Can someone help me to understand what is going on in his Aquarian mind?

Posted by Mr_Pinchy
Posted by MondayMorning

I already did text him to thank him, and he was standoffish and distant Sad That was 5 days ago now and he didn't continue the conversation. He is so strange! I know from experience this means he has headed off to his doubts again so I leave him alone.

I think he finds it comforting after being intimate with one woman to be quickly intimate with someone else. Maybe a defence mechanism
lel, you come to the womans house in the middle of the night with food, clean up her and her germ infasted place, risking infection of your own and all you get is a text. And that is after youve been rejected already.

I think he is distant because he is drowning in your gratitude. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

That was sarcasm btw, call, dont text...

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true.. maybe give him a call. smile listen to mr punchy :p