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Posted by IamTheRamPosted by EmotionalAriesInfact i do...lool i've been with other Virgo moonieeess hehePosted by IamTheRamPosted by EmotionalAriesYes to all of themPosted by IamTheRamLol...do you find yourself analyzing everything, loyal to a fault, and always going the extra mile too?Posted by EmotionalAriesI really hate that moon sometimes...i know...i know the feellingPosted by IamTheRamPosted by queenaries_lololPosted by IamTheRamPosted by queenaries_In Love ?..i use all of them ofc...i am still an Aries Sun at the end of the dayPosted by IamTheRamOh and do you use your mars for love instead of venus? If so what signs are you attracted to in the planets?Posted by queenaries_Sun Aries, Venus Aries, Moon Virgo...Posted by IamTheRamWhat's your sun? Moon? Venus?Posted by queenaries_Not to cold to commit tbh...Posted by Senorita_LLYeah they're too cold to commit I thinkPosted by queenaries_Nooooooo....we are not cheaters.Posted by ShadowcatAren't they cheaters
Believe it or not, I've been cheated by a few venus in Cap. Grrrrr
From where i stand it's kinda of the other way arround...i just think it's really fkin hard to find That of a Woman that makes me want to fully commit to her and never look back in my life...
It's not like they aren't out there...they are..but they are rare...very rare...and the worst part is that we want it our *own way*...so i can almost bet that diferent Venus in Aries have very diferent tastes...
But...we are still the best though...just wanted to make this last part very clear...hehe
But what *locks me up* it's none of those...
It's the Mars in Scorpio.![]()
Depends tbh...but Mars in Scorpio women tend to be very *dangerous* for me...lol
It's a bit *wicked* what starts to happen tbh...lol
If there is any logic to astrolagy that is..i dunno![]()
Do you like having drama in relationships
That was reallyyy a good question hehe
So i am going to answer you with honesty...It's what makes me fall in Love![]()
Yeah that Damn moon! Lol ?
It makes the Venus in Aries not get bored... ?![]()
Hence why it's *a crap* when i decide that i will be loyal to someone...because i will do it untill the very end....lol crap...hehe
Word of advice fellow Arian...next time you decide to give that loyalty to someone...don't !!!!![]()
Awww...its not so bad and you know it! ??
Maybe that's what I need another me, can you imagine what that would be like? ?
It's like...it's great you know...there is alot of understanding..and we really follow the "fuck the world, we do want we want for ourselfs only" thing..lol
But i guess this combo is better with a sun in fire also..my experience was with earth\air...so..it does tone down the *emotions giving thing* on her part...
I dunno...but yes, it's a great combo![]()
But it's still not the best combo for a Virgo Moon, at least imo ^^click to expand
Posted by Capz
what's the tl : dr version ?
Posted by TauruswithspunkI have an Aries venus as well... I am always at war with myself bc she loves to chase n conquer while my Taurus side hates it
Aries Venus here... yes I tend to chase even though I don't want to (Taurus sun says no)... but it only takes a split second for you to start playing cat and mouse before I move on to better pastures.
Posted by Senorita_LLI know, i know ^^ The birth part of the moon did the trick when it comes to the *tears* part hahaPosted by IamTheRamGeez, that could bring tears to my eyes! So touchy! Awwwww....Posted by Senorita_LLlool Sure, no problemPosted by IamTheRamNo, no but in all honesty, tell me something, will ya?Posted by Senorita_LLLOOOLPosted by IamTheRamPosted by Senorita_LLAre you sure you wanna go down that road ?...shall talk about the twins ?! hahahPosted by IamTheRamUmmm...not even your Virghoe eh Virgo moon?Posted by queenaries_Sun Aries, Venus Aries, Moon Virgo...Posted by IamTheRamWhat's your sun? Moon? Venus?Posted by queenaries_Not to cold to commit tbh...Posted by Senorita_LLYeah they're too cold to commit I thinkPosted by queenaries_Nooooooo....we are not cheaters.Posted by ShadowcatAren't they cheaters
Believe it or not, I've been cheated by a few venus in Cap. Grrrrr
From where i stand it's kinda of the other way arround...i just think it's really fkin hard to find That of a Woman that makes me want to fully commit to her and never look back in my life...
It's not like they aren't out there...they are..but they are rare...very rare...and the worst part is that we want it our *own way*...so i can almost bet that diferent Venus in Aries have very diferent tastes...
But...we are still the best though...just wanted to make this last part very clear...hehe
But what *locks me up* it's none of those...
It's the Mars in Scorpio.![]()
How was it like to have your moon in virgo? I've known a couple of them, and they kind of need someone to be their purpose of living, else they find life seems to be dull or not even meaningful.
Idk if that's really true, though. I like them cos' they seems to be good with communication and they are quite protective.
Are you like that, or atleast anything near?![]()
Tbh with you i can't remember the exact moment that i had my virgo moon in me...it was bloody as hell at that time...couldn't open my eyes because of the light...but somehow in a single moment in time...i did felt it in me...hehe![]()
But seriously now lol...humm..
