The Twin-Flame Connection

This topic was created in the Metaphysical forum by SpiceNSugar on Sunday, February 23, 2014 and has 285 replies.
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Couple of days ago, I got into a huge fight with the person who I believe is my TF. Haven't spoken to him since. Without going into details, I was pondering the argument today and realized something:
I was blaming him for something that he does. Yet, he does this out of deep-rooted insecurity.
Why was I blaming him for this? Because of my own deep-rooted insecurity.

Once again the TF mirror-image comes back to slap me in the face. With anyone else, I would've walked away LONG ago. However, with this person, I just can't get myself to do that try as I might. Hence, I think it really is impossible to cut-off a TF. You can cut contact yes, but you can't cut-off the lessons that they will teach you about yourself.
So many people mistake TF's with SoulMates, but it's really a whole different ballgame. With a SoulMate there's a strong bond of mutual understanding and relative tranquility. For the most part, you're both "on the same wavelength".
With a TF, the bond is even stronger but the push/pull, arguing/forgiving, and learning about the other and the self is literally exhausting. You want to walk away but you can't. Because the reality is that you can't walk away from your own self no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you want to do so.
Posted by djbuck1
Interesting (academically) to read, but a tough spot for you to be in. Clearly, you love this guy. I hope all will be well.

Indeed. Very tough. But that's why we live and learn.
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Couple of days ago, I got into a huge fight with the person who I believe is my TF. Haven't spoken to him since. Without going into details, I was pondering the argument today and realized something:
I was blaming him for something that he does. Yet, he does this out of deep-rooted insecurity.
Why was I blaming him for this? Because of my own deep-rooted insecurity.

Once again the TF mirror-image comes back to slap me in the face. With anyone else, I would've walked away LONG ago. However, with this person, I just can't get myself to do that try as I might. Hence, I think it really is impossible to cut-off a TF. You can cut contact yes, but you can't cut-off the lessons that they will teach you about yourself.
So many people mistake TF's with SoulMates, but it's really a whole different ballgame. With a SoulMate there's a strong bond of mutual understanding and relative tranquility. For the most part, you're both "on the same wavelength".
With a TF, the bond is even stronger but the push/pull, arguing/forgiving, and learning about the other and the self is literally exhausting. You want to walk away but you can't. Because the reality is that you can't walk away from your own self no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you want to do so.

The person I believe to be my twinflame once described our relationship as, two people entering a room but as soon as they were both inside, the windows & the door vanished. Both are now trapped with nowhere to go. I agree because that's how it feels sometimes, TRAPPED. You can physically walk away but you will never rest mentally because of all the "signs", etc. You even start to see the person in other people. Physically seeing them. It's crazy. I hate it. But I'll never get back to the person again. The Universe would have to blow me straight into his arms or do some other huge miracle. Make me believe that I'm not making shit up, not being delusional because I do doubt my brain sometimes. Until then, thanks but no thanks.
Posted by WaterCup
The person I believe to be my twinflame once described our relationship as, two people entering a room but as soon as they were both inside, the windows & the door vanished. Both are now trapped with nowhere to go. I agree because that's how it feels sometimes, TRAPPED. You can physically walk away but you will never rest mentally because of all the "signs", etc. You even start to see the person in other people. Physically seeing them. It's crazy. I hate it. But I'll never get back to the person again. The Universe would have to blow me straight into his arms or do some other huge miracle. Make me believe that I'm not making shit up, not being delusional because I do doubt my brain sometimes. Until then, thanks but no thanks.

Yeah. What you're saying reminds me of the saying, "You can run, but you can never hide". Even when you walk away, the person is with you in everything you do, everywhere you do, with every breath. You try to get away, but ultimately you can't. It's a killer.
*everywhere you go
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Couple of days ago, I got into a huge fight with the person who I believe is my TF. Haven't spoken to him since. Without going into details, I was pondering the argument today and realized something:
I was blaming him for something that he does. Yet, he does this out of deep-rooted insecurity.
Why was I blaming him for this? Because of my own deep-rooted insecurity.

Once again the TF mirror-image comes back to slap me in the face. With anyone else, I would've walked away LONG ago. However, with this person, I just can't get myself to do that try as I might. Hence, I think it really is impossible to cut-off a TF. You can cut contact yes, but you can't cut-off the lessons that they will teach you about yourself.
So many people mistake TF's with SoulMates, but it's really a whole different ballgame. With a SoulMate there's a strong bond of mutual understanding and relative tranquility. For the most part, you're both "on the same wavelength".
With a TF, the bond is even stronger but the push/pull, arguing/forgiving, and learning about the other and the self is literally exhausting. You want to walk away but you can't. Because the reality is that you can't walk away from your own self no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you want to do so.

