Posted by hydorahYes, I'm so mad. What gave me away??
it seems LN is angry after you, which means she wants your d. As for damnata, I thought it was already a done deal
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or not, Aries men tend to be quite inconsistent too. They complain about us, gems, being inconsistent, undecided and moody, but their exactly the same. Probably you texted him at the wrong time and he was mad, or annoyed or actually busy at work. Most likely that was his way of saying “I’m not interested anymore”. Most of the time they’re pretty straightforward like if they’re busy you know it. And he went MIA because he was sure you were going to come back to him. Anyway in this situations I like to say well “your loss aries man”. Besides he’s not the only man on the Planet. It’s great that you managed to get over him pretty quickly. Unfortunately I’m that gemini who falls really hard haha. Thank youPosted by GeminiGirl052388Posted by diamondgeminiWell, the aries man forgot that I am a gemini and I can turn my feelings on and off when I want to. The moment he started disappearing on me, I started entertaining other men more and went on a date with a Sagthe following week. Actually, I want to share an update as well. Last night, I sent him a text which I got from watching Matthew Hussey's video. I said to him that I had fun with him but I need my space because I dont want to be with a person who is confused. He responded and said that he thought it was early for me to worry about lack of communication when he was working. I was like WTF. He went cold and MIA for a week. Was he expecting that I just wait for him? I told him its good to know how he felt and it was good for me to let him know how I felt too. He said he is a little too independent for me. I said he's not independent. He's inconsistent. Removed him from all my social media. And that was it. Girl, if a man doesnt treat you right, its time to move on. And move on fast. Dont waste your time.
Hey thank you for your advice. Yes aries man tend to be really selfish and I can be selfish myself but they go over board. How did you manage to get over him then? I have been having such a hard time, I even stopped talking to him for months but I still liked him. He is extremely handsome and charming and can be the nicest and funniest person sometimes. And we have a lot of things in common so... Anyway, really, how did you do it?Posted by GeminiGirl052388
Gem girl, take this from another gem who's been in a situation with an aries not so long ago (and bittercupcake knows about this and many others) dont waste your time. Aries men... arent for us. They are intense but inconsistent. It will be about them and them only. Run for the hills. This is not good for you. I swore I would never get involved with an aries man after what happened.
"After he left, I cried for a week. And then I realized I do have faith. Faith in myself. Faith that I would one day meet someone... who would be sure that I was the one." - Carrie Bradshaw, Sex in the Cityclick to expand
Posted by Jules-lldamn sorry to hear about that.Posted by lisabethur8Posted by Jules-llhave you done your parents charts?Posted by lisabethur8Posted by Jules-llum i'm an aquarius sun, and i posted on this topic. lolPosted by DropOfJupiter
I am very happy that all you comment in this topic and that there are actually some of us.![]()
Everything you mention happens to me.
I read in your posts about being introverts, about need some solitude, not too much for me i add.
About express yourself through writing.
About be highly sensitive and empaths and cry easily.
About hide your emotions of others, feeling you dont belong anywhere.
My experience with 12 is pretty weird.
At first i want to say that i have never read natal astrology from a book.Its all from internet.
Also my experience is more from videos and articles and forum and less from real life interactions with others, although i analyze my friends natal charts.
I have analyze my chart a lot.Still could learn more things.
So i was in a chart in that show your planets coloured in a diagram and each one be in a diffrent percentage.
So i thought the planets that have more influence on me are Saturn (my chart ruler and a cap stellium) ,Mars ,Uranus,Neptune ,Jupiter
And like moon and sun being very low in influence which pissed me off.
My experience with 12th now.
I have my moon in cap there.I read moon in the 12th indicates a mother who is emotionally unavailable and also cap ( well cap happens to be her sun sign too).
Then with mercury in your 12th house you are probably introvert, keep your thoughts and emotions ( moon) to yourself.Dont speak when you want to.Have a vivid imagination.Can express better through writing or art.
And about Mars in 12th.
Mars is a dynamic planet and a warrior and does not feel really well inside of 12 house.
You may feel like caged.
You cant express your anger and thing anger is an inappropriate and unacceptable emotion , which belief was most possibly transferred to you by your parents.
You may keep adding anger till one day you blow up.Anger has to be expressed in an unharmful way and NOT respressed.
My mars is cap 17 and my Asc is cap 19 so it really between the two houses laying in 12th.That means that i probably express my cap mars and dont actually realise it that much.
To finish this post i have Neptune in Capricorn in my 1st house in conjuction with Venus.
Neptune in 1st obfuscates your vision and most importantly the image you have for yourself (Ascendant).Makes you highly sensitive to other people , their action and energy and highly tuned to sense and intake their energies.You can be quite artistic and see the world in a bit of illiusionary way.
Thats all my 12th and pisces placements pretty much.
And i search a lot about it cause my cap is you know practical and grounded and then this 12 messes it up and cause me distress.
