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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Second, scrying is like a sleeping dream in the sense that the astral mind has no logical boundaries. It hasn't been programmed to only accept what our intellilect tells it is acceptable. So, to scry without direction will send random images that usually make no sense, like a dream. Therefore, it's completely different from meditiating where one just blanks the mind. If you blank your mind, and remove all thoughts .. you'll pick up whatever the deep mind wants to. So, it has to be told what you want to know. You have to fix in your conscious awareness BEFORE you start, the specific area of information you are interested in recieving, this instructs the deep mind to send data in a very narrow range. Still, even with doing this .. there is no absolute control .. the unconscious mind is not limited, so it will send an impression, whatever it picks up.
So, now, as we continue .. have something lingering in the back of your mind that will be the direction you want the deep mind to focus. You don't have to make a verbal request, just have in your mind, what you are looking for as we continue. For example: maybe you might think about a lost friend, or perhaps a historical event, maybe you want to stop yourself of something like smoking. Just keep this thought in the back of your mind, for once you submerge yourself into your psyche, your deep receptive mind will pull this thought forward.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
There is much, much more .. but, that is the basic of what scrying actually is. Teaching is all new to me and I'm not really sure where to even begin. Since we will be opening the thrid eye, we will also be opening the doorway into our psyche, which leaves us vulnerable to entities. So, most people who scry will invoke their Spirit Guide as guardian. This guide is known as ?The Higher Genuis'. This guide has been with you since birth and will remain until you die, protecting, guiding and also delivers prophetic warnings to you. One of the most famous philosopher, ?Socrates', recieved directions from his Genius in the form of what he called ?signs'.
I call upon my Genius at all times, not just when I was learning to receive messages from the astral plane. I woud recommend that if you aren't aware of him/her, then you should first become aware of this presence .. it's there to protect you.
So, once we get started, we will call upon him (it has no gender) to make his presence felt. I firmly believe that most people are subconsiously aware of their Genius, they just haven't made the connection with thier conscious minds .. your Genius brings you intuitive messages. In the last cycle of incarnate life of the soul, the Genius's presence becomes more intune .. images and impressions are sent to every individual, however, most people aren't aware .. in the last generation, people are clearly aware that there is a presence that presides over them at all times. Intuition, deja-vu's, radar .. all comes from your Genius.
You will see as we progress, that scrying uses 4 elements in it's ritual. These four elements being, none other than earth, fire, air & water.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Today, we will dabble a little with the actual scrying itself. It takes time to perfect and a lot of practice is necessary. So, don't be disappointed if you don't receive anything at first. But, we will do some divination, so you can get the feel of it.
For now, we are doing this during the day. But, this is something you will want to do at night. You don't want any sound, smells, lights, or movement .. also, your second sight is a fluid, and since water is controlled by the moon .. nighttime will produce better results.
1. Place your bowl on your cushion. In the future, try to work on making a platform out of twigs. You actually don't want the bowl to be firmly placed, you want it to be unstable without actually falling.
2. Before we open the third eye .. we must make a channel, a path for flow of information and this is done with fire. Therefore, every scryer has a candle. You must burn a candle .. ONLY ONE CANDLE. For now, any candle will do .. however, a specific candle will eventually have to be assigned.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
3. Call upon your Genius. To do this, watch your candle burning .. we are going to do everything through the channel of fire. Envision the air behind you, behind your seat. Spread the flame within your mind to encompass enough room for your Genius. With the flame of the candle, we make our sacred space. Air is very important in this ritual .. we have to have a pocket of air, called, "Sacred Space". So, when scrying, your candle will remain close to you at all times. You will create the sacred space, but, keep it small. You will use this sacred space to ward off all spirits who will try to enter. Make it known within your mind that the only spirit allowed within the space of the flame that you envision is your Genius. This guide is in spirit of the human form, though, not visible and don't try to turn around to see ?it'. Just watch the flame of the candle and feel it's presence. It may be that you are already aware of your Genius, since you are in your last cycle of life. If so, this task will be easy.
While you are scrying, your Genius will manifest, SP, but, don't try to look at it. Don't have mirrors placed or any kind of reflection. If you attempt to look at it, it will vanish from sight.
Just keep looking at the flame of the candle and feel within you, his presence. It's kind of like when you feel someone is staring at the back of your head .. that is exactly what it is. Sometimes, when my Genius is trying to manifest, I can feel a buzzing being sent to my ears. Most people will have a sensual impression, like me .. the sound of rustling robes, heavy breathing, a flowery scent. Don't be afraid of whatever it is you sense ..this is your guardian manifesting behind you, and this exact same impression will be made everytime he comes.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
4. Opening the third eye. Visualize an actual third eye in the middle of your forehead, between your brows, only smaller. This eye is known in Kundalini yoga as the "Ajna Chakra" and it is linked to with spiritual vision. This eye that you are envisioning is about the size and shape of a large almond. This eye you are thinking about is closed .. picture it in your mind.
Now, as you slowly open it's right and left lid (your physical eyes), imagine a lighted orb illuminnating .. this is it's astral light. If you have a hard time doing this, then take it in steps. First just open it's right and left lids to slits and try to envision a light flickering inbetween in the third eye. The third eye is light, not vision.
As you do this, if you can't begin to see the lighted orb, you can speak a verbal declaration:
?By my act of will, with the holy fire of my guardian angel I open and illuminate my third eye of second sight.'
