Rough Sex

Beesh you gonna get buttslapped so hard its gonna be a crime and CSI will pull my fingerprints off your buttcheeks!


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Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by Jules-ll
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by Jules-ll
Posted by Koniuchaa
I also overwhelmingly attract Virgo Mars men.

My ex was Virgo mars/ascendent, never a hair out of place. I bet John Gatti was a virgo rising as well, in addition to his virgo moon and venus.

Seriously, the last three had Virgo Mars. I started to get to know this guy at work recently and when I checked, there it was. Virgo Mars.

But do you like them?

Yes, I do. It can be a bit awkward sometimes, but yes.
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Right? Like who is making the first step, it takes a while to get things in motion. I actually chased him, one and only man that I've ever done that with. I'm more traditional that way, prefer the man to come after me in the beginning...
I have the same exact question girl, couldn’t find the answer!

I have this Scorpio who keeps observing me for a long time, I even tried some tricks to see if he will still look at/for me in the crowd, which he did. I feel now people around me starts noticing him staring at me when I’m not looking at him or aware of it. But he doesn’t really care! Super focused attention that scares me off sometimes.
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by AerialView
Posted by oxSunQueenxo
Posted by AerialView
Posted by raad182
Posted by AerialView
Venus is dead there 😑
wow, would you mind to share some traits?
they don't flirt and I think they don't like PDA as well.
I hate PDA and I'm a Leo. The most I'll do in public is handholding and goodbye pecks. That's it.

For the flirting part... I probably agree with @AerialView, but you have to take into account other personal placements. I'm shy, but my Leo Sun makes it seem like I'm not. It's a cool cover-up for how I actually feel on the inside, lol.
My first true relationship was with a Virgo sun. But she has Leo Venus and mars (your reverse placement). Probably the most affectionate person I have ever been with. She really loves to do PDA. Like she was expecting everyone to watch us when we did it. I was OK with that lol.
That was her Leo placements. I have Leo Venus too and I am all about PDA.

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Yassssss 🙌🙌🙌 I love Leo Venus
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Posted by lisabethur8

that "can't stay in a dead end job" makes me lol

cause honestly if i said that to my future man (before i married)

he would literally tell me to fuck off.

literally say just like terramine said, you're not entitled to my success bitch. lol

edit alot of men HATE entitled bitches.

How is it ridiculous to expect your mate to share the load with you financially?

Are you supposed to suffer financially or carry the load financially for the rest of your life because you chose "love" over financial stability and security for not just yourself but the future children you'd most likely be having in the future?

You act as though women on here are saying they want doctors and CEO's. All they're asking for is financial stability and security. Both of which should be important to ANYONE entering a serious relationship whether they be male or female.

if he stays a postman, then what?? you gonna leave him? or he stays a truck driver? it's time to divorce?

then all you care about is money.

maybe LIVE within your means/your needs. dont go luxury and budgt.

it's not hard. people live within their means all the time though.

even both couples working full time with 30,000 a year income on average.
Dead end job is the Starbucks barista with an engineering degree who is content to make coffee for minimum wage.

All the examples your saying, truck drivers and postal workers make good money. If your unionized your set for life.

I'm not sure where you can survive off of 30k in the us without being stuck in the rent trap? A 1bd/1ba rental here will cost you 20k for the year. It's not about luxury and excess, it's about quality of life.

In order to afford to own property and have children you need to make over 100k these days. Unless you were fortunate enough to inherit property or purchase 20 years ago. The struggle is real 😅
i just went to look up statistics in the U.S. and the AVERAGE income is 30k for individuals.

so if it's average, then alot of other people make even maybe less than that.

the wealthy are actually a smaller percentage if you think about it. All that stuff on Forbes are for the elite folks who probably never seen a soup kitchen.
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Where are you getting your numbers??

The nationwide median income is 53k.
uh @terramine, actually people that see you treat your woman like a goddess look up to you.

those who treat their women like pieces of shit, are looked down upon.


lol@motivating people to call them out on their shit due to their lack of intelligence.

I have a Gemini Ex who I went out with for 6 months last year, He broke up with me back in December last year. We still talk every day and we've been going through the toxic loop. I wanted to make things work. I laid everything out on the table and he always says he doesn't know what he wants but he can't stop talking or texting me so we decided to be friends but we were always more than just friends because we still have sex and sex is fantastic with him. At this point, I just want him to cop on because he doesn't want to move on and yet he doesn't want to make things better for us. I this morning I decided to leave him altogether.

