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Posted by IxionOk but does this mean Timberlands made in the US have US sizing printed inside and in UK have UK size printed inside? Or all no matter where sold have US size printed on them?
here a conversion chart for you: https://www.shiekhshoes.com/t-SizeChart.aspx
Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by lisabethur8Where are you getting your numbers??Posted by LadyNeptunei just went to look up statistics in the U.S. and the AVERAGE income is 30k for individuals.Posted by lisabethur8Dead end job is the Starbucks barista with an engineering degree who is content to make coffee for minimum wage.Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxXif he stays a postman, then what?? you gonna leave him? or he stays a truck driver? it's time to divorce?Posted by lisabethur8
that "can't stay in a dead end job" makes me lol
cause honestly if i said that to my future man (before i married)
he would literally tell me to fuck off.
literally say just like terramine said, you're not entitled to my success bitch. lol
edit alot of men HATE entitled bitches.
How is it ridiculous to expect your mate to share the load with you financially?
Are you supposed to suffer financially or carry the load financially for the rest of your life because you chose "love" over financial stability and security for not just yourself but the future children you'd most likely be having in the future?
You act as though women on here are saying they want doctors and CEO's. All they're asking for is financial stability and security. Both of which should be important to ANYONE entering a serious relationship whether they be male or female.
then all you care about is money.
maybe LIVE within your means/your needs. dont go luxury and budgt.
it's not hard. people live within their means all the time though.
even both couples working full time with 30,000 a year income on average.
All the examples your saying, truck drivers and postal workers make good money. If your unionized your set for life.
I'm not sure where you can survive off of 30k in the us without being stuck in the rent trap? A 1bd/1ba rental here will cost you 20k for the year. It's not about luxury and excess, it's about quality of life.
In order to afford to own property and have children you need to make over 100k these days. Unless you were fortunate enough to inherit property or purchase 20 years ago. The struggle is real 😅
so if it's average, then alot of other people make even maybe less than that.
the wealthy are actually a smaller percentage if you think about it. All that stuff on Forbes are for the elite folks who probably never seen a soup kitchen.
The nationwide median income is 53k.click to expand
Posted by WarAngel1I know! I had one that lasted 5 years. But I've got the job' lol part-time but anyway...😂💦Posted by GemitatiWe are observing your behavior to determine if you are worth our time or not. Think of it as a job interview you aren't prepared for.Posted by WarAngel1Care to explain...
If it's a scorpio or Taurus man, they have their reasons.
I want to compare the notes with you. Lolclick to expand
Posted by Terraminei believe wikipedia is better...Posted by lisabethur8
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2016 was $ 849 per week or $ 44,148 per year for a 40-hour work week.
Okay this doesn't make sense to me because that would mean most people were getting paid DOUBLE the federal minimum wage. Which is clearly false? Even the states with the highest minimum wages don't go anywhere near that far?
Most places I've lived, net you $ 600- $ 700 every /TWO WEEKS/.click to expand
Posted by queenaries_How is it weird and not cool?Posted by lisabethur8Same. When I was in college years ago, I would just mind my business. I guess a lot of men would observe me because years later they would come up to me saying they knew me from the college I went too. Hymn... never seen them in my life.Posted by queenaries_i like men of action.
Don’t they know they look ridiculous and creepy
so i dont blame you.
It’s just weird and not coolclick to expand
Posted by TachibanaSanOR maybe you just can't orgasm..
Four children delivered.
Last one on the way, ne.
This article is such lies.
Posted by aquarius_manDating app... not fb. We met on a dating site. Your answer doesnt relate in anyway to what I wrotePosted by AquaNextDoor
My cap checked my dating profile over 2 months almost daily! (I could see who visited my profile lol) he never wrote me until I wrote him and asked him if he wants to stare or start talkin 😂
He told me he thought he wouldnt have a chance so he waited for me to reach out - sweet but lazy pisces mars!!
EVERYONE can see who's visited their profile, you don't need an app for that, the FB algorithm is easy: whoever visited your profile is at the top of your friends list/ chat.click to expand
Posted by TerramineYou can write a library on insecurity.Posted by hazyFlo
I’m not going to change my opinion, whether you insult me or don’t. My knowledge and love for science will take me farther in helping people, more than you could spit fire at me on the internet. I choose to have a job lol
I actually know vastly more than you in terms of both knowledge and science? But that's not the point.
The point was, both you and that other user can recognize when some people are at a disadvantage and progress slower than others because of things beyond your own control. You progressed slower than others to reach having a job. BUT YOU STILL ARROGANTLY EXPECT EVERYONE ELSE TO MOVE NO SLOWER THAN YOU.click to expand
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