Ι wait for more of your thoughts on this![]()
So glad there is a thread for this, we are unique and empathetic and intuitive and sensitive people...
Yes to not being able to show not only anger, but emotions in general. I grew up in a house with two aquarian parents, they are the most emotionless people ever. So I was made to feel unusual for displaying any feelings. My pisces sister and I are so grateful for each other! Physical exercise is a good outlet for anger, as are sex, meditation and pilates/yoga.
The feeling like there is no belonging, I get that frequently like there is already one foot in the other world...
Another topic is music, how important is music in your lives? I don't know that I could function without it!!
so the irony.
Wasn't generalizing about aquas, talking about my parents as emotionless...
By the way, you don't come off strongly as an Aqua. Hmmm, I pick something else up but not sure what yet.
and like what?
I have. mom is aqua w/leo moon, dad is aqua w/aries moon. My only brother passed away unexpectedly 4 weeks ago, I was holding his hand in the ICU as his heart stopped. My mother didn't shed a tear, didn't get up, hold his hand, touch him at all. That's fucking cold to watch your first born child pass away without crying. It could have been a complete stranger in the room and I would have cried. Later one of my sisters (also aqua) said to me "you're really taking this hard aren't you?" Uh yeah, I watched my only brother die a few hours ago, I am definitely taking it hard. wtf?
I sense Cancer/4th house in you, you post a lot about family and to expand
n’t agree more with what you said! They are quite inconsisent and moody too, and when they really want someone they go after her. When I first met this guy he was extremely clingy and annoying and always texting me and wanted to hangout but I had to lie to him and ruin it! Anyway thank you for the tipPosted by LibraLovesHimPosted by GeminiGirl052388Just an fyi for those wanting to date Aries. They may well not be consistent from the get go. They are not as "easy" as other men. When they have decided that someone/thing is worth their time they are all in focused on it-its up to you to convince him that that is you. They are about as psychic as the other 11signs when it comes to womenPosted by diamondgeminiWell, the aries man forgot that I am a gemini and I can turn my feelings on and off when I want to. The moment he started disappearing on me, I started entertaining other men more and went on a date with a Sagthe following week. Actually, I want to share an update as well. Last night, I sent him a text which I got from watching Matthew Hussey's video. I said to him that I had fun with him but I need my space because I dont want to be with a person who is confused. He responded and said that he thought it was early for me to worry about lack of communication when he was working. I was like WTF. He went cold and MIA for a week. Was he expecting that I just wait for him? I told him its good to know how he felt and it was good for me to let him know how I felt too. He said he is a little too independent for me. I said he's not independent. He's inconsistent. Removed him from all my social media. And that was it. Girl, if a man doesnt treat you right, its time to move on. And move on fast. Dont waste your time.
Hey thank you for your advice. Yes aries man tend to be really selfish and I can be selfish myself but they go over board. How did you manage to get over him then? I have been having such a hard time, I even stopped talking to him for months but I still liked him. He is extremely handsome and charming and can be the nicest and funniest person sometimes. And we have a lot of things in common so... Anyway, really, how did you do it?Posted by GeminiGirl052388
Gem girl, take this from another gem who's been in a situation with an aries not so long ago (and bittercupcake knows about this and many others) dont waste your time. Aries men... arent for us. They are intense but inconsistent. It will be about them and them only. Run for the hills. This is not good for you. I swore I would never get involved with an aries man after what happened.
"After he left, I cried for a week. And then I realized I do have faith. Faith in myself. Faith that I would one day meet someone... who would be sure that I was the one." - Carrie Bradshaw, Sex in the City
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Posted by tizianiPosted by LePetitFisk
American slang for breast implants is a boob job. Decided to clear that up before a few misunderstand and think a dude is asking his woman to get implants... and bust in here with torches. You're referring to titty fucking, yes?
Back in my day "popping the question" came with an engagement ring at least.
Now its "so i feel like we've been going out long enough to just get this out on the table: do you want me to ask, or are you just gonna go and get your tits done?"
2017 i tell to expand
Posted by edgelordCome to me baby. You can rule my heart. 😈Posted by carrazedaaries venus loves leo venus too.
Aries and Sag Venus, with preference for Aries.
I'm Leo Venus, so kind of predictable.
click to expand
ed it was better to let people know in advance since I know I text and write quite a lot. And in this case maybe one detail can make the difference. Anyway, thank you for the appreciation
Posted by Therealjane10Posted by diamondgemini
First of all, I am a gemini woman and I’d like to apologize in advance for the long message I am going to write. Thank you for taking the patience to read this though.
I have been in this on and off thing with this aries guy for over 2 years now and so many things happened that left me confused. I still have a huge crush on him I like him a lot and I am having a hard time getting over him.
You I think, is the first person ever in Dxp history to apologize for a long post,then actually post. You deserve your own appreciation thread. And probably saved someone from having a seizure as they scrolled, and scrolled, and scrolled
And scrolled, with no warning.
Ima come back later and read it though,lolclick to expand
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