First times..........

I like the licky. But I usually get to excited and try to skip foreplay. I like to skip the appetizer hand head straight to the main course.

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Hey All,
Wow - didn't expect to start such a long winded discussion here. But I guess that is a good thing. Here's the take on my particular Aqua girl (which I sort of mentioned previously).
When I first met the Aqua girl (during my initial months at the job), I thought she was cute but didn't think much of her beyond that. She sort of kept to herself and that was the extent of things. That didn't stop me from trying to ask her to go to lunch with me a few times. It was just an attempt to be friendly, nothing more/nothing less (at least in my mind). However, she refused anyway and I stopped.
However, when my previously mentioned cappy co-worker somehow managed to convince Miss Aqua to go to lunch with us, that was a slight change. I let the Cappy dude do all the work though. He tried to asked a lot of personal questions that were rebuffed, etc, etc. I sort of just sat on the sideline and absorbed this. When a lady isn't open with you, it's best not to keep prying. So, instead of prying, I just kept discussion to work and occasionally other things that maybe were general enough without being too personal.
Through all of this, I sensed there might be an interest. I had a few chances to ask her out but beat around the bush too much. When another opportunity came up, I finally decided the safest thing was to go to lunch. There was little or no hesitation on her part. Just the co-worker was a requirement.
What does all of this mean? Nothing really. We had our lunch and the Aqua girl kept quiet for the most part. I talked more to the co-worker. I'm actually pretty talkative and can sustain a conversation. I just hope the other party will open up a bit. Perhaps you guys are right. The Aqua girl may be shy and holding out a bit.
To be honest, I'm not exactly in a rush. We'll see how things go.
LOL...why adopted?
Northern soul!
by the are the floods?
Damn it rained today didn't I...jesus christ!
black knox, he hardly ever calls me, i call him before he even gets a chance to miss me. and im pretty sure i scared him away this time, last night i dunno what ahppened, but i thought it would be best if i told him how i felt ( confused, missing his firnedship, wnating more, not strong enuff to leave, for him to decide whether its worth ti to keep me around etc all that crap, in a 5 message long text msg. so, now i look like an even bigger freak, he probably thinks im this relaly messed up chick, with real problems. and im sooo embaressed right now, i have made plans to go away on vacation to clear my head and try to forget bout him. i promised my firneds, if i ever mention his name, i have to buy them a coffee. lol
Interesting...Everything you all have already said about Libra is IT!
Libra is the most adorable man....Iron strong in velvet gloves.....and I love it.
The "only" cloud....he is not available.....after few years of "our" relationship......
"...Water doesnt respect Air I don't think...what do you guys think?"
In a sense yes because they feel like air is in fear of the more heavy emotions in life and no matter what air says or does to convey that they do go to those depths but they do it on their own and with an objective in mind water feels like air "Just doesn't get it" or misreads it as putting up walls or being in fear of their own emotions. The simple truth is that air signs use emotions as a kind of signal board...if this than that sort of thing and our dealing with them is to be able to realize something that we were not clearly seeing before as our emotions got triggered. It is the water signs strong desire for the air sign to open up emotionally and become vulnerable that keeps the air sign from actually doing it. However air signs open up emotionally to other air signs rather smoothly. The opposite is true as far as respect goes as well though.
LLT...are yopu making this up? You have to be making this up!
LOL..exactly..who cares about rain then..when it was pouring down earlier, and everyone was gazing out of the window at work..i turned around to my fellow team mates..(all male) and go "don't you ever just want to just run out in the rain and think what the heck lets just get completely drenched"....they all just raised their eyebrows at the same time and said "no" was almost like a chorus..hahaha..
maianm, i wish.