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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
I like horror period. Then suspense thrillers.
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Jun 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 548 · Topics: 33
prringleo....SAME TO YOU DEAR!!!
we are in the housssee....This poem definitely reflects us....we are the ultimate optimists....THANK GOD!!! Can you imagine what we'd be like if we weren't? That would be scary....I have ULTIMATE faith in tomorrow God will NEVER let me down and I'm makes me know the pain of today is is a beautiful thing....I pity those who cannot muster any....HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIONS AND LIONESSES
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
August 31
Keep reading .. it's getting ready to get hairy.
I left you a message on the Pisces board about the book. Something happens, starting at the wedding and continues and I've got a really bad feeling about it .. has me worried about a character.
Once you get to chapter 13, I want to talk to you to see if you are getting this same impression about .. I can't say who, you have to read it first.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Yeah, well .. everything in my muggle existence has been put on hold to get that far .. my dirty laundry was SUPPOSED to get done, lol
It's still sitting here, waiting patiently .. HP takes priority.
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Jun 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 548 · Topics: 33
hi prring....i agree I can flirt with the best of them rising is virgo though, so although I like freedom as the leo in me dominates, the virgo in me likes stability and security, so it kind of bumps heads, but I understand myself. If I know my relationship is solid and based on solid ground, trust, loyalty etc. then I LOVE FREEDOM and do not want a tight grip at all...if all the elements are in place and my Virgo is content and can trust then Leo takes over the relationship, you do you, I do me, and we'll meet up in the middle because our foundation is strong, but prior to knowing that and being convinced of it I will be clingy, IFFF I want a relationship, if not Im as free moving as ever....but yes you as a Sag would be even moreso.....but I agree..
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Jun 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 548 · Topics: 33
a pluto - venus "conjunction" "sextile" or "trine" is supposed to indicate possible you know the plutos?
I know you may not be in the mood to teach lol but can you explain what these 3 terms mean/ rather how you determine if its a conjunction, sextile or trine?
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Jun 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 548 · Topics: 33
Hey all, lol I know about 4 or 5 Sagittarians and none of them believe in astrology...I just noticed also that you guys board has the least threads/posts. Do you guys have a lack of interest? (it may sound like a dumb question because had you not been interested you wouldnt be on this site). However, I do think there is some validity to this, or atleast that you guys believe less than most of us in
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
A bit confused about this part. Especially in the areas of Gem girl/Scop Man. Is this combo getting all attracted bcoz of geminis self deceptive complications?? Do you girls really think that you are in love when you are not and you think you hate someone when you really like them?? I am bit confused and been thinking over this for last few days. Even when a gemini girl find herself totally stuck with Scorpio man, unable to be she herself, she seems to think she is in love with him(two gem girls I know are in this stage and i found few stories here). Its quite obvious to outsiders that she is not what she was before and completely controlled by scorp man.
Why does gemini doesn't make an attempt to escape when she is not in love and completely manipulated and controlled by scorp man and why does gemini want to run away from someone when she is really in love and the other person cares about her like anything?
Appreciate your thoughts on this.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
P-Angel, i could not agree with you more.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
well...except for the part about when women used to stay home. i wasn't even born then, but from the stories i've heard, women weren't included all that much in discipline.