The person I believe to be my twinflame once described our relationship as, two people entering a room but as soon as they were both inside, the windows & the door vanished. Both are now trapped with nowhere to go. I agree because that's how it feels sometimes, TRAPPED. You can physically walk away but you will never rest mentally because of all the "signs", etc. You even start to see the person in other people. Physically seeing them. It's crazy. I hate it. But I'll never get back to the person again. The Universe would have to blow me straight into his arms or do some other huge miracle. Make me believe that I'm not making shit up, not being delusional because I do doubt my brain sometimes. Until then, thanks but no thanks.
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No worries. Twin souls are nothing if not patient. If you won't come to the twin in this lifetime, there's always the next one. smile
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Couple of days ago, I got into a huge fight with the person who I believe is my TF. Haven't spoken to him since. Without going into details, I was pondering the argument today and realized something:
I was blaming him for something that he does. Yet, he does this out of deep-rooted insecurity.
Why was I blaming him for this? Because of my own deep-rooted insecurity.

Once again the TF mirror-image comes back to slap me in the face. With anyone else, I would've walked away LONG ago. However, with this person, I just can't get myself to do that try as I might. Hence, I think it really is impossible to cut-off a TF. You can cut contact yes, but you can't cut-off the lessons that they will teach you about yourself.
So many people mistake TF's with SoulMates, but it's really a whole different ballgame. With a SoulMate there's a strong bond of mutual understanding and relative tranquility. For the most part, you're both "on the same wavelength".
With a TF, the bond is even stronger but the push/pull, arguing/forgiving, and learning about the other and the self is literally exhausting. You want to walk away but you can't. Because the reality is that you can't walk away from your own self no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you want to do so.

I'm experiencing the same stuff! It can be heaven on earth one minute then soul wretch ing the next! I have learned do much about myself from my TF we are so opposite yet identical! It's amazing the level and different emotions I feel for this man! I feel it's eternity if I don't have some contact with him on a weekly basis! Crazy crazy crazy thing this TF thing is!!
Posted by Shescomeundone
I'm experiencing the same stuff! It can be heaven on earth one minute then soul wretch ing the next! I have learned do much about myself from my TF we are so opposite yet identical! It's amazing the level and different emotions I feel for this man! I feel it's eternity if I don't have some contact with him on a weekly basis! Crazy crazy crazy thing this TF thing is!!

I so totally GET what you're saying. Frankly, I could have done without this experience. It's not all fun and games.
SpiceNSugar have you ever done your twos charts.... I did ours and the karmic links are incredible! Right before I met him I had a dream about him and I in a different time and environment...we are telepathic and it scares him in a lot of ways but he is still drawn to me.... It can be overwhelming at times... Emotional ups and downs...I have never been so happy and so sad at the same should do your charts...
Posted by Shescomeundone
SpiceNSugar have you ever done your twos charts.... I did ours and the karmic links are incredible! Right before I met him I had a dream about him and I in a different time and environment...we are telepathic and it scares him in a lot of ways but he is still drawn to me.... It can be overwhelming at times... Emotional ups and downs...I have never been so happy and so sad at the same should do your charts...

Yes, sure. I've done our two charts. There's an odd mixture of oppositions and conjunctions. For example, his Sun is opposed to my Moon, but my Sun is his Moon. But what do you mean by karmic links?
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Couple of days ago, I got into a huge fight with the person who I believe is my TF. Haven't spoken to him since. Without going into details, I was pondering the argument today and realized something:
I was blaming him for something that he does. Yet, he does this out of deep-rooted insecurity.
Why was I blaming him for this? Because of my own deep-rooted insecurity.

Once again the TF mirror-image comes back to slap me in the face. With anyone else, I would've walked away LONG ago. However, with this person, I just can't get myself to do that try as I might. Hence, I think it really is impossible to cut-off a TF. You can cut contact yes, but you can't cut-off the lessons that they will teach you about yourself.
So many people mistake TF's with SoulMates, but it's really a whole different ballgame. With a SoulMate there's a strong bond of mutual understanding and relative tranquility. For the most part, you're both "on the same wavelength".
With a TF, the bond is even stronger but the push/pull, arguing/forgiving, and learning about the other and the self is literally exhausting. You want to walk away but you can't. Because the reality is that you can't walk away from your own self no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you want to do so.

