Iv yet to hear back from the Libra, so I sent a proposition to meet. What do you guys think?

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by Fafa
Posted by 2Moon
I didn't read any of your bullsht to be honest with you..

You are a Cancer, amirite?!

Cancer - Libra is never going to work.
Lmaooooooooo.... on a serious note tell me why cancer and libra won't work? I have cancer friends and they are great but never been in a relationship with one
Do you enjoy dating weak emotional macho men that loves to make you feel like a piece of sht, worthless, subhuman?

Do you enjoy injustice, not one single common sense and intelligence?

Do you hate yourself and want to date an emotional dude that is going to punch you and beat the sht out of you?

Then you should date a fckin crab!

click to expand
I am absolutely NOT like that btw. Maybe it's my libra rising, idk. But Its my moral standard to be fair and JUST. And Im a female. So it's ALPHA FEMALE. Thanks Winking But I don't disagree when it comes to some cancers. She's actually using this other cancer girl rn (we are polyamorous, in general not with each other). But the other girl is SUPER EMOTIONAL and in her feels apparently....

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