Posted by tizianiit is for me. I've met other scorpio men in the past and i just couldnt get past friendshiip. they're really good guys. no complaints.Posted by aquarius_manone of the best relationships in the zodiac imho.Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by aquarius_manYes thisPosted by MondayMorningwow. tough. he acts very immature for his age. confront him directly then - either you want me and commit, or let me be. go to your women, you could add, for dramatic effect.
this Aqua is 46 years old!!!
I was with two aqua men.....they were faithful to me but I never felt they were ever fully present
I find aqua men not to be the best in one to one intimate relationships, especially for Scorpio women
i dont think they match, scorpio's not good for aqua, either. thats why i am always surprised to find out there are such relationships at allclick to expand