First times..........

good man!
Christ I am bored...

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bored of?
Just lying there in me back ache
Unfortunately I am programmed for 8am
so work days are a nightmare..grumpy as hell in the morning but then when i get into work i am really chirpy...even on a monday
Weekends suck because I have to be up at 8am!
aye MADAMETongue
Now if my candyman was there with me it would put a different spin on things...
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I will speak for myself and assume that this is the general Libra view (I'm a reasonably balanced person)...
I am not good at needing others. This is verbal or otherwise. I don't want to be seen as needy. Am scared of being mocked, poked fun, people talking about me behind my back etc. - I've written about this subject on and off on the Libra board. But when I get someone opposite me who her/himself talks about things that are emotion-related it then becomes a safe territory for me to do the same e.g. you won't make fun of me when I reveal more of emotional myself. And I reckon that you don't hide your emotions (love, fear, dislike) in your dealings with others. On this board you're compassionate, kind and sometimes you tell it as you see it. In other words you give people the space and trust to behave like this as well and to communicate on an equal level.
But I am sure we see you, QS, be like this first and we then follow. Perhaps it has something to do with feeling that you take a Libran individual seriously. I am certain that the reason why I have a fear of ridicule is because I ridicule (never openly) myself. So I know it exists. I have NO idea whether this makes any sense...
I have never shagged anyone I did not fancy and when I fancy I want everything forever but it takes forever to get that person into my head and equally forever to forget about them. The strongest indication for me is that if I don't make effort I don't really want anything. When I put in effort I really do want something from you. If the effort stops I don't want anything.
I think we look at what the other person needs (when hanging out with us) when we meet someone. I mean, if you make a lot of jokes I will crack some and hope you giggle and think I am this wonderfully funny person who you just have to be with. And what we see in you is what we assume you will want in a partner.
As regards your question - perhaps a scorp brings out the other person's emotions quite early on and then the relationship perhaps does not take off...?