Which sign laughs the most?

Aquas, Sags, Cancers

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While we're on the subject, I also think one of the major problems with the world is blaming the victim. With great power comes great responsiblity and those not in the position to help other or help themselves need a hand sometimes. This applies to governments and the knowledgeable. It's easy to say people are gullible but I'd say it takes a hell of a lot more to challenge the source of information for everyone's benefit. This shouldn't be about winning personal battles to confirm your own beliefs or keep your pockets full, it's about revealing the truth to make an informed decision for everyone to benefit as a whole. For that to be successful, you have to have an open mind and be willing to find out for yourself. It's not always about democracy or popular opinion... sometimes you have to use your mind and make an informed/calculated decision.
I'm not sure what this was meant to accomplish......
the problem solitas, is that she is trying to go after a married man - no matter what his or her sign is.....and the bigger problem is that she doesn't understand why we are all admonishing her for it !
Solitas, I will say that I like you very much, and I also said that I have a couple co workers who are aries that I like very much too - but I have known at least a hundred aries in my time that have been just like pofessor aries.....so I can't help but be frustrated with them - but if you recall I was the first to offer you advice about the taurus girl you were asking about - so despite what notso thinks I do not judge people - even if I have certain ideas about a particular sign I don't say "oh well this person is this sign so this is how they will be" but when they turn out to be that way....I'm not surprised...that is all.
I do look forward to that, in fact, I cannot wait, and thanks thelibran smile For all your help and advice...again, priceless!!
LOL - we have to be PUSHED to anger...that is true, and yet some people just seem dead set on pushing... Thank you for the kind words.
you know she may be mentioning her brother because she feels it's the only connection the two of you have - it may be her way of opening up a conversation....It does seem a little odd she would go to so much trouble to be your friend, but on the other hand, maybe she's hoping if you guys start hanging out then her brother will start missing you....like I said she may just have thought you were really good for him.
houstonpeach - what are you talking about ? I'm reading your mind right now...and I'm enjoying the show....who's that tall handsome cowboy? hmmmm???
ummm....no.... I sympathize with the animals....but I don't understand what that first comment was all about - I realize he is a cancer, but that kind of cruelty is insanity plain and simple...
to see if I was right, it's just interesting for me, and often people ask me to tell them about their signs and what it all means.......as a scorpio I'm sure you understand the concept of curiosity....
"there are more scorps in this world than people of any other sign"
Yeah more scorps - more sex - more sex- more scorps.
Howz everything Cap ?