This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by MrFirebird on Thursday, July 25, 2013 and has 91 replies.
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For what it's worth, I would like to be able to help the black man and the black woman
and the black children.
I, for one, recognize that the person speaking out in this particular video is an intelligent
human being. I believe that he is sincere in his words and I agree with what he is saying.
Truth be told, IF the racial disparity situation were reversed, I might be that man.
Even so, White on White crime exist just the same as Black on Black (or any other same race crime). -
BUT........ there is one key similarity between these two:
It has to do with upbringing. If the child's father is NOT there, then there is a vacuum in
which culture takes the father's place. Likewise also, the mother. IF she disrespects the father
who tries to be there for the family, then she is making a serious mistake. Also, if she neglect,
abuse or ignores her child, she contributes to the problem, as well. - THAT is a universal truth
regardless of race.
So... what society MUST do is examine itself REAL HARD and accept the HARD TRUTH about itself -
Each community needs to tend to it's own, while respecting and helping those of the community that
are NOT their own. - As if elders for each race were to come together at the same table at the same time, and discuss the intra-cultural problems and the Intercultural problems - IF it doesn't happen soon, I am afraid there are going to be some serious problems because the serious problems are going
to be geopolitical and economic, thus transcending any one group.
The men should respect their women and the women should respect their men.
Those that do NOT wish to respect should request a deportee ticket out of town.

Furthermore, it would be unwise for government officials meddling in the business of the people.
Let the people come together and resolve the problems corrupt politics has created.
That's right..... It was corruption and filthy political deception that destroyed all
the people - not the white man.
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It's easier to blame people with power than to use the power that you have to change yourself.
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
^^^ScorpioFish? Dat u?
Sigh. Mr. D is still my favorite troll.

Mr Firebird...I agree with you
Sometimes I feel like people need to attend seminars or something on black pride to rid themselves of what I suspect to be self hating. Nothing will ever change until people start loving themselves-- that in turn will lead to loving other people & improve communities. I'm so sick of hearing people talking about getting with other people so their kids could get "good hair". People using bleaching creams because they think being light skinned is the only way to the top, or get accepted. Blacks critisizing other blacks for being dark skinned. How stupid is that? How can other people respect you when you don't even respect yourself? I also feel like black people are out of good role models. All the ones that people look up to are dead. Fact is, most young kids these days cant relate to the old role models, they dont even get what they stood for because they're not struggling with the same issues that made those people role models in the 1st place. So they'd rather choose Lil Wayne as an idol & listen to him when he says women are whores, talking about "redbones", etc. Black people, "the man" is not putting you down, you're putting yourselves down & making a laughing stock out of yourselves with these "high yella" shows you're not comfortable in your own skin.
Posted by james tate

I'm a man of color.
Not black, but a man of color who understands a few things a full blood white man
would never understand.
What's it to you?
Posted by WaterCup
Sometimes I feel like people need to attend seminars or something on black pride to rid themselves of what I suspect to be self hating. Nothing will ever change until people start loving themselves-- that in turn will lead to loving other people & improve communities. I'm so sick of hearing people talking about getting with other people so their kids could get "good hair". People using bleaching creams because they think being light skinned is the only way to the top, or get accepted. Blacks critisizing other blacks for being dark skinned. How stupid is that? How can other people respect you when you don't even respect yourself? I also feel like black people are out of good role models. All the ones that people look up to are dead. Fact is, most young kids these days cant relate to the old role models, they dont even get what they stood for because they're not struggling with the same issues that made those people role models in the 1st place. So they'd rather choose Lil Wayne as an idol & listen to him when he says women are whores, talking about "redbones", etc. Black people, "the man" is not putting you down, you're putting yourselves down & making a laughing stock out of yourselves with these "high yella" shows you're not comfortable in your own skin.

I agree with WaterCup. I think, and I may be wrong, but I think mixed race people are in a very peculiar position. Some are not accepted by either of their own race. yet, there is an understanding
that comes from being mixed. An understanding not tapped into. Nevertheless, a black person, regardless of their tone, I would think, would listen to someone of their own color. However, the point I want to stress is bridging the gap between.
I am Red And White, BIA "certified". I can legally own Bald Eagle Feathers.
Likewise, also, there are some Red Black mixed bloods who would have the same legal Eagle feather privilege.
Regardless of color mixed - There are some who claim to be tribal but by law, they have to prove it. It's a double edged sword. Inwardly, you have your heritage, but outwardly it is stolen.
For me, in spirit, there is this sense of war that never ends, sometimes, it's intense.
Both sides killing each other.
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Posted by starlover
Where are you from Mr F?
I am a white english woman living in Ireland

Refer to my reply to Watercup above, for more.
The US.
Part of my European ancestry is Irish.
Irish, French, English, & Scotch

Posted by starlover
....and why so defensive regarding where you are from we are all open enough about it?

