Posted by Squished_Marshmallow
Posted by champrang3rs
Posted by Squished_Marshmallow
Posted by champrang3rs
Posted by Squished_Marshmallow
Posted by champrang3rs
"Longest 75+ hours of my life...." - Leo Moon
Champ what's your MBTI type?
Last time I took it ...it was between INTP and INTJ. I haven't taken those 50-question ones yet.

INTP/INTJ that's cool... I'm an ENTP/ENFP sucks big time to be one I think

Who is your best match?

Haha I don't know about that. I'm an ambivert. In general while I like to talk, I can only do so for a short while before my mind drifts and then I want to be alone again lol. So sometimes I struggle keeping a conversation going lol. There's only one exception to this lol.

I dunno. I don't think I ever found out.


I wouldn't have guessed you for an ambivert... One exception 😁

Idk, what annoys me is the word description for ENTPs Debator 🙄 but then yeah I use my parital region more

Not sure... Most of my close friends are INxJs tho

click to expand
Yeah Tongue

That's cool. Big Grin What annoys about "Debator"?