You might have to practice, eventually, you will be able to see an lighted orb inbetween your physical eyes. You can't scry without this eye open.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
5. Your eye is open, your Genius is standing behind you .. dip your wand into the water and drench it. You want to also drench the outside rim of the bowl. Move the wand in clockwise circular motion. Some water may dribble onto your clothes, or run down the outside of the bowl and that is ok .. second sight is powered by the moon, which controls water flow. Water is the conductor, so water may actually fall anywhere and it will only enhance the experience. Make sure the entire rim of the bowl stays wet .. always make the circular motion around the rim clock-wise.
Ok, the stick is drenched, the rim is thoroughly wet .. what we want to create is a resonating vibration .. so angle the stick downwards (you will have to practice to find the exact angle) and start to rapidly circle the wet rim of the bowl, faster and faster until you can feel the vibration and hearing a sound resonating. We want a bell tone, but, others like zinging, may be present at first until you get the hang of it. Remember your bowl is unstable, so you will have to be careful not to let it drop. It's ok to hold the bowl with your other hand.
Sometimes, it's hard to make a sound, so you can use your finger index finger on your dominate hand . . this must be the dominate hand. If you do this, you MUST be holding earth (the stick) firmly in this dominate hand, however it must be in contact with air, so allow most of it to be exposed. We are trying to meld the elements here.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
While you produce the tone, watch the circular ripples of the water and allow this tone to lull your awareness into a recpetive state (don't worry, your Genius is right behind you). It's important that the air be perfectly quiet around you .. the only movement is the circular motion of your wand (or finger) around the bowl's rim. Again, the air needs to be very still because your extra-sensory has to be able to pick up on faint harmonic tones that are vibrating within the bell-tone of your wand.
Peridocially, stop the movement and listen to the harmonics as they fade into silence. We are doing this because we want to practice hearing the secondary tones, not the dominate ones the stick is making. Listen to it fade .. your hand has stopped, but sound still lingers for a split second. We have to train our mind to hear those tones .. these tones are the ones that resonate into the second sight. As you listen to the softer, secondary tones, draw your awareness to the depth of the water .. look beyond the water, through the water and envision a flame. At the bottom of the bowl a fire is ignited.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Eventually, once you become accomplished, this flame will burn inside the entire bowl. The water and air, inside the bowl will ignite, the stick held above the flickering flame .. the impression to one of your senses will then come. But, for now, that won't happen. Just try to see the tiny flicker of flame.
"The Burning Mirror"
Stop, for now .. don't do too much. Once you think you can see the flame, only look for a couple seconds and stop. If you cant' see the flame, don't worry because it takes time to do this. A lot of practice is necessary for most people.
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Mar 27, 2006Comments: 1 · Posts: 211 · Topics: 26
Redrovertoo: I don't think it our intent to put cancer men down or participate in a cancer bashing party. Let's face it, cancer is a very confusing sign, not that we have to understand everyone and everything about them. I will not rehash my previous posts, but tell you from the heart what truly confuses me regarding my ex cancer. I am an analytical scorpio. Having been ruled by my emotions in my younger years, bad choice after bad choices regarding men. When I met cancer guy, I thought I had met the one. He asked me to be in a committed relationship, he took me to meet his parents and brought me in to the fold of his best friends. He spoke of plans for our future and on down the line. Then one day, he realizes he is still in love with his past girlfriend. Give me a break, is being a cancer so confusing that cancer guys don't know what they feel and when they feel it, what is real and what is not.
I think, for the most part this is our delima. I love my ex cancer, or should I say I love the guy he was when he was at his best (or was that really his best, maybe the guy who withdrew from me emotionally was really being at his best?) So, the problem is all the mixed signals and mixed messages. How does any one of us out here know where reality begins and ends. How do we know what is real in their hearts and minds? My cancer still contacts me, says I am his best girl friend and says he loves me, but I have not seen him for over a month. I know you say be patient, but life is marching by while some of us sit and wait for someone to figure out (a) who they are and (b) what they really want and don't want.
I am not one for saying my cancer guy was wrong for being who he is. Damn, I know he is simply doing the best he can given where he is in his life and I do understand this. Do I wish he would get his shit together and figure himself out for himi? You bet. But things he has told me regarding his childhood and past tell me his behaviour is merely a symptom of deeply rooted problems. He acknowledges the problems, but I do not see him attempting make himself a whole person for him.
How can any of us, me included, go out in to the world and even comtemplate a loving relationship with another when we are so emotionally wounded. I think if a part of us (our selves) is dealing with past problems and issues, it takes away from our capacity to truly be ourselves and give of ourselves 100% to another.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
6. Close the third eye. While you have been scrying, you weren't aware that your Genius was touching you. The visions, or sensory impressions are brought to you through him and his hands have been on your shoulders, though, you can't feel when this actually happened because your awareness to sensations outside your mind was muffled.
Envision closing your third eye, very, very slowly .. slowly close the right and left lids with it. If necessary, verbally say: By my act of will, I withdraw the illuniating fire of holy guardian and close my third eye of second sight.
Stay still with all three eyes closed for a bit, until the process is completely done. You will feel a flowing sensation running through your body, up from your limbs, out of your anja chakra .. all this will running towards your shoulders. It is at this time, you'll feel the hands upon you as all the energy run out of you and into his palms. You'll know when it's done, you can actually feel it with your mind. If you want you can verbally make the declaration that you release him from your sacred sphere. Then you'll feel his hands lift off your shoulders and sense his withdrawal away from your chair. These declarations can be made in your head, they don't have to be verbal, but, if your more comfortable saying them out loud, just so you know for sure that your Genius can hear you .. that's fine, but, he can hear in your head.