Yes i guess you can really say that..after all the Virgo is the "one that serves", right ?
At least for me..i don't *need* many people to share my emotions with...infact, i kinda don't like it at all lol...but somehow i feel like i need at least 1 person in my life to *give all of them*...all of my *emotions* and who i really am at my core...that goes to her and only her...
And with that i guess it comes that protection part...i guess it's really fair to say that i need to protect that 1 person that *means everything* to me at all cost, right ?! ^^
So yeah...i guess you are right...it is what gives me purpose and meaning to life...it's that at the end of the day i will be able to share all that i have with that one person.
Hope i did answer your question![]()
(especially the birth of the moon part)
Yes, thank you Ram! It is what it is, I guess. All of them told me the same thing.
And hell yeah, they don't like to even share their emotions to lots of people. Some of them don't even like to be around too many people. Quite choosy with their surroundings, but that's a good thing too, at least for me.![]()
Thank you for sharing!click to expand
Posted by EnochtheWiseThank you
Is it ok to use this as a daily log of our bowel movements and flatulence?
asking for the Scorp Moons....
Posted by BlindedByLoveI was born in Houston.Posted by nikkistarWait I thought they were in namPosted by DreamyboyMy roots are in Houston. lolPosted by nikkistar???? Don't forget your roots fam
This is why I stay out of Stockton.click to expand
Posted by EvilHareStinky Asians with accident prone issues, that have the attention span of Dory.Posted by nikkistarSketchy Asians with seige weaponry?
This is why I stay out of Stockton.click to expand
Posted by DreamyboyYou would know what broke back mountain is.Posted by nikkistarNever knew you was like a rhinestone cowboy. Riding horses on broke back mountain eh?Posted by DreamyboyMy roots are in Houston. lolPosted by nikkistar???? Don't forget your roots fam
This is why I stay out of Stockton.click to expand
Posted by EmotionalAriesYeah, i agree with you !Posted by IamTheRamPosted by EmotionalAriesInfact i do...lool i've been with other Virgo moonieeess hehePosted by IamTheRamPosted by EmotionalAriesYes to all of themPosted by IamTheRamLol...do you find yourself analyzing everything, loyal to a fault, and always going the extra mile too?Posted by EmotionalAriesI really hate that moon sometimes...i know...i know the feellingPosted by IamTheRamPosted by queenaries_lololPosted by IamTheRamPosted by queenaries_In Love ?..i use all of them ofc...i am still an Aries Sun at the end of the dayPosted by IamTheRamOh and do you use your mars for love instead of venus? If so what signs are you attracted to in the planets?Posted by queenaries_Sun Aries, Venus Aries, Moon Virgo...Posted by IamTheRamWhat's your sun? Moon? Venus?Posted by queenaries_Not to cold to commit tbh...Posted by Senorita_LLYeah they're too cold to commit I thinkPosted by queenaries_Nooooooo....we are not cheaters.Posted by ShadowcatAren't they cheaters
Believe it or not, I've been cheated by a few venus in Cap. Grrrrr
From where i stand it's kinda of the other way arround...i just think it's really fkin hard to find That of a Woman that makes me want to fully commit to her and never look back in my life...
It's not like they aren't out there...they are..but they are rare...very rare...and the worst part is that we want it our *own way*...so i can almost bet that diferent Venus in Aries have very diferent tastes...
But...we are still the best though...just wanted to make this last part very clear...hehe
But what *locks me up* it's none of those...
It's the Mars in Scorpio.![]()
Depends tbh...but Mars in Scorpio women tend to be very *dangerous* for me...lol
It's a bit *wicked* what starts to happen tbh...lol
If there is any logic to astrolagy that is..i dunno![]()
Do you like having drama in relationships
That was reallyyy a good question hehe
So i am going to answer you with honesty...It's what makes me fall in Love![]()
Yeah that Damn moon! Lol ?
It makes the Venus in Aries not get bored... ?![]()
Hence why it's *a crap* when i decide that i will be loyal to someone...because i will do it untill the very end....lol crap...hehe
Word of advice fellow Arian...next time you decide to give that loyalty to someone...don't !!!!![]()
Awww...its not so bad and you know it! ??
Maybe that's what I need another me, can you imagine what that would be like? ?
It's like...it's great you know...there is alot of understanding..and we really follow the "fuck the world, we do want we want for ourselfs only" thing..lol
But i guess this combo is better with a sun in fire also..my experience was with earth\air...so..it does tone down the *emotions giving thing* on her part...
I dunno...but yes, it's a great combo![]()
But it's still not the best combo for a Virgo Moon, at least imo ^^
I think a Virgo Moon without a Fire Sun would lose the full on passionate intensity and loyalty with the strong emotions. Air or water combo with it seems like it would drain the energy out of its full potential. Imoclick to expand
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