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Posted by SweetLily_89If someone messes with those nearest to you you become a narcissist?
Only if you mess with those dearest to me.
Posted by arose32Posted by saggurl88Idk. My ex had a cancer moon, Scorpio Venus, and Sag sun.. she was the calmest person, when I needed affection and the other way around when I didn't want to be near her. Y'all weird. Not saying you, but yes meant no with her.. maybe could mean yes.. just a big ball of games and confusion lol. And she acts so unbothered by everything, SUPER ANNOYING.Posted by arose32Maybe my Leo Mars balances out my Scorp Venus, cause I am not possessive or smothering. If you want to go, your free to at anytime. I hate chasing after someone. I also have a set standard of rules for myself and feel uncomfortable reaching out too much. Once a day is fine. I've never called someone back to back or done some crazy texting stuff.Posted by ShadowcatMe too. This Venus is the most smothering, contradicting, possessive, placement lol. And I have Aqua Venus .. they love me to death and hate me the next.Posted by hellosaggyI FUCKING KNEW IT.
Mars libra
Venus Scorpio
Sun Sagittarius
Moon Aries
Scorpio risingclick to expand
Posted by Astrology101they did it in their local tarot shop.Posted by AerialViewLmao ?
Gangbanged by twelve wisemen.
~Ophiuchus~click to expand
Posted by saggurl88Posted by lisabethur8My emotions are very balanced. I am considerate and kind when I get treated that way.Posted by saggurl88well considering how you just didnt care about your ex scorpio, and made him cry or called him a cry baby, are you sure you are a cancer moon scorpio venus? cause you sound kind of mean and cruel to him, (if he were my brother and you were doing that shit to him i would be pissed off at you cause i want people i love to be with good women who care about them)Posted by aflyingarrowI think it may be the not giving a fuck attitude we have just like Aquas. Sag's usually won't be stubborn and just give in like Aries cause they feel bad and want to work through it.Posted by aquarius_man"Aries women have more heart"Posted by saggurl88aries women have more heart and you can get to live real love stories with them
I'm a Sag and I find them attractive. So why aren't they on your list? Did you have to chase them?
Also, What makes you prefer Aries women over Sagittarius ones?
with my sagittarius girls, we're kinda the same, me & them, no real emotion - lotsa banter, lotsa good fun, but the relationship itself is kinda shallow and hard to pin on the map
Uh what? ?
What make you say a sag have less heart?
I can be very stubborn and just say fuck itand not care about feelings.
unless that ex of yours is a real jerk and cheated on you alot and abused you, then that's what he gets, he didnt respect you so no respect either.
the fire sign with your placement are water signs in real life, so it's soooo fucking weird to hear you write that. they are really considerate and kind and try not to hurt others.
And I didn't make him cry. He would whine when he didn't get his way. And if I don't want to do something, then I won't do it. Feel free to do what you want by yourself. I need space and don't want anyone up in my ass all day.
Luckily we never lived together cause I knew he would turn into the stalker type.
I said I still talk to him to this day, how is that not caring? If you're gonna read something that is written, read it word for word. I'm a straight shooter. There are no hidden meanings of anything. You don't need to assume anything or read between the lines. I care about everyone until you give me a reason not to.click to expand
Posted by m200991Lol!Posted by shaymaci?Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeHonestly. So did I ??
I clicked on this thread cause you used the words forlorn and doltish.?
click to expand
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