To Capricorns.

I'm above that because I'm nothing you've ever seen before. I'm also every Cap's dream.

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lol Mai, truthfully I learned a lot of patience and endurance trying to make things work with my ex who was a Scorpio. We were together a year and a half on and off so I got a lot of practice despite the fact that the game was over long before I would admit it. I was loyal and dedicated to him after countless lies and infidelities...My cancer is honest and trustworthy so in my opinion he's worth what my ex is and more.
meet me on the same level, on the same intensity and right there... dont wait, dont think abt repercussion, dont second guess and dont be indecisive.. like the slightest touch of a hand, a smoldering in the eyes should be met with a kiss and embrace.. not like earth to think if there is enough time for it, air to totally be 'ignorant' of undercurrent or pisces/cancer to think deeply... just DO IT..
HA HA I totally understand you.....I agree they are the only sign (OUTSIDE the fire element signs) that can match our intensity....I definitely get you on that...of all of irritates me the most with the thinking goooosh we are sooo here >< I was with a virgo for so many years and I wouldve BOUGHT him some spontaneity and passion if I couldve, lord knows...and yes you are soo right on air lol ignorant of it (AMEN) and yes pisces/cancer would probably think you are trying to corrupt them or have some underlying motive behind your passion lmaoooo smh astrology is a TRIP I tell you.
I like you Archer smile
im trying not to krobe, really I am. And I think I'm doing a pretty good job of it. I'm matching his pace at the least. And Im glad you specifically mentioned conversations. Im so used to people just opening up telling me their whole life stories with no hesitation and he's getting to it...very slowly. We talk a lot (he actually talks more than me...imagine that), but the convos are as deep and insightful as I want them to be, but I'm going to take his word that we'll get to that.
*apathetic shrug*
thank you fiery
what up krobe..long time no talk. hope you are doing well :-)
had to change your name huh? hopefully your sag girl has a low enough self esteem so u can get lucky...
I agree with Queen and LS it sounds like it was meant to be playful being after a joke but she doesn't or didn't realize how hard she hits. My sense of humor extracted a lot of punches from my longtime scorp girlfriend and she was heavy handed, but at the same token being a guy and physically bigger and stronger than her it should not have hurt like it did...unless she hit you on the nerve or the part of the muscle tissue that connects your shoulter to your chest or your shoulder to your upper arm....those are both really sensitive spots.
She sounds like a girl who knows herself and wants a guy to step up and take the lead and you sound like a really sensitive guy that is confused by her actions and she is really in the lead...if she really likes you this is creating the frustration and tension LS mentioned which may have put a little more heat in the punch without her even realizing it.
You can count on the fact that I only speak honestly. Love you LP.