I think it's not being defensive about where I am from. But much more that I have this sense
that I don't belong. Kinda stuck in a "no-man's land". A case of "This is my land but I can't stay here"
Where I REALLY belong, is in the Spirit realm.
Did you know that Native Americans are the only people who required a permit to practice their traditional religious beliefs and rituals?
Posted by starlover
^^^ oh that sounds very familiar....pluto talk maybe?
you can't go to the spirit realm until the time is right

Sometimes, I walk in the Spirit. Sometimes not. The Spirit is a far better place
but we can grasp the ways of the Spirit if we listen and allow the Spirit to fill
our hearts and minds with peace so we can emanate it to others.
I have what is called Hawk Medicine, Eagle Medicine and Crow Medicine an Wolf Medicine.
There ARE others, as well. - that's if you want to think in those terms.
My tribe still dances the Ghost Dance.
Posted by MrFirebird
Did you know that Native Americans are the only people who required a permit to practice their traditional religious beliefs and rituals?

same here, especially for the blacks living in white areas. We have this African tradition-- eg. if you buy a new house then you have to burn some herbs to rid the house of whatever "spirits" the previous owner left behind, a cleansing of sorts. This ritual is also to perfomed to inform the ancestors of your new residence. Its like a house warming party, the African way. Now whites complain when these things happen, they blame the smoke etc, yet they braai (bbq) also creating smoke & that's acceptable ofcourse because its them. That's not okay! But in "Locations" (thats black neighbourhoods) people perform whatever ritual they want without a problem, its only around whites where it becomes a problem. Sometimes people are required to inform/ask permission from their white neighbours, door to door, whenever an African ritual is about to take place..yet THEY continue to braai freely without asking for permission.
Posted by DonJohnson
liberal media is the worst passive aggressive co-conspirator in the downfall of the blacks. They are enablers of this rancid behavior.
OH it's okay. I understand why you are the way you are....... this excuses and enables dysfunctional behavior. Oh it's because of slavery, but yet black grandparents upheld communities and standards. they worked hard and the fathers didn't leave the family. This dysfunctional behavior leapfrogged 2 generations to people who never even experienced slavery. This is a direct result of reverse trolling by the liberal media and the upholding of the anti-intellectual, hip pop culture.

I can see the liberals in this thread right now, "LOL THIS IS A TROLL"
how is it a troll when the topic is filled with facts? kids are dying in the streets you tools. wake up.

"Understanding" the way someone is, is NOT enough. Caring enough to help them change their ways requires changing one's own ways. - Indeed, the Liberals are NOT helping when the philosophy they
espouse is this sense of "We will take care of you" Minorities can take care of themselves and NEED
to do this - They NEED to look after their elderly and their young and their women. BUT these are
moral values which are NOT promoted by the Liberal because of the $ $ $ they stand to lose if they do.
For the Liberal, AND Conservative leaders $ $ $ is god. Exploiting minorities for monetary gain is sick and beyond humiliating. This is why I say throw off these government connected social-tycoons. They
have shown they only exploit for political and monetary gain.
I can prove this with another arena - Labor - All the organized labor was allowed demand more $ $ and
benefits over the decades and eventually, with the zeal to save the environment, factories had to close and go overseas. Now.... where are the jobs, Liberal???? IF you don't produce, you will not have $ $ to
take care of your African-American constituency.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by MrFirebird
Did you know that Native Americans are the only people who required a permit to practice their traditional religious beliefs and rituals?

same here, especially for the blacks living in white areas. We have this African tradition-- eg. if you buy a new house then you have to burn some herbs to rid the house of whatever "spirits" the previous owner left behind, a cleansing of sorts. This ritual is also to perfomed to inform the ancestors of your new residence. Its like a house warming party, the African way. Now whites complain when these things happen, they blame the smoke etc, yet they braai (bbq) also creating smoke & that's acceptable ofcourse because its them. That's not okay! But in "Locations" (thats black neighbourhoods) people perform whatever ritual they want without a problem, its only around whites where it becomes a problem. Sometimes people are required to inform/ask permission from their white neighbours, door to door, whenever an African ritual is about to take place..yet THEY continue to braai freely without asking for permission.
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Another thing they do with Native People, they put them on Reservations. Many managed to break away
from that situation but many did not.
Many had served this country in armed forces in WWI and WWII and like the veterans, and neglected people today, they were exploited - Ira Hayes was one such man.
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Forgotten - Genocide of my red people is STILL going on to this day. Nobody sees it. Nobody cares.
Oh, but America has made him a slogan and a logo and revere and honor him in words. But not in deeds.
Whereas the Black people were once slaves. The Red people were viewed as savages and beasts.
They tell me that my grandson is not tribal. I find this to be beyond insulting. It's like saying
he cannot exist, and that his ancestors cannot exist. - I refer to the blood quantity nonsense.
He's my Grandson and I'll be damned if the Government tells me that he doesn't exist and that he has no heritage!

