wrote in my profile, one or two used dick pics for their profile pics and didn't even pretend to be interested in getting to know me .... It was just down to sex, sex, sex
It brought my sting out so in the end I just deleted
Sad pathetic guys
Posted by AerialViewSaturn needs to be somewhere...Posted by raad182What makes Saturn in 9th better than other house regarding this aspect?Posted by AerialViewSaturn is in my 9th house so my relationship with her is a little blocked because I moved to a city far from her, its a little bit cold but our intuition (connection) is really Strong our Suns are conjuncted and her Moon in Pisces conjunct my Midheaven...Everytime I take an advice from her things work fine.
This is one of the hardest placements to have...Im luck because Saturn is in my 9th houseclick to expand
Posted by 2Moonlol its a little bit funny.Posted by jeane????Posted by 2Moon
Not funny!click to expand
Posted by raad182I think 12th house is Saturn's best place.Posted by AerialViewSaturn needs to be somewhere...Posted by raad182What makes Saturn in 9th better than other house regarding this aspect?Posted by AerialViewSaturn is in my 9th house so my relationship with her is a little blocked because I moved to a city far from her, its a little bit cold but our intuition (connection) is really Strong our Suns are conjuncted and her Moon in Pisces conjunct my Midheaven...Everytime I take an advice from her things work fine.
This is one of the hardest placements to have...Im luck because Saturn is in my 9th house
9th house isn't something essential or very impactful
It makes you work for your luck...Mine opposite Jupiter tooclick to expand
Posted by Cancervirgo15degreesYeah... don't.
Stupid question but im guessing not to pack my non texas fake cowboy boots??
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