Posted by bkbella86ouch!
I wish I knew more about it l. Everything is so vague on this house.
What would you say about someone having sun moon, mercury and Jupiter there in Pisces?
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Posted by Arielle83Old is your mother!Posted by GemitatiQuit projecting you big old bullyPosted by Arielle83But you want it and nothing happens, right?
You're like a puppy.
It's cute, but she's a bytch set on emasculation.
Don't let some princess walk all over you even if you feel some guilt she made you feelclick to expand
Posted by Arielle83Get what?Posted by GemitatiMy family isn't a bunch of overweight chain smokers, thirsting for married cock, so GET.Posted by Arielle83Old is your mother!Posted by GemitatiQuit projecting you big old bullyPosted by Arielle83But you want it and nothing happens, right?
You're like a puppy.
It's cute, but she's a bytch set on emasculation.
Don't let some princess walk all over you even if you feel some guilt she made you feel
Learn how to love your less than pretty family moron!click to expand
Posted by Arielle83I am sorry for your momma!Posted by GemitatiGet away. You're annoying.Posted by Arielle83Get what?Posted by GemitatiMy family isn't a bunch of overweight chain smokers, thirsting for married cock, so GET.Posted by Arielle83Old is your mother!Posted by GemitatiQuit projecting you big old bullyPosted by Arielle83But you want it and nothing happens, right?
You're like a puppy.
It's cute, but she's a bytch set on emasculation.
Don't let some princess walk all over you even if you feel some guilt she made you feel
Learn how to love your less than pretty family moron!
Go be a grandma or something. Go knit something for your grandkids. Do something nice for someone besides taking out your dentures to suck a smooth suck on a married man's dick.
Or go make your husband happy. I'm sure he's busy getting his divk wet while you're on here trying to troll like a spastic geriatric on diet pills.
Just to expand
Posted by Aerazo
Me too in female version.
I fall quick for some guys but it takes a lot for me to commit. We mainly look trust and stability.
The person must always be himslef/herself or we can tell that pretty quick, but I believe we make people feel comfortable being themselves so thats not so hard.
with Pisces in Venus I crave for intimacy that will surpass the physical realm. A connection that is rare. Which also means that once we find that connection, we fall into the person very quick.
Aqua sun definitely helps me keep that on check and not move on so fast but in my head I'm already marrying him and I already foresee how our future could be. (Based on their intellect, behavior, personality, etc).
We don't like boring people.
Posted by saweetz1988He's an aqua moon. He's moving very fast. Just started talking. Already admitted he likes me a lot. We've been talking all day non stop. Talked for 2 hours on the phone. Stopped for 45 minutes and now we're back on the phone. He initiates. We haven't met. He wants to though.
No they don't move quickly. What's the moon? the sun will always stop the emotion. Or try to resist it. This placement always have standard for the relationship. You dochave to show a bit more emotion with these folks and maybe they do go towards the more sensitive types.... for memories I think aerial view has venus in Pisces and he's with a Scorpio so there u go.
Posted by m200991You mean.... if people are depressed enough, they don't feel lonely anymore?
You can be bored because you're lonely or lonely because you're bored, and being both bored and lonely may cause you to become depressed; however, if you are depressed you're neither bored or lonely because you've stopped caring about these things.
Posted by maidenhahaha. Sounds like a good experiment.
Go away from the computer+internet+ electronics for 24-48 hours.
If you get anxious, you are bored.
If you get sad, you are depressed.
If you get sad because you are bored and you have no one to go talk to/hang out with, you are lonely.
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