How would an Aqua man show he’s uninterested

I’m just confused by this man i met him one time but I didn’t give him my number because I wasn’t initially interested we spoke over social media then as we got closer I asked him to take my number down and he did but disappeared after. When he came back I confronted him about it and told him that he still hasn’t text me, so he text me but by then I had a different number so I asked him for his number so I can text him and he said one second then dissapeares again.

But before that he was telling me how beautiful he thinks I am, and that he could see me being the type he marries and just asking me what would make me a good wife etc the conversations were boring on his side but overall they were fine and relaxed we had a lot of laughs but the moment I want to contact his number it’s a problem so I just assume he has a girlfriend I don’t know

I told him I’m coming off social media and I wouldn’t want to lose contact with him, I’ve come off social media now so it’s his loss but I really am dissapointed because I did like him a lot and I thought he felt the same too, he helped me get over my past relationship and now I can just see myself going back to my ex Taurus because it’s knocked my confidence down ALOT.

It’s like why get so close and then as soon as I say something you back off?