To Capricorns.

Oh, so it must be Denzel.

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A bit confused about this part. Especially in the areas of Gem girl/Scop Man. Is this combo getting all attracted bcoz of geminis self deceptive complications?? Do you girls really think that you are in love when you are not and you think you hate someone when you really like them?? I am bit confused and been thinking over this for last few days. Even when a gemini girl find herself totally stuck with Scorpio man, unable to be she herself, she seems to think she is in love with him(two gem girls I know are in this stage and i found few stories here). Its quite obvious to outsiders that she is not what she was before and completely controlled by scorp man.
Why does gemini doesn't make an attempt to escape when she is not in love and completely manipulated and controlled by scorp man and why does gemini want to run away from someone when she is really in love and the other person cares about her like anything?
Appreciate your thoughts on this.
Unfortunately .. most people react from their emotions, rather than their reasoning.
In the day when women stayed home to care for her children, because they were home and interacted in every detail, they were present to witness and rationalize the childs intentions, the reason "why" the kid did a bad thing. Discipline was more organized, severity of the crime was measured more appropriately .. kids were left more balanced and centered because the level of their punishment could be validated with the level of the indiscretion.
Now, with the mother out of the home because she works, when the kids do something wrong .. it's heard about after-the-fact, and because the woman now has very little time to care for the other details of her family's life .. supper, laundry, bathes, homework, dishes, etc. .. she will react to her children through the "emotion" that she feels at the moment when news comes to her that her child mis-behaved. She could and often does freak out over tiny indiscretions, simply because she is overwhelmed .. this leaves the kids to not have a good grasp on what is right or wrong because the severity of the punishment doesn't coincide with the crime committed (by crime, I mean a wrong-doing)
Because children learn what they are taught by the example of their parents .. if the example they recieve is one of just a firey emotion at the moment, with little consideration as to what actually took place that led to the situation .. then this is what the kid will learn.
This child will then, go about life just reacting, and not really using their senses, nor a sense of consideration for what consequences their actions will bestow upon them, or their peers.
It's my belief that if parents would actually stop and wiegh situations out before handing out punishments, instead of simply reacting according to their moods at the moment .. our children will be more grounded and level-headed.
Just my two cents smilesmile
P-Angel, i could not agree with you more.
well...except for the part about when women used to stay home. i wasn't even born then, but from the stories i've heard, women weren't included all that much in discipline.
ummmm.. we play it cool & cold, for a long time. It takes awhile to warm up to you. We have a shell tht will always come first, no matter what. If she chooses you to be her partner though, it will only be the both of you. Take it as a compliment. You will be as close to her core as anyone can get.
And I've never thought of the words "Freinds" like other ppl in other signs do. To everyone else "Friends" are those who call you all the time, come by your place, you go out drinking or whatever with them, yadda yadda .... nope!! A Friend to an Aqua (correct me if wrong guys/gals) is a person that you will consider leaving that shell for a few minutes or a few hours at the most to talk with for a bit before you retreat right back into it.
Some good advice so you know not to get your feelings hurt. Watch her other friendships, the way she deals with other ppl. You'll know what it takes.
Oh man, I loved that movie .. I'll bet the play was even better. I'm so glad they had a good time .. and for the food, maybe their "at home" dessert will be delicious Tongue to make up for the resturant. Winking
Alright .. ba' to 'arry (I was trying to talk like Hagrid). American's just don't know how to do that, lol
Ok, good night all, sweet dreams, and if you see or hear something that sounds like fireworks high in the sky, don't worry .. it's just the Order fighting off the Death Eaters.
LONG LIVE THE FART THREAD!! Let's raise this one from the grave & see if we can get some new posts
LIBRA you put that into words so well....
Sola, you're a Libra. Any other sign would have given up by now. If you can manage to really get in his private circle, you will see that he's not so quiet. In fact, he's prolly one of the funniest guys you've ever met.
Keep trying. Start with something simple. Not a big party. Just say a movie or some kind of project you could do alone together.
Yes I agree with the other posters here. he's been checking you out. We can learn all kinds of things about you without saying a single word.
So my pisces called me yesterday morning. He came by and we talked. He said he had to get away to think and figure things out. He came clean with some of the lies (pretty bad ones) he told me because he thought then that he would loose me. But he said that he doesnt want a life and relationship build on lies and fantsies, but something real. He acknowledged that he has a drug problem, said he stopped for quite a while but started up again about 2 weeks ago. Said the 2 days before he left were really bad and he was halluzinating, hearing voices and he had a really bad dream. That dream he told me about that morning he left. he said he hadnt made up his mind to leave, he walked the dog, made the bed went to work. But he knew he had to do something to streighten out. Every day here would be another nail in his coffin.
See, we live in SAn Diego and meth is everywhere. Especially in the area where we have the horses. So its always right under his nose and then he cant say no. Plus Tijuana is only 2 min away. He said, and I think he blames himself for that, that we moved too fast by him moving into MY place. Instead of himbeing the man and him getting a place for us. I know he never felt 100% living in my place.
He still says he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, but right now he is going to live and work in LA for a while. he has a friend up there he'll be staying with. He wants to get far away from Mexico and his bad habits and get his live in order, work a lot,save money, and then do things right in this relationship. Get a place together etc. He said he'll be here every weekend. And I know its the best thing to do at this point. Even though my little selfish voice says "stay". He said he would get a place for us here, but financially its almost impossible in SD. So we will see what happens in the future. I know he loves me very much and I know it was not an easy decision for him to make. But he does have to change and get better and stronger.
He used to live in the northwest. Had a girl for 15 yrs, a good job, a house, friends....came to San diego and it all went down the tubes after he started doing drugs and hanging with the wrong crowd. So wish us luck :-) he is a very good guy