Posted by tizianilol
Sometimes I just dream of doing it missionary.
You know, take it back to the beginning. No one does the classics anymore.
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Posted by SPARKY6922Move on. All you know is that it was just a good date. If she isn't responding there's nothing else for you to think about. Respect her space and that she isn't in her best place. Think that you don't know her or her intentions. And that this modern dating. Like a friend of mine says, don't take anything for granted until the 5th or 6th date.
Well she could respond with a Yes, No or simply thanks for the invite but I'm not ready yet or something.
Yes, met on on-line dating site.
I asked her on the date if she was ready for dating mentally and she kinda of hesitated and said yes but I could be reading into it too much.
The thing is she is the listing agent on this house her and her ex boyfriend own together. He has been stalking her and calling her boss to complain about her. I told her it might be best to just give up the listing to someone else if you don't can't deal with him. I would just ignore him and try to let it not bother you. They have an offer on the house but it's not closing till the end of November. I said great just look at the big picture you only have to deal with him for another 40 days.
I hope this brought more light to the story.....
I just think it's give a response in a timely manor.
Any thoughts?
Posted by MyStarsShineThis is sounding fun, I'll take a blow torch and welding gloves just for good measurePosted by Jules-llI'm a first decan
I have a first date tonight with a fake Scorpio, but he's a first decan so scorpio/scorpio ruled by pluto. I've only dated second decans, so I want some deets on you mofos.
If you never hear from me again just know that I'm handcuffed in a basement somewhere, loving life finally...
Take a shovel, a hammer and some rope
🔪🦂click to expand
or not, Aries men tend to be quite inconsistent too. They complain about us, gems, being inconsistent, undecided and moody, but their exactly the same. Probably you texted him at the wrong time and he was mad, or annoyed or actually busy at work. Most likely that was his way of saying “I’m not interested anymore”. Most of the time they’re pretty straightforward like if they’re busy you know it. And he went MIA because he was sure you were going to come back to him. Anyway in this situations I like to say well “your loss aries man”. Besides he’s not the only man on the Planet. It’s great that you managed to get over him pretty quickly. Unfortunately I’m that gemini who falls really hard haha. Thank youPosted by GeminiGirl052388Posted by diamondgeminiWell, the aries man forgot that I am a gemini and I can turn my feelings on and off when I want to. The moment he started disappearing on me, I started entertaining other men more and went on a date with a Sagthe following week. Actually, I want to share an update as well. Last night, I sent him a text which I got from watching Matthew Hussey's video. I said to him that I had fun with him but I need my space because I dont want to be with a person who is confused. He responded and said that he thought it was early for me to worry about lack of communication when he was working. I was like WTF. He went cold and MIA for a week. Was he expecting that I just wait for him? I told him its good to know how he felt and it was good for me to let him know how I felt too. He said he is a little too independent for me. I said he's not independent. He's inconsistent. Removed him from all my social media. And that was it. Girl, if a man doesnt treat you right, its time to move on. And move on fast. Dont waste your time.
Hey thank you for your advice. Yes aries man tend to be really selfish and I can be selfish myself but they go over board. How did you manage to get over him then? I have been having such a hard time, I even stopped talking to him for months but I still liked him. He is extremely handsome and charming and can be the nicest and funniest person sometimes. And we have a lot of things in common so... Anyway, really, how did you do it?Posted by GeminiGirl052388
Gem girl, take this from another gem who's been in a situation with an aries not so long ago (and bittercupcake knows about this and many others) dont waste your time. Aries men... arent for us. They are intense but inconsistent. It will be about them and them only. Run for the hills. This is not good for you. I swore I would never get involved with an aries man after what happened.
"After he left, I cried for a week. And then I realized I do have faith. Faith in myself. Faith that I would one day meet someone... who would be sure that I was the one." - Carrie Bradshaw, Sex in the Cityclick to expand
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