Here is a quote I like from Steve Biko, the promoter of Black Consciousness, famously known here for his slogans such as "Black man you are on your own" "Black is beautiful", etc. Sadly he was killed for trying to wise up the black race.
"We do not want to be reminded that it is we, the indigenous people, who are poor & exploited in the land of our birth. These are concepts which the Black Consciousness approach wishes to eradicate from the black man's mind before our society is driven to chaos by irresponsible people from Coca-Cola & hamburger cultural backgrounds"
Posted by starlover
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by starlover
^^^ oh that sounds very familiar....pluto talk maybe?
you can't go to the spirit realm until the time is right

Sometimes, I walk in the Spirit. Sometimes not. The Spirit is a far better place
but we can grasp the ways of the Spirit if we listen and allow the Spirit to fill
our hearts and minds with peace so we can emanate it to others.
I have what is called Hawk Medicine, Eagle Medicine and Crow Medicine an Wolf Medicine.
There ARE others, as well. - that's if you want to think in those terms.
My tribe still dances the Ghost Dance.

Sounds lovely!
I am a spiritual healer...all my family are in the spirit world, i am the only one
living (apart from my son) ~~ i work with the spirit realms every day
One of my past lives was as a native american smile

Speaking of healing - there are many kinds of healing.
Think about language interpreters. I think that those of us who are mixed race, may in fact
have a place for a kind of race interpretation - seeing we understand the races that comprise
our makeup - It's like being a completely impartial judge and a spy, a man who sees both sides equally, and weigh the doings of both sides, in fairness and in truth. HOWEVER, it is necessary that
one be educated in the history of both, understand a long list of considerations (too long to list here) BUT... having that background knowledge, makes it quite easy to see both points of view.
It's like a life-long work wherein perhaps at the end ALLLL that I have done will be understood.
For example the things I say here on these forums, may get someone to stop and think, that person
being gifted elsewhere may take the ball and run with it, but perhaps not while yet in contact with me
but after I have moved on.
A man plants a tree that he will not sit under. Give a man fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for life. That's the kind of wisdom that the Liberal establishment do not want the black communities to hear. It's bad for liberal business.
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Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by MrFirebird
Did you know that Native Americans are the only people who required a permit to practice their traditional religious beliefs and rituals?

same here, especially for the blacks living in white areas. We have this African tradition-- eg. if you buy a new house then you have to burn some herbs to rid the house of whatever "spirits" the previous owner left behind, a cleansing of sorts. This ritual is also to perfomed to inform the ancestors of your new residence. Its like a house warming party, the African way. Now whites complain when these things happen, they blame the smoke etc, yet they braai (bbq) also creating smoke & that's acceptable ofcourse because its them. That's not okay! But in "Locations" (thats black neighbourhoods) people perform whatever ritual they want without a problem, its only around whites where it becomes a problem. Sometimes people are required to inform/ask permission from their white neighbours, door to door, whenever an African ritual is about to take place..yet THEY continue to braai freely without asking for permission.

Another thing they do with Native People, they put them on Reservations. Many managed to break away
from that situation but many did not.
Many had served this country in armed forces in WWI and WWII and like the veterans, and neglected people today, they were exploited - Ira Hayes was one such man.
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Forgotten - Genocide of my red people is STILL going on to this day. Nobody sees it. Nobody cares.
Oh, but America has made him a slogan and a logo and revere and honor him in words. But not in deeds.
Whereas the Black people were once slaves. The Red people were viewed as savages and beasts.
They tell me that my grandson is not tribal. I find this to be beyond insulting. It's like saying
he cannot exist, and that his ancestors cannot exist. - I refer to the blood quantity nonsense.
He's my Grandson and I'll be damned if the Government tells me that he doesn't exist and that he has no heritage!