Im in the same boat with my TF..hard to deal with at times...great for learning but really does suck to have such an intense connection with someone only to be constantly battling
Posted by virgom
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Couple of days ago, I got into a huge fight with the person who I believe is my TF. Haven't spoken to him since. Without going into details, I was pondering the argument today and realized something:
I was blaming him for something that he does. Yet, he does this out of deep-rooted insecurity.
Why was I blaming him for this? Because of my own deep-rooted insecurity.

Once again the TF mirror-image comes back to slap me in the face. With anyone else, I would've walked away LONG ago. However, with this person, I just can't get myself to do that try as I might. Hence, I think it really is impossible to cut-off a TF. You can cut contact yes, but you can't cut-off the lessons that they will teach you about yourself.
So many people mistake TF's with SoulMates, but it's really a whole different ballgame. With a SoulMate there's a strong bond of mutual understanding and relative tranquility. For the most part, you're both "on the same wavelength".
With a TF, the bond is even stronger but the push/pull, arguing/forgiving, and learning about the other and the self is literally exhausting. You want to walk away but you can't. Because the reality is that you can't walk away from your own self no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you want to do so.

Im in the same boat with my TF..hard to deal with at times...great for learning but really does suck to have such an intense connection with someone only to be constantly battling
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I still haven't spoken to mine after our argument. I just can't bring myself to do so. I'm currently in hiding licking my wounds. I just don't feel strong enough right now to do anything else.
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by virgom
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Couple of days ago, I got into a huge fight with the person who I believe is my TF. Haven't spoken to him since. Without going into details, I was pondering the argument today and realized something:
I was blaming him for something that he does. Yet, he does this out of deep-rooted insecurity.
Why was I blaming him for this? Because of my own deep-rooted insecurity.

Once again the TF mirror-image comes back to slap me in the face. With anyone else, I would've walked away LONG ago. However, with this person, I just can't get myself to do that try as I might. Hence, I think it really is impossible to cut-off a TF. You can cut contact yes, but you can't cut-off the lessons that they will teach you about yourself.
So many people mistake TF's with SoulMates, but it's really a whole different ballgame. With a SoulMate there's a strong bond of mutual understanding and relative tranquility. For the most part, you're both "on the same wavelength".
With a TF, the bond is even stronger but the push/pull, arguing/forgiving, and learning about the other and the self is literally exhausting. You want to walk away but you can't. Because the reality is that you can't walk away from your own self no matter how hard you try and no matter how much you want to do so.

Im in the same boat with my TF..hard to deal with at times...great for learning but really does suck to have such an intense connection with someone only to be constantly battling

I still haven't spoken to mine after our argument. I just can't bring myself to do so. I'm currently in hiding licking my wounds. I just don't feel strong enough right now to do anything else.
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I hear you there, every time I try to leave mine alone he manages to pull me in once more, then I say well maybe we can be nice it always turns into something it does not need to be..ugh so difficult walking away now for good
I never in my life had so much trouble walking away as I have with this man.
Posted by UncleIroh
If you would like to talk in details, don't hesitate. I'm still going through the healing now

Interesting post.
I'm curious. Are you still in contact with your TF?
Can you give us a nutshell version of the "healing process" to which you're referring? (I'm sure it's very VERY complex, but if it's possible to summarize, I'd be interesting in reading).
Posted by SpiceNSugar
I never in my life had so much trouble walking away as I have with this man.

Going thru the same... I literally want to hate him but I can't, it would be so much easier!! I have never been so frustrated in my life... I think I've realized I can't "have" him and the reason is because he is me! We aren't ready yet! OMG it's the craziest think ever.. Ever!
Posted by Shescomeundone
Posted by SpiceNSugar
I never in my life had so much trouble walking away as I have with this man.

Going thru the same... I literally want to hate him but I can't, it would be so much easier!! I have never been so frustrated in my life... I think I've realized I can't "have" him and the reason is because he is me! We aren't ready yet! OMG it's the craziest think ever.. Ever!
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You are very right. You'd do almost anything in order hate the person, because then it would be easier to walk away, but it's just impossible. The love you feel is deep and unconditional.
I agree that it really is crazy and impossible to explain to someone who hasn't lived it. They'd just take you for a crazy person.
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by UncleIroh
If you would like to talk in details, don't hesitate. I'm still going through the healing now

