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Posted by Senorita_LLI agree. Once people cheat they kindnof always do. How long have u been with him? Beside u only hearing hi side of the story. You can't be naive with Aqua. Their brain is amazing plus their words. Go with your gut. I went against it for ages. you need to trust ur gut if u r over thinking when u r not with him most likely it's coz he's flirting around maybe not physical but chatting and all. this is my experience. I don't like that he's blaming n unhappy marriage for cheating. He shud have just gotten out.. this is why title doesn't mean anything to me. !Posted by Mr_Pinchy^^ ThisPosted by Capricorngirl1111If he tells you this, he doesn't love you enough. This is basically a cop out to be brought forward when shit hits the fan so that he can say "i told you to leave....back then" followed by "you knew what you were getting into".
He tells me I don't deserve a complicated life and can let go if i feel uncomfortable but I can't let go..
If he would truly love you, he'd hide all complications and work on eliminating them out of fear of loosing you.
He ofcourse can't hide an ex wife and 3 kids but wouldn't make such a big deal out of it, would try to minimize/relativize all the complications infront of you while presenting a case on how he thinks you two would/could work. No "exits" would be offered in such a setting.
When somebody really loves you, you wouldn't even have any doubts about them. Since you already do, I will suggest, don't do it.
He cheated on his wife, he could do the same thing to you. Yes, while I agree, people could change, but there's even rumours about him having an affair with another person. That tells you a lot. Words will not be spread for no reason.
Just leave.click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptunetaurus venus?
Workaholic. Career comes first.
Not interested in a traditional relationship, i.e marriage, babies, stay at home mom life.
Detest pda.
Have strong opinions I'm not afraid to put voice too.
Posted by Capricorngirl1111Red flag. His divorce hasn't fully finalised yet and now he's jumping into another girl??!?! And wanna marry you? Come on now..! Let's get real here. There r theee kids involved is he not thinking about those kids???? All of the sudden there's a new mama? It's tough but don't rush in anything. Go slow n go with the flow please. Has he got firey moon?Posted by Mr_PinchyPosted by Capricorngirl1111The big question here is, what do you want out of this and what does he want.
I agree with you. But I wasn't quite clear. He never tells me about the drama. He is trying to get it cleared and have a normal life with me and never gets me involved in any of that mess. He tells me only the updates with the ex if there is any, but we talk about the kids often because I love them. He just had said "I know it's tough for you being young and knowing that I have a past that may be tough for you. You deserve a life of no complications but I'm happy with you and I hope I can stay happy with you forever. I will never leave you and I hope you will stay happy being married to me. "
But I really appreciate your input. It provides a different perspective.
Test him a lil bit, ask him straight up, do you see us living together, being married, having kids of our own (assuming thats what you want sometime down the road).
If he thinks about it a bit too long, his original idea with you is to live comfortably with a younger wife until you two grow old. Think trophy wife.
If he shoots out a yes, i want that all with you, keep him (again assuming that's what you want out of it and you being a cap girl i'm guessing you do).
In re to perspective, i'm an aqua man in a similar age bracket, prone to workplace romance with younger girls.
THank you. He actually has brought up wanting to get married and having kids. I hadn't brought it up but he has asked me to move in and has said he wants to marry next year and frequently asks me to go to trips, asked me my ring size, makes a lot of plans. He really wants to have kids with me in the future also.
I will be cautious but we re on the same page regarding the future. I have told him flat out I don't want to be a trophy wife and that's what he loves about me. We both make good money and he got attracted to me due to my work drive in the first place. I will always want to work and he knows and accepts it. Thank you for the insight.click to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by Jayc3onIt makes absolute sense not to deal with another's emotional constipation actually. Or emotional weirdness.Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Boy you must have have the patience of a saint
I would have been out. Pisces sounds like a headache
Why are you here? How does Pisces sound like a headache? You sound crazy with no sense being made. Stop reaching.
She's crazy for dealing with such a weak entity
Virgos are save a hoclick to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeOh! It's that nutso? Do you think she shot his friend yet?Posted by quirkycrabbygirlSo you can't handle others perception? Don't ask questions if you won't like answers
The world is full of unkind people. Wherever you go you will get one such person who will manipulate stuff, or try to put you down, say mean things, spread negativity. Why can't people be simple? Why do they have to complicate each and every thing? Is it so necessary to show your sarcasm expertise at each and every level than to show your kindness?
And on dxp it's even more. People hide behind these anonymous names and fake pictures and spread as much negativity as possible. What do they get out of it? Is it their source of energy to deal with the real world?
Spread kindness wherever you go. Spread positive vibes.
Do I think you're insane cause you're angry your friend was watching a movie instead of calling you?
Hell yeah I think that's insane. You asked for ppls pinion
Why can't cancers take any kind if feedback
So fuking weakclick to expand
Posted by quirkycrabbygirlSo find a forum where there are daisies and butterflies...and fk their brain with your unsolicited teaching!Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeIts not about handling perceptions. You dont have to put someone down in order to put your point across.Posted by quirkycrabbygirlSo you can't handle others perception? Don't ask questions if you won't like answers
The world is full of unkind people. Wherever you go you will get one such person who will manipulate stuff, or try to put you down, say mean things, spread negativity. Why can't people be simple? Why do they have to complicate each and every thing? Is it so necessary to show your sarcasm expertise at each and every level than to show your kindness?
And on dxp it's even more. People hide behind these anonymous names and fake pictures and spread as much negativity as possible. What do they get out of it? Is it their source of energy to deal with the real world?
Spread kindness wherever you go. Spread positive vibes.
Do I think you're insane cause you're angry your friend was watching a movie instead of calling you?
Hell yeah I think that's insane. You asked for ppls pinion
Why can't cancers take any kind if feedback
So fuking weak
Fyi I am very much open to people giving free opinions. But I am not cool with people calling you names instead of giving opinions.click to expand
Posted by quirkycrabbygirlExcept when they do? ???Posted by KoniuchaaNope I am very much open to people disagreeing with me
Seems as though some people think if you aren't agreeing with them, then you are being negative.click to expand
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