Taurus girl wanting to wait until marriage to have sex

Posted by TaurusBull1977
Here is the dilemma.

She wants to have sex.

She's ready.

However, she has some insecurities about her body, and of course a fear of disappointing her parents or and abandoning their views on pre-marital sex.

Her reasons are external.

Not internal.

She loves you, and she wants to make love to you, her resistance has nothing to do with how she feels about you.

Where you're going wrong?

You're pushing a Bull to make a decision.

How to get around it?

Don't bring it up.

Tell her you would like to wait.


Next time you kiss her, kiss her a little more passionately.

Be more sensual. Surprise her with light kisses on her neck.

Tell her you think she's sexy.

When she's taking a shower.

Excuse yourself, and walk in and take a piss.

Let her get a sneak peek at your package.

Tell her that you love her when you leave the bathroom.

Begin to create more intimate situations.

Plant the seed.

She will initiate and seduce you instead.

This will all be her idea.

This is how I lost my virginity.

I never regretted it.

I never looked back.

I wanted it.

Took it!
I can clearly see that you've put effort into this advice smile I'm really grateful for that

I have stopped bringing up the subject quite a while ago, and she has been more sexual and turned on around me ever since.

She does seem like the type who will want to surprise me with sex when I least expect it. I mean she already tried once. She consulted a mutual friend of ours about it and planned to surprise me with it a few months ago, but the mutual friend ended up telling me about the surprise because he felt that I needed to be prepared and ready for it. So that kinda ruined the whole surprise, she got mad at him and cancelled it.

Thing is, she already knows what my "package" ( smile ) looks like because she already gave me a few handjobs and a blowjob. (All of which SHE initiated).

Her mother is very strict and conservative, and she doesn't allow her to come to my place, so when we meet, we can only go out to eat, for walks, to the movies, or find a place where there's very few people so we can make out. (She's too shy to kiss me when there's people around, and it's so adorable)

I think we just need time to let things unfold slowly. One step at a time.

She wants to take things slowly, and that gives me a strange but strong feeling of comfort and security.

And something that really makes me feel even more secure is that in the middle of a conversation there often pops up a "When we live together, let's ......", "When we get married, we could _________" and those kinds of sentences happen multiple times a day. smile