Quo Vadis

Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by NemDeux
Posted by Gemitati
Oh! You haven't. I don't want to convince you. Unless you wire the money over...
i'm very into roman culture and history so i know it will be at least an interesting read ...i just have not been in the proper mood yet.
It was my first book I read very young being born in atheistic country but always knowing that higher power out there watching!

I think I was 12-15 when I read it first.

Then later when older.

Then later because I felt like it...

I had never read a book more than once before. I hope you will enjoy this love stories mixed into religion and Roman culture! OMG! I am making myself want to read it again...in English!
i have it in german!
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Donke shon! ?

Related Messages

Posted by Happy_Aqua
Have you ever dated someone who's mars was in the same sign as your moon sign? For example: you have a Pisces moon and you dated someone (male) with a Pisces mars? What was it like?
yes my first husband.

i wasn't happy with him long term, he was a drunk and a cheat. he could never do long term sadly.

but then again, no woman could tame him or make him be a good man. Like heal or fix him and i have a tendancy in the past to want to "heal" or "fix" my ex's. I think it's because i also needed fixing and healing too. we are all attracted to similar and opposites of us.

then my 2nd was an Aquarius mars to my Singularity Sun sign. the worst ever. controlling and CRUEL and a woman beater. also a child beater too, since i saw him beat up a teenage boy for stealing his stuff. He put him in the hospital. I disapprove of what he did cause he is an abuser. He died already though, so he is probably in hell talking to Satan or praying to God that he shouldnt have beat up people.
Posted by Catullus
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by Catullus
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by Catullus
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by Catullus
Posted by DwellingOnMove
Posted by Catullus
..... pick a highly populated city, all the babies born there at that time would be exactly alike and would lead exactly the same lives.

same lives?

like they all lose their brothers (of course their brothers have all the same horoscope chart) when they are five years old. And they all have an absent father (note their fathers have the same horoscope chart). And fail in Mathematics cause their teacher (the Math teacher of all of them has the same age and faith and childhood complexes horsocope chart) was non-supportive

and so on?
Similar lives as in they'd have jobs in the same field, they'd have eerily similar accidents and misfortunes etc. etc. and those misfortunes would occur on the same day since the planets should have the same effects on both. If the planets have say in peoples lives and personalities then they should have clear impact on the lives of people who share the exact same chart, if they don't then the impact planets have is questionable.

so if there's an aspect today and I had an absent father but not my neighbour, do we react the same way to similar triggers? do I have the same reaction time if with another person who's genetically different than me and had a sad childhood?
Astrology is the belief that planetary positions affect our personalities, emotional states, and events in our lives so if astrology is true and you and your neighbor have the same chart then yes. Logically that doesn't happen because either the planets have no impact on us or it's so minute that it's not worth caring about.

You can use the same argument Christians and other astrologers use which is; "This is too complicated and mystical for science to be used." which is fine. If that's where your argument lies then lets do ourselves a favor and skip the dosido and agree to disagree.

of course we can agree to disagree.

my points were to think of these:

- Alogy says: For A is B likely, But alos C, Probably D. Look also at other parts of the chart.

- B is a default character trait. C' is standard situation happens all the time. D2 is a vague word. E* is totally another work branch than said in F°.

Why can it be used as prediction for equal lives of few people born on the same street at the same time?
And in the event the neighbor has job E which isn't mentioned in their chart?

That still leaves the issue of the two individuals having shitty, okay, or great days that are synced as they should -according to astrology- experience the same cosmic effects.

By the way I already mentioned that one of my critiques of astrology is that it's vague, it's contradictory and astrologers always cast a wide net to hook as many fish (individuals) as possible. This vagueness is what makes astrology impossible for science to support as it's easily explained as a gimmick to achieve the forer effect which can then be exploited for financial gain.