On the other hand, since I wasn't in a relationship. This year technically speaking, I've started off as being single. Went on few dates and came across one guy. He's Aries. At the start, we were both just looking for casual dating as he's moving away to NY for a year. Long story short, I fell for him hard. But he's such a challenge. He also has this effect on me where I overthink everything when it comes to him because I like him so much. When he moved to NY last month, I was prepared to be single again even though I was super devasted. He ended up texting me every day and rining me. We got into a bad fight 2 weeks ago because he forgot my birthday and I made a deal about it but he knew it was more than that. I bottled things up with him because I wanted him to be happy. so we laid it all out and he got super mad at me for not telling him how I feel about him. Anyway, he knows I love him. but we never defined the relationship. I'm visiting him in 5 weeks and I can't wait but I don't think he's interested anymore. He's texting me less. I've confronted him before and he said he's stress because he's still looking for a job and get settled in etc..

I think the problem is me. I once had this perfect relationship with a Libra man 5 years ago and let me tell you I was stupid and I didn't treat him right. since then every relationship I've been in I always compared to the one I had with him. He would do anything for me.

I regret it everyday thinking back and wishing I could go back and treat him right. I'm not in love with the Libra ex anymore. I just miss the idea of being loved and loving someone,

I'm so tired of not being able to open up and connect with people. please tell me I'm not the only one.

Any one who's been through this, please tell me there's hope.
Posted by Ixion
here a conversion chart for you:
Ok but does this mean Timberlands made in the US have US sizing printed inside and in UK have UK size printed inside? Or all no matter where sold have US size printed on them?
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
Posted by lisabethur8

that "can't stay in a dead end job" makes me lol

cause honestly if i said that to my future man (before i married)

he would literally tell me to fuck off.

literally say just like terramine said, you're not entitled to my success bitch. lol

edit alot of men HATE entitled bitches.

How is it ridiculous to expect your mate to share the load with you financially?

Are you supposed to suffer financially or carry the load financially for the rest of your life because you chose "love" over financial stability and security for not just yourself but the future children you'd most likely be having in the future?

You act as though women on here are saying they want doctors and CEO's. All they're asking for is financial stability and security. Both of which should be important to ANYONE entering a serious relationship whether they be male or female.

if he stays a postman, then what?? you gonna leave him? or he stays a truck driver? it's time to divorce?

then all you care about is money.

maybe LIVE within your means/your needs. dont go luxury and budgt.

it's not hard. people live within their means all the time though.

even both couples working full time with 30,000 a year income on average.
Dead end job is the Starbucks barista with an engineering degree who is content to make coffee for minimum wage.

All the examples your saying, truck drivers and postal workers make good money. If your unionized your set for life.

I'm not sure where you can survive off of 30k in the us without being stuck in the rent trap? A 1bd/1ba rental here will cost you 20k for the year. It's not about luxury and excess, it's about quality of life.

In order to afford to own property and have children you need to make over 100k these days. Unless you were fortunate enough to inherit property or purchase 20 years ago. The struggle is real 😅
i just went to look up statistics in the U.S. and the AVERAGE income is 30k for individuals.

so if it's average, then alot of other people make even maybe less than that.

the wealthy are actually a smaller percentage if you think about it. All that stuff on Forbes are for the elite folks who probably never seen a soup kitchen.
Where are you getting your numbers??

The nationwide median income is 53k.
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it has gone up since last two years,

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2016 was $ 849 per week or $ 44,148 per year for a 40-hour work week.

Wages were 2.9 percent higher than at the same date for the previous year, a gain of 1.8 percent.

However, salaries can vary significantly based on both on occupation and location. For example, people working in professional, management and related occupations earned an average of $ 63,076 annually, while those working in service occupations only earned an average of $ 28, 080 annually. Jobs in large metropolitan cities which have a higher cost of living tend to pay more than jobs in more rural areas."

so those with salaries.earning in a service occupation are average less than 30k...

that's alot of people. and you got to think of the area too. how many living in the midwest and so forth.

Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by WarAngel1
If it's a scorpio or Taurus man, they have their reasons.
Care to explain...

I want to compare the notes with you. Lol
We are observing your behavior to determine if you are worth our time or not. Think of it as a job interview you aren't prepared for.
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I know! I had one that lasted 5 years. But I've got the job' lol part-time but anyway...😂💦

Posted by Terramine
Posted by lisabethur8
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2016 was $ 849 per week or $ 44,148 per year for a 40-hour work week.

Okay this doesn't make sense to me because that would mean most people were getting paid DOUBLE the federal minimum wage. Which is clearly false? Even the states with the highest minimum wages don't go anywhere near that far?

Most places I've lived, net you $ 600- $ 700 every /TWO WEEKS/.
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i believe wikipedia is better...

"Persons, age 25+, employed full-time $ 30,598"

that's saying that those who haven't finished high school or getting GED.

that's actually alot of people.