Interesting post.
I'm curious. Are you still in contact with your TF?
Can you give us a nutshell version of the "healing process" to which you're referring? (I'm sure it's very VERY complex, but if it's possible to summarize, I'd be interesting in reading).
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I really wish I had a response on the above post.
How do you "fix" the karmic link with your twin flame??? I'm literally going out of my mind lately.. We are not seeing each other now, I know that now is not the time for us but the psychic link we have is maddening.. I get overwhelming emotional messages or urges to contact him.. It takes every bit of my Will power to not reach out.. The feelings are overwhelming and then damn!... I will run into him that day! I think at this point we are both a little scared.. It's like we are the same person but opposite.. I really feel drained by the psychic chatter between us! I'm so glad others can relate to this or I may feel like I'm out of my mind.. An astrologer has told me of our karmic past and there is no doubt we are connected but what I want and need to know is how do I pay my karmic dues with him and vice versa so we can repair the wrongs and evolve? Help!!! Hope someone understands what I'm asking.. This really is draining.. It's like we crave each other but yet know we can't be together!!!
Posted by Shescomeundone
How do you "fix" the karmic link with your twin flame???

I don't even know if it's possible to "fix" it?
I get overwhelming emotional messages or urges to contact him.. It takes every bit of my Will power to not reach out..

Uggggh! Yes!
It's like we are the same person but opposite..

The mirror effect.
This really is draining.. It's like we crave each other but yet know we can't be together!!!
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I can relate Sad
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by Shescomeundone
How do you "fix" the karmic link with your twin flame???

I don't even know if it's possible to "fix" it?
I get overwhelming emotional messages or urges to contact him.. It takes every bit of my Will power to not reach out..

Uggggh! Yes!
It's like we are the same person but opposite..

The mirror effect.
This really is draining.. It's like we crave each other but yet know we can't be together!!!

I can relate Sad
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Well it's good to know someone can relate! Sometimes I wonder if I'm imagining all this crazy stuff but in reality I know I'm not.. Someone said here once that the best thing to do is just stop worrying about it.. Let it go.. We know we will be together again at some point...
Posted by Shescomeundone
Well it's good to know someone can relate! Sometimes I wonder if I'm imagining all this crazy stuff but in reality I know I'm not.. Someone said here once that the best thing to do is just stop worrying about it.. Let it go.. We know we will be together again at some point...

True. I think there's nothing else one really can do, but it really is hard Sad
Posted by SpiceNSugar
Posted by WaterCup
The person I believe to be my twinflame once described our relationship as, two people entering a room but as soon as they were both inside, the windows & the door vanished. Both are now trapped with nowhere to go. I agree because that's how it feels sometimes, TRAPPED. You can physically walk away but you will never rest mentally because of all the "signs", etc. You even start to see the person in other people. Physically seeing them. It's crazy. I hate it. But I'll never get back to the person again. The Universe would have to blow me straight into his arms or do some other huge miracle. Make me believe that I'm not making shit up, not being delusional because I do doubt my brain sometimes. Until then, thanks but no thanks.

Yeah. What you're saying reminds me of the saying, "You can run, but you can never hide". Even when you walk away, the person is with you in everything you do, everywhere you do, with every breath. You try to get away, but ultimately you can't. It's a killer.
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I attest to this.. I doubted it before if TF really exist.. All the signs and repeated numbers just pop out in my eyes most of the time.. Specially when we still have strong connections ive seen 333, 111, 11:11, 69 (my birthday and his) I've met a lot of people who have the same birthday to his during our connections
(a`b he2
does really required the time of the birthdate to get an accurate result or doesn't matter?
I don't want to do this but i can't help it... it has been 6 months of not having a communication because the last time we had a huge huge encountered that burst out everything we hurt each other so much.. we never had communication before but it lasted 2 years but the connection still going strong then he came back again even though he is in another relationship and so do i... I am better now at least the intensity is lessen rather than before... i am more balance without his presence in my life.. i just find out lately (last december 2013) about the category of the twin flame/soul mate...
i mean, "we stopped communicating and it lasted 2 years" . But he is stuck in my mind 24/7 until now no matter how busy or hectic my job sometimes... grrrrrr!!
does anyone of you have a physical interaction with your partner (sex). because we never had even once.. but the impact in my life of his presence change me a lot...
Posted by username78
i mean, "we stopped communicating and it lasted 2 years" . But he is stuck in my mind 24/7 until now no matter how busy or hectic my job sometimes... grrrrrr!!

Ditto for me 24/7 - no matter what I do, where I go, who I'm with, no matter how hard I try.
Posted by username78
does anyone of you have a physical interaction with your partner (sex). because we never had even once.. but the impact in my life of his presence change me a lot...

