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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Thank U Cansir and Tikki,
Oh and Cansir, thank U. U lay it down I must add. Yeah, XF, words in different parts of the country mean different things. Easy is emotionally available, not hard enough 2 get. Yeah, and Cansir is right. If U R easy and U dump a Cancer male. They will get back with U until U R completely hooked and dump U. Leaving U hurt like hell. Haven't had that happen though LOL!
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Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
Oh my, Sola, how I can relate! Right now, I give Libra Girl a MAXIMUM of 1 week. For a while, if she didn't get back to me in 3 days, I'd panic---BUT she'd find some excuse to call. Then it was 5 days---they have NO perception of time like the rest of us!----and she'd call just before the five days were up. Now I'm caring less, but she seems to be caring more---yes, another Libra trait---so my time is 1 week. IF it goes past a week, "Buh-bye!" But they have this radar that knows when it's really getting close to your tolerance level and call at the last minute. They DON'T want to lose the relationship, whether casual or serious. AND if they think they have, it will REALLY depress them. SO, with your Libra Guy, I'd give him a "Hi" at this point in time. And, for your sanity's sake, remember the Disappearing Act is TYPICAL and they don't have the time perception with relationships most of us do. Welcome to Libra Land!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Hey, sorry it has taken me so long .. but, you know, life gets busy. Actually, this will be better for you, since nighttime is best, dusk is an awesome time because moon is new in the night sky.
I've never taught this before, and there's so much to know. Massive amounts of information and it took me awhile to figure out the basics.
So, most of today is learning exactly what Scrying is and how it works. We'll do some, for practice, but only for a short while. Writing the steps out took a while, and so will reading it, but, once you get it down .. it's like a minute to get ready.
Now, like I said, there is much more and don't expect anything to happen today because there is physical preparations to do with your body as well (food, cleansing, exercise) and I haven't addressed any of this today.
I have pages and pages already typed up and I'll post them when your ready. It will take awhile to read. So, let me know when your ready for me to send all the info.
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Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
For Heaven's Sake, LL, ALWAYS keep your standards high. You are AWESOME.
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Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
LS, it's better off this way.
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Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
Errrrrrrrr, he's just being a Libra!
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I don't fall in love with anyone but when I met him I being a pisces felt a 'connection' with him immediately and over time it grew stronger...that's why I haven't let up on my feelings for him or given up on him...I do feel he is the one for me...and when he treated me wrong...mainly just said nasty things when I made him angry I took it as he was just being angry and didn't mean it...that's why I put up with it...
Yeah, however, U can change your ways. And if U need some help text me. I will help U and point out some areas that I can C U R weak with. However, text me. OK? I like 2 keep private conversations private.
But, your problem here is that U R captured into the connected feelings that U have. U need 2 let go of those connected feelings! Period. U R holding onto nothing. I am blunt however, I don't mean 2 say things in a mean way, just make U look at a different perspective. Don't EVER get caught up into a "connection" feeling. And yes, he knows this. U 2 should B compatible. And Pisces R usually not jealous. U should have the if U cheat I won't compete attitude. If U want these girls. They can have U. U can't have ME and them. Pick your choice. But, U R a pisces, and U the foremost thing that I see here when U say this is that U have low self esteem, low self confidence in yourself. He knows that U can't LET GO of that connection. And that may B the problem that he is not giving his time 2 U. Because instead of focusing on the connection that U 2 feel. U should B focusing on building up your level of self confidence. He will notice the change. I promise he will. Right now, he does not think U R ready. He likes U, because like Cansir stated, when Cancer men respect U, they put U on reserve. So U R on reserve right now. However, U put yourself on reserved. At least until U get yourself together. Don't worry about him. He will "FIX" himself, good 2 I must add, when U "fix" U.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Branh, I can see this in my Virgo husband. He will accept that what is done is done, however, that isn't necessarily "change". If an intimate person leaves you, and it is accepted that this is the way it is and you move on with your life .. without understanding of exactly WHY this event happened .. no change can be secured within the individual to provide personal growth .. you just change the outside environment, is all.
Where I find a huge ability to change within my Virgo, is when it involves mechanics. A place where he can organize and have everything run effeciently .. he is able to adapt to changes rather fluidly. Feelings are chaotic .. change or adapability is not easy within him, for he didn't understand it in the first place, so there can be no learing curve for change.
That's just what I've observed with mine, everybody is different.