Posted by Klh1203Awww im so sorry! Wow he married a Pisces??? And you are a Pisces? and you have Scorpio moon and you need space? What? lolPosted by saweetz1988Thank you, awww I’m just like you. I’m a Pisces with a Scorpio moon and Aries Venus lol I don’t kniw why I’m like this.Posted by Klh1203Posted by saweetz1988My mum is a Libra, she said whenever dad would go distant and not contact her for weeks she didn’t care she would just leave him to it 😂 I think I get that from her. But I’m a Libra rising so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it but I never give people any attention when they run off my bestfriend is a Gemini who constantlyPosted by Klh1203Imao. What's ur mumsPosted by saweetz1988It’s not really about my situation I was just researching about Aquarius because I haven’t really come across much, me and my dad were very close and he was one but I can’t really base my knowledge of them off my dad. This was just a question because on the internet I see a lot of women say they have had issues with Aquarius men becoming distant and disappearing then coming back because they want their own space. I asked my mother about her experience dating my dad and she said the same thing, so it lead to me ask how would you know then if an Aquarius is uninterested in you? Because if they do this to people they are interested in then how would you know if they aren’t lolPosted by Klh1203Can u explain ur stories again? I think if he totally cut u off. Stop responding. Being completely cold... n not wanting to compromise at all., my thoughts only.. but these things r better to check in person. They r much better face to face.. thats when u noe where u truly stand in their life .... their eyes say a lot I find
This whole distant thing seems common, so how would he show he just not that in to you?
Sign? Do u like ur dad as an Aquarius? Is he cold?
Needs her space so I leave her alone lol and I always know when she’s ready to speak again 😂
I was very close with my dad literally so close with him we did frustrate and clash at times but I was closer to him than my mother I wanted him to raise me and not her lol she took it so personal
My dad was a very cold person he never showed any emotion or anything really, and I loved it Lol!! My mum is too loving and emotional and I was a very cold Pisces growing up I hated all that stuff she would smother me in so much kisses daily and she would hate the fact I hated kisses and amounts of affection.
My dad on the other hand obviously had his affectionate moments, for instance he lived in London and I lived 2 hours away from him so we didn’t get to see each other as often so when it would be time to go home of course I would get a simple hug and kiss on the cheek, but when he was on his death bed that’s the only time he was real affectionate because he knew he was going.
I’m now a mother myself and I am the same with my kids, I kiss them sometimes and hug them but I show love in a different way, sometimes I feel bad for this. But even with their dad who was a Taurus I was with him 7 years and we never hardly kissed or anything like that, not hold hands but we was in love definitely and showed love in our own way. This is why I feel this Aquarius guy would be perfect for me, but apart of me is scared because one day he could go cold and never come back. That’s the scariest feeling to have and once I fall in love with him then I’ll be broken.
I really need someone to sit with me and look through my chart because I have a few traits in me that are very Aquarius Lol. My Aquarius guy asked me about my personality and I told him I liked to have a lot of space and sometimes would go quiet and not speak to anyone, this was before I knew Aquarius people did this and he loved that about me lol
WOw thanks for sharing ur stories. But wait what is ur sun sign?? Omg im the same . I need a lot of space. I need a guy that get that about me.. I have moon n mars in Aqua. I wanan do what the heck I wanna do. Give love to the world. That's why I get it u noe what I mean! I just came back from a big dinner with the Aqua and all my dancing friends . N honestly we just looks at each other from time to time with deep stares then I go back and entertained all my othe friends and made them all laugh while he's doing the same. We love to make other people have a good time lol.. like I don't noe, I just feel like I'm a bit different in that sense.. a few men along the line wanted exclusive so soon n serious so quickly n I'm never ready. LoL.. there's more to life than a relationship. That word scares me.. haha even though I'm a Taurus sun.. I still feel a high need of independence ... are u parents still toghee? interesting how ur Aqua dad is cold n u might b very much suited to this Aqua guy... aww I wish it all goes well.. I think once they know u give them all freedom, they will never really leave you n will always come back hahhaa.. I want that in my partner too.. so.. but wish u all the best
My mum and dad divorced when I was a baby but my father passed away 6 years ago and he always loved my Mum. He married a Pisces after my to expand