How would an Aqua man show he’s uninterested

Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Aquarius3189
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by Klh1203
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by Klh1203
Posted by Capmercury87
Actually you will never know

See, I read somewhere online that it’s actually hard to tell whether an Aquarius likes you or not lmao.

This Aquarius Man who has distanced himself from me and ignored my messages has been watching my videos that I post and always like the first to watch them then he will post something similar to catch my attention and if I give it him he’ll be cold or just ignore my message 😩 I give up Lol !

He leaves you on read? 😩

What's his mercury

I still don’t know his birthday it’s so frustrating, he ignored me when I asked him for his birthday LOL

Then the next day I messaged him he said sorry he was working and he forgot what I said


He always leaves me on read ALL THE TIME

What mercury do you think he could be 😩

I would excuse the forgetfulness im an aqua and I do this alot, its just memory problems not deliberate.

I feel like he might have a scorpio mercury

Maybe Aries...

If you know how old he is I can do a guestimate birth chart

I also do think the forgetfulness is the Aqua thing. From one year experience with them omg I laugh it off how much he forgets it's crazy! One time we talked about his ex including her name and a lot about her n even share photos n her ex current bf. Fast forward months and months later I mentioned her name n he's like. How did u know her name? ... I was like you got to b kidding hahahaha he wudnt believe me. His memories are like a gold fish. we discuss something fun n exciting n the next day he forgets... ok, we discussed the fetish thing... the dominant role or wharvee n that we should try... meanwhile I am doing my intense resech for days later he says! Oh wait I already forgot about that... hahaha it's really horrible. Is it really an Aqua thing????

Yeah it is.

I always joke about how I only have one brain cell.

Even though people tell me I'm smart and funny I always feel bad about my memory because I've had people get mad at me, like scream and yell at me over my memory.

There's little things about my bf that I forget about that I feel every partner should remember because its some one you care about, but he assures me its ok cause his memory is bad too..not as bad tho.

This one time I ate breakfast walked to the front door and said to myself wow I should eat breakfast and I made another bowl of cereal, and it didn't dawn on me until I saw my dirty bowl in the sink.

I've taking supplements to help but nothing helps. Although I have good memory for a few things.

Oh my gooooooodddddd the breakfast thing??? Holly crap!!! I wonder why Aqua is so forgetful!! Like what goes on in that head. I think I will send him tons of fish oil for Christmas it gets annoying honestly. Coz I love Sharing stuff with him like articles n things we talk about. N the next day he forgets. It's like omg u were so fun in the moment. Hahaha I think when Aqua talk or their ideas come up they r like air.. they come n go very quickly lol

you dont wanna know whats going on in our heads,we wont tell either coz only a few can understand and not weirded out by it,a lot of aquas has insomnia its really hard to sleep if you have a lot on your mind thinking god knows what😂,and yes the forget small things yup its our trait,its like this we dont give attention to small things we always think of the bigger picture already so we left out all the not important things,people get pissed at me for being forgetful even my gf still isnt used in me being like that

Hey hey hey the bigger picture thing maybe we are on to something. Come on spill it out, what kind of bigger picture? Are you busy planning and visualising your life 1-2 years from now while discussing small things just to please the person u r talking to? lol do u take supplements? IMAo

click to expand

lol no i dont take supplements,kind of visualising but more of thinking a lot of things its very hard to explain,my aqua friend usually thinks her whole day before going to bed and planning her next step,while i think not just the whole day but also the past,present,future,analyzing things just what our mind zap in at the moment and we dont have a control over it,thats why i dont like small talks my mind will literally wonder off if your not making sense or you cant keep my attention with the topic you have started,i may be looking at your eyes and nodding and responding but my mind is already elsewhere thinking something with much depth and what makes sense to us,i was gonna say if you want to know if we are listening ask us what you have just said but im used to thinking while talking to someone i can repeat it but you woudnt know that im not 100% listening(blame my scorp gf i have to develop those skills coz its hell when she is pissed😂),but when we were starting thats how she knew i wasnt listening and all hell would Break loose,something you folks can use with us aquas if you wanna know if we are really listening😉