Can someone help me to understand what is going on in his Aquarian mind?

Posted by tiziani
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by MondayMorning
this Aqua is 46 years old!!!
wow. tough. he acts very immature for his age. confront him directly then - either you want me and commit, or let me be. go to your women, you could add, for dramatic effect.

Yes this

I was with two aqua men.....they were faithful to me but I never felt they were ever fully present

I find aqua men not to be the best in one to one intimate relationships, especially for Scorpio women

i dont think they match, scorpio's not good for aqua, either. thats why i am always surprised to find out there are such relationships at all

one of the best relationships in the zodiac imho.

click to expand
it is for me. I've met other scorpio men in the past and i just couldnt get past friendshiip. they're really good guys. no complaints.

but my man got all the ingredients.