Posted by NarcissusNo. It was a spoof on the sporty theme. nvmind dude.Posted by LadyNeptuneYou wear polo?
All about that polo shirt to expand
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Posted by m200991Who shares similar?Posted by TachibanaSanYes, yes it is...Posted by m200991Her name is Sadako.Posted by AerialViewAries - Nope, Pretty close though.
aries = jason
leo = silence of the lambs
libra = SAW
scorpio = the ring?
Leo - Hannibal Lecter - Silence of the Lambs (and a few others)
Libra - John Kramer (or Jigsaw) - Saw
Scorpio - Samara Morgan - The Ring
Pretty Good Mang
Yamamura Sadako...
not whatever that is.
"Samara Morgan (born Samara Osorio) is the central antagonist of The Ring franchise, which was a remake of the Japanese psychological horror franchise Ring. She is the vengeful ghost of a young mass murderer and her character is based on Sadako Yamamura, who shares a similar backstory."click to expand
Posted by UnusualVaginalDischargeI feel you on that.Posted by thecrazyariestaurusI have thoughts like that too. But I feel my ability grows weaker with time.Posted by UnusualVaginalDischargeI'm not sure actually. I don't want to say yes, because I don't feel like it's very strong. I have had occurrences where a thought just suddenly came to me about someone and it happened later down the line.Posted by thecrazyariestaurusCan you sense the future for other people?
I have a lot of these listed.
I can read people like a book. I can tell their motives as soon as I meet them, and I've never been wrong. Sometimes I'll instantly just dislike someone but I still try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but they usually prove my intuition right.
I can also sense when something really bad is going to happen. I just feel a sense of uneasiness
I used to be able to see and sense ghosts. Haven't seen one in a while (thank god). A ghost used to follow me around when I was little lol.
I feel like the older I get the harder it is to trust my intuition. I can't tell my anxiety and intuition apart anymore. Too many mercury squares in my chart ?
For example, one of my friends told me a while back she got into a car accident. Then suddenly I started getting these thoughts that she would die in a car accident. A year later, she passed away in a car accident a day after her birthday.
When my brother was maybe 10 years old I had a random thought that he would suddenly become really into music, and become an audio engineer and his career would focus around music. Now he's 21 and graduated with a certificate in audio engineering and has his own studio.
I always had a feeling that my friend would pass away in a motorcycle accident, and he unfortunately did.
Just random things like that. But they're just thoughts that pop up out of the blue, so I don't really think anything of them.
So if you meditated and focused on a specific person, you can't see their future?click to expand
Posted by enfant_terribleI don't read nonsense.Posted by TachibanaSanPosted by enfant_terribleOr we can live andPosted by TachibanaSanYeap I'm pimping out my 5 year old self.
As many unsavory people
and pedophilic characters
here on this site lurking, ne.
I will not endanger my kids.
People do save pictures to
do what they will with them.
Fun is fun but no thank you.
I feel so used![]()
OR, we could just not let a small fraction of humanity decide our childhood photos are pornography
let live,each having
our own choices.
I stand by my choice.
Did not recall talking
to you in the first, ne.
You always come to
me,sarcasm dripping.
If you have an issue,
solve it instead of a
passive aggression
following you always.
Otherwise, direct your
idiocy and foolishness
elsewhere, because we
do not have to speak.
Good day or not, truly.
I do not really care,ne.
Lol how was that
passive aggression?
I told you how I feel
straight up.
Just cuz I have
good bytch skills
doesn't making it
passively aggressive.
I'm saying it's wrong
that children should be
sexually objectifed
in the public space
and it's not the pedophiles
who are doing it,
it's "decent" people like yourself.
Let that simmer
for a to expand
Posted by enfant_terribleLike no one herePosted by TachibanaSanPosted by enfant_terribleOr we can live andPosted by TachibanaSanYeap I'm pimping out my 5 year old self.
As many unsavory people
and pedophilic characters
here on this site lurking, ne.
I will not endanger my kids.
People do save pictures to
do what they will with them.
Fun is fun but no thank you.
I feel so used![]()
OR, we could just not let a small fraction of humanity decide our childhood photos are pornography
let live,each having
our own choices.
I stand by my choice.
Did not recall talking
to you in the first, ne.
You always come to
me,sarcasm dripping.
If you have an issue,
solve it instead of a
passive aggression
following you always.
Otherwise, direct your
idiocy and foolishness
elsewhere, because we
do not have to speak.
Good day or not, truly.
I do not really care,ne.
Lol how was that
passive aggression?
I told you how I feel
straight up.
Just cuz I have
good bytch skills
doesn't making it
passively aggressive.
I'm saying it's wrong
that children should be
sexually objectifed
in the public space
and it's not the pedophiles
who are doing it,
it's "decent" people like yourself.
Let that simmer
for a to expand
Posted by xghyThank you. :-)Posted by CopperDoveYou're very interesting.
I don't enjoy traveling, but I do like learning about and discussing other countries and cultures, so not all is lost, lol.
I don't want to live with a partner, unless the residence is divided very well so we have our own places/spaces.
I prefer quiet environments.
I'm a light sleeper (as a child I was too) so I don't sleep in the same bed as a partner, except on rare occasions. I know many couples like that - they manage just fine with separate to expand
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