Can someone help me to understand what is going on in his Aquarian mind?

Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by MondayMorning

Thank you, that's really comforting. I thought he was just playing with me, seeing if he could still have me or something.

If I care about someone the LAST thing I do is ignore them or date someone else, so this is tough for me.

What am I supposed to do? Patience? Be his friend?
Hmm. I don't know. Each Aqua is different. Don't throw yourself at him. Let him struggle for a while' for you. Tease him. And try to see how often he initiates contact. How much he perseveres in pursuing you. Consistency will show you if he really wants to commit or will settle for ''loving you but not having you''. Aqua likes it like this: no pressure on him to be your lover - so he can keep his freedom intact - but also close to you so he won't lose you. I would have some patience (couple of months), but would eventually tell him what's what, take it or leave it.
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Sounds exhausting