On one side you have someone who gains money. On the other side you have someone who was curious to desparate about their situation. With the differenty "most likeys" and "maybes" someone bring to their lower mind, they:

- either distract themselves

- or see new perspectives.

a similar effect can be seen with "Family Constellations" which are theatrical stuff, but placebo or not people goes from one stage of their lives into another one. similar with tarot. similar with psychotherapy. similar with talking to your bffs (who not always give the best comment or advice). similar with hollywood stories apparently telling your story. all these things are mind expansion and imagination. they affect your way, but they are not commanding. you are still the one who pick the cherries. At least I see it that way.
Mhm, that's been my point. It's not scientifically valid, it's a belief system and like any belief system my stance is "If you choose to believe in then that's fine." People have been getting riled up thinking I was saying they shouldn't believe in it. Seriously, the insults, insinuations, and 'deep insights' people have thrown my way since my post have been reminiscent to the same things Christians say when I tell them I don't believe in their god. It's been fun in a sort of wayLaughing but in another way it's just been redundant.

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yeah, I don't know why people were that way to you. sometimes it's a matter of misunderstanding. or taking it personally.

I am skeptical to Astrology as I am skeptical to other stuff. But I enjoy and use it on my way to live my life. Every now and then I put myself in the shoes of the opponents to check what they have to say what could even be better than what I use currently.

I like your answer.
Posted by GetMisted
I don't understand the question.
are you not an AIR mars though? Confused

that's probably why. too different.
do you at least get to bang hot spaniards?
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by bebeirishh
Help me please. Am dying to text him now but also convincing myself not to make the first move. Gaaaah! I just love him so much that I can't stay mad at him for so long. ???
It's very hard. But trust me love, having to play a fetcher your whole life is debilitating to a woman. When I woke up and saw someone who does just opposite - it was painful!

When I said I want coffee - he told me he will make it and I started to cry!


I didn't know how to react! Because isn't it MY JOB to make him coffee? My husband waits for me to come from work and make him coffee!!! For 23 years!

Please, run! I know it's killer advice but you have to! He said WOW and you HAD to fall down and kiss his feet asking for forgiveness? For WHAT?

Think. It's not fair to you.

you make me sad

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I didn't think it was possibleSad
what happened to the post on that young poor girl who was 16 or 17 years old and got beaten up by this horrible cruel man? I saw it and got nightmares after i read the news/update on her Sad

she was a Taurus with Leo Mars, and Libra moon, (possibly scorpio moon) and taurus venus i think. I was so horrified!!! her parents met him and wanted to kill him at first sight, got evil vibes from him.

and the poor girl's eyes were ripped off, and her body abused all over. I didnt bookmark it though Sad

i saw the post a week ago, then looked up the story and got nightmares. It is soooo disturbing it made me so quiet and feel distressed.

i guess the poster deleted? Sad
Posted by SoulOfABird


Oh! That's a surprise! ?
or reversed Justice with transit Moon in Aries?
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by AerialView
Watching the sunsets.

it's nice living near the beach ?
I wish I lived by the beach! Goals.. lol. Right now it's fire zone ?
Lol fire zone what's that? ?
I live in Oregon - we are surrounded by forest fires & living in hazardous air quality due to the smoke right now. Actually live in the foothills of the Siskiyou mountains. Normally it's beautiful here. But way too far from the beach!! I grew up south of Los Angeles at the beach.. miss it & hope to move back in a couple of years.
Forest like in Rambo(the first) movie?

I've been to California (orange county) once to visit relatives.

Yep beach is always better ?

Lol kinda? There is a lot of mountainous area that cannot be accessed in this area. This is what the town I live in normally looks like http://traveloregon.com/cities-regions/southern-oregon/ashland/

Oh yeah Orange County is where I'm from! Where did you go Disneyland? I spent til i was 12 in Huntington Beach, then moved inland a bit to LA Habra, later years Garden Grove ( 2 blocks from Disneyland lol). All Orange County,
That's it! Garden Grove! ?

Me and my wife visited her brother who work there.

We only spent two or three days I recall, it's not a vacation but for family reasons.

No we didn't go to Disneyland, that ain't my thing ?
Lol funny! I lived in Garden Grove a long time!! My ex husband had just bought a house there when I met him. smile Everyone goes to Orange County for Disney ?? just had to be a smartass ??
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I liked it there. Seems like a nice place to live and I saw lots of Asians lol

I'll let you know through here if I ever go there again ?
who's my twin?