The twin flame connection is NOT about sex. It's about the recognition and bonding of two souls. The twin flame WILL change your life forever.
Anybody else have this experience: every time I dream about my TF I See him the next day! It's so weird!
The following link explains common synastry patterns in fated relationships, including vertex interactions.
The separation process is full swing and the pain is excrutiating. Please someone help!!
Posted by SpiceNSugar
The separation process is full swing and the pain is excrutiating. Please someone help!!

Yes it's VERY painful!!
Thoughts of him haunt me day and night no matter what I do. It's torture.
Do you get irritated when your tf give to much attention towards you? I get irritated during our strong connection. Not with him, but i get irritated because of the intensity, nervousness and flesh are shaking. I don't hate him, but i hate me because i am out of control of those feelings. I pulled away and stopped communicating with him to gathered more strength so that i can face him and talk to him in a normal way. but when we are back in contact again, those feelings are there instantly. I wanted to be nice with him but i become so mean and rude towards him because of fear. There are so many things that are unsaid from my part. How to talk or speak if if my tongue twisted , how to type a message if my fingers are shaking? I'd messed up a lot during our connection. I made him a good person ( at least he confessed that to me) while i become the evil one... Sad I feel his pain every time I ignored him, but it reflected back at me 2x Sad
I condemned my self already for what i had done wrong. I shouldered all the karma between us. I confessed to him how i felt one time but he become silent/quite i took that as a rejection so i pulled away and become more aloof. The last encountered with him was really bad because he forced to bring out those issues that burst out that are not good from both of us. the result are embarrassment. it was exhausting and draining. Now i start all over again to heal but this is a huge process this time a long process for healing because this connections touches every core of who we are....
meeting him made me question myself for the first time " WHO AM I?", Him, lead him to believe that God really exist.. I become more closer to god with him, but when the connection become stronger it stirred up everything.. maybe i am the weak between us coz i don't have much strength to handle this? He thought that i was just playing with him but that is not true.. all his doubt lead him to punished me and all he had done reflected back at him as well.. Sad
hope that you can get an idea from my side Not to judge your tf quickly... you may be the one who is more stronger than them. They need and crave your understanding , they don't need to ask that from you, you must know and give it without a doubt.
do i sound odd or dramatic? well, i dont like drama before thats all i can say...
No you don't sound dramatic username78. Thanks for sharing your side of the story.
@Impulsv I'll respond to you shortly.
@WateryGem Are you the runner or the chaser?
A TF is a brother a lover a mentor a father figure all at once I think. They never leave your life. It's scary in a way. There's also a mission waiting for the two of you to be leaders of a new paradigm. I think it's the most challenging union ever. You see them in dreams you bump into them after months & you can never cut the cord. A blessing and a curse Winking
Posted by Sublimitas
A TF is a brother a lover a mentor a father figure all at once I think. They never leave your life.

I have often thought this as well;thai a TF is all of these things combined.
But why the constant feeling of loss?
For now I see the curse more than the blessing.
*that not thai
Hard to type on a cell phone...
Also a possibility...
Well if you want a TF union to work out you definitely have to move beyond the drama... Else you're completely missing the point of it all..
Why the feeling of loss actually that's a great question... Maybe because without them around a piece of your soul missing, constantly.
About the drama going on the minute you realize both that you're connected beyond time and space you start realizing that there's really a universal force in motion and nothing keeps you apart. The thing is you've gotta live and let live, that's why a romantic option is a failure if you don't sort out your shit... I know it's really hard but I think it is rewarding to have something so special with someone.
Posted by Sublimitas
Well if you want a TF union to work out you definitely have to move beyond the drama... Else you're completely missing the point of it all..
Why the feeling of loss actually that's a great question... Maybe because without them around a piece of your soul missing, constantly.

About the drama going on the minute you realize both that you're connected beyond time and space you start realizing that there's really a universal force in motion and nothing keeps you apart. The thing is you've gotta live and let live, that's why a romantic option is a failure if you don't sort out your shit... I know it's really hard but I think it is rewarding to have something so special with someone.
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I'm still working on this part.
Es-tu ma petite p?che de CH?
Oui c est moi Big Grin
Not sure about the lucid dream. Sounds pretty complex.
Logically, the odds of meeting a client of the brother depends on how big the city/town is where you all work. So if there's a large population, I'd say that is odd and possibly not merely coincidental.
OK then I would say it's not coincidental Winking
How do u feel about his decision Impulsv?
Sounds like twin flames simply stalk each other all day.
Posted by Blackvirgo
Sounds like twin flames simply stalk each other all day.

I think you haven't read up on the topic.