Which sign has the most?

Let's just say my Mercury is brilliant.

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Cancimini sounds so much better.
"I see you have a Sag venus like him..."
Nope, nope, nope I'm have an Aqua venus smile I'm on the Saggie/Cappy cusp though!
I saw your response, it helped a great deal Big Grin I've had a Scorpio boyfriend once before, but that situation was terrible. I can tell that this scorpio is different than my ex-scorpio.
Have I ever cheated on my partner?
Nope, I would break up first.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
I have a book on moon signs will check out Scorpio moon.
He doens't seem to be a very intimate and passionate person he seems to be treating you in a very chilly manner.
Don't verbally talk too much...a bit of talk is nice, like, "Cum on me!"...Otherwise, just breathe, and a Scorp will understand you, man.
Hi Cansir,
Where have U been? Yeah, I am sorry, Cancer men let U in if U move slow and don't put pressure on them. U MAY B the ONLY 1 that can get in. Get in share it with him while you R in and then, step out on your own, so that he does not think U R rushing things with him. Make every moment SLOW! This way, he has no way 2 resist U.
Dy : "Thanks for sharing that very frank and personal assessment with such elegant style !"
smile you are welcome
"I've seen what you wrote about with my Scorp - this pure passion about anything and everything she cares for, which luckily includes the Ol' Dawg!"
Yes, you are very lucky ! But so is she smile