My Scorpio blocked me a few hours after making plans to meet

I met this Scropio in March at a house party. Later we left and went to a club, he stuck by me the whole time. We went back to the house party, hung out for a while and then he dropped me home and we exchanged numbers. He kept in touch with me for months. Trying to meet and we met a few times, but I was dealing with another man and didn't want to pull him into my messy emotions, so I held back. Finally, I had to decline his offer to meet once as the other guy was confusing me. Weeks past and we finally met. We spent a night together. No sex. I told him I don't sleep with anyone unless I know they're going to be in my life, and he always respected my boundary. We watched movies and YouTube videos and liked head massages. It'd been a few months since I saw him, my life now clear of the other guy, so last night, I messaged him saying we should meet before the year ends. He replied me immediately and came over. Again we hung out, no kissing, but we finally were able to sleep next to each other and he asked me to rest my head on his shoulder. we talked for hours even though he said he was only dropping in for a short while (this was around 11 pm) as he had work at 5 am. He showed up and only left at 5.30. We didn't even kiss. But he hugged me. I moved away from him a few times, so he could get some sleep whilst at my place before work, but he instantly noticed each time and would pull me back towards him. We locked palms and went back to sleep He told me that we should do this more often and that he's missed me. I kept asking him to go, as I was worried about him driving to work without sleep. He said he was; ok and that he liked being with me. He wanted to know so much about me, my thoughts, my past and even took time in his rush to leave to see pictures of my friends and their kids (kids I've talked to him about, telling him how much I love them like my own). He asked if I was free to meet in the night when he got back, I said I was and would love to. He kissed me on the cheek, and left. I called him to see if he got home alright. We spoke for 15 minutes more whilst he was on the way and until he got home and went in to the shower. He told me to take care and even in this conversation, we spoke about our dreams, what we like, about work and our star signs and how we're s much alike.

Again, he reiterated that we would meet when he gets back and that he enjoys my company. I messaged him in the evening to ask him how his day was going and confirming if we were meeting; that's when I realized I was blocked. How could this happen? What did I do wrong? He said, that he finds it hard to open up and that he feels really comfortable around me, like he doesn't feel with anyone else. Said he wanted to spend more time with me and wished he didn't have to go to work. How could he shut me out immediately after that?

Change History

I met this Scropio in March. He was in the same room as I was, but I didn't notice him at a house party. Later we left and went to a club, he dropped us off, claiming he had to change and came back an hour later. He stuck by me the whole time. We went back to the house party, and was calling a cab to leave, when he said I shouldn't be going home and that he would drop me. I asked my friend if he safe to go home with and he said he was his childhood friend and that I had nothing to worry and that he was always very caring. He dropped me home, we exchanged numbers. He kept in touch with me for months. Trying to meet and we met a few times, but I was dealing with another man and didn't want to pull him into my messy emotions so I held back. Finally, I had to decline his offer to meet once as the other guy was confusing me. Weeks past and we finally met. We spent a night together. No sex. I told him I don't sleep with anyone unless I know they're going to be in my life. We met a few times, and he always respected my boundary. We watched movies and youtube videos and he would ask if I can massage his head and I always complied. Last night, I messaged him saying we should meet before the year ends and he replied me immediately and came over. Again we hung out, no kissing, but we finally were able to sleep next to each other and he asked me to rest my head on his shoulder. we talked for hours even though he said he was only dropping in for a short while (this was around 11 pm) as he had work at 5 am. He showed up and only left at 5.30. We didn't even kiss. But he hugged me. I moved away from him, so my movements wont wake him up and hoping he can get some sleep whilst at my place. But he instantly noticed each time and pulled me back towards him. Held my hands tight and went back to sleep So we hugged and slept and we both told each other that this felt right. He told me that we should do this more often and that he's missed me. I kept asking him to go, as I was worried about him driving to work without sleep. He said he was ok and that he liked being with me. He wanted to know so much about me, my thoughts my past and even took time in his rush to leave to see pictures of my friends and their kids (who I told him about and how much I loved them like my own). He hugged me and told me he would like to hang out with me without it being a rush and that may be I'll be free to meet him that night when he got back from his work trip. I said I was and would love to. He kissed me on the cheek, and left. I called him to see if he got home alright. We spoke for 15 minutes more whilst he was on the way and until he got home and went in to the shower. He told me to take care and even in this conversation, we spoke about our dreams, what we like, about work and our star signs and how we're s much alike.

Again, he reiterate that we would meet when he gets back and that he enjoys my company. I messaged him in the evening to ask him how his day was going and confirming if we were meeting; that's when I realized I was blocked. How could this happen? What did I do wrong? He said, that he finds it hard to open up and that he feels really comfortable around me, like he doesn't feel with anyone else. Said he wanted to spend more time with me and wished he didn't have to go to work. How could he shut me out immediately after that?