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SMH. As they say, the struggle continues.
Posted by starlover
healing is healing, there is no need to bring colour or politics into it
that is the ego

Wrong. Many people are still wounded because of colour & politics & that's a fact. Many mothers still visit graves of their children killed because of colour & politics & that's a fact. In order to really heal you must be realistic about the cause of your pain, so that you can forgive & move on.
I am from a country whose long walk to freedom, each footprint was made by a black man's blood. Or each step meant another life lost, so it's impossible for me personally to not involve race in my or my country's healing.
I remember at about 5 or 6 years old, bored white policemen came to our "location", house to house & started beating up people..yeah.. black people.. for no reason at all. They just came in asking people dumb questions about a none existing person. If you said you didnt know who they were talking about, they hit you on the ribs with an AK47, kick you down..just plain torture you for nothing. Again, if you said yes you knew the fictitious person, then its "waars jy?"..where is he? Show me! Followed by another beating for "lying". I honestly grew up hating white people because of frequent experiences like that, but with time I realised that there were some good ones out there. I love the good ones, but I still hate the ones with condenscending attitudes..they still live.
Posted by starlover
healing is healing, there is no need to bring colour or politics into it
that is the ego

I think you misunderstand. It's NOT me bringing color, politics, or ego INTO this topic.... rather...
watch this now....... I am trying to rip it OUT of it. - Why I am addressing the color, the race
the politics is because "Politics" had enslaved... the.... Minds of Many (not all) but many people into thinking this is all life is going to be for them. There is a saying... "I think, therefore I am".
IF I think that I am free, then I am free. But IF I think that I am in bondage, then... I am in bondage.
It's not a matter of dillusional thinking, rather it is allowing the thinking to dictate the life.
What many of these young black youth are told is basically "Kid, you're black and you're screwed"
In my Psychological Warfare, I pointed out that "The lie that is big enough, told often enough, and
loud enough, is apt to be believed." - and it is historically VERY true. (Mind you, it isn't just the black youth, but also white, red, hispanic, no doubt asian and middle eastern kids are all told things like this to some degree.) - I am trying to expose the REAL tyranny that exists and it is NOT something
that can easily be explained - Why? Because it is so deep seated in history and in culture and in government -
The problems ALL these kids are going to face is that of the Economy. We have a problem with college grads finishing their education and NOT finding a job for which they studied for. THAT is a serious
problem on the economic front for those fortunate enough to go to college. IF college grads don't find professional work, they will be competing with the typical vocational trades along with their former
high school drop outs. This presents an incredible strain on the job market. Jobs which a black man might find today, but will not find tomorrow simply because he doesn't have the college degree, necessary to flip hamburgers. - It's pathetic and the leaders of our Government are to blame.
IMHO, EVERYONE needs to pull their heads out of their rears, wake up and smell the coffee because IF they don't there WILL be some SERIOUS consequences coming down the pipe because of the spectre of
economic collapse which will shut down this nation and in the vacuum, chaos will ensue and quite
possibly disorganized war in every city will follow. Don't blame the white man on the street - blame
the politicians! Blame the SPECIFIC people who caused these problems and bring THEM to justice. Keep the peace, do no harm, obey the law and straighten self up, align with others of all races. - Which
is why the people need a REAL Civil Rights organization that looks out for EVERYONE. Not just a convenient few to exploit in the name of chunk change and petty suits and useless legislation.
That is what I am promoting - The People coming together, learning one another's hardships
and working on rectifying the solutions necessary to berid the US Government of the corruption that
has divided this nation. Learn from the past, but do NOT live in the past.
I don't know if it can be done, I do know it cannot be done if people are NOT willing to get it together
and start becoming seriously active in their communities and within their families.
I don't know... I KNOW Dr. Martin Luther King's work was only the beginning but the content of a man's character is what we ALL must focus on - IF his character is rotten, do something about it. IF not, then
consequences will follow - and it all begins within each and every one of us. Hard work, requires discipline. A lonnnng hard road.
^^^^ When I say I am trying to rip color and politics out of it, I am trying make the distinction that
this problem is SPIRITUAL in nature and origin.
It's not about color, but color is victimized by it. Does that make sense to anyone????
Victimized either by someone else or by the simple "perception" of victimization.
I've heard black people express that they are VERY sensitive. And in order to work toward solutions
there needs to be some "thickening of skin". I forget who said it, but some will see what that is
referring to, others will not and feel offended.
Sigh... I've been up tooooo long.

Posted by virgojustice
Posted by MrFirebird
Did you know that Native Americans are the only people who required a permit to practice their traditional religious beliefs and rituals?

MrFirebird if you don't mind me asking. Why do Native Americans need permits? Does it have anything to do with the ghost dance.
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Well, I don't know if you live in the US or not, but it is against the law for the average Non-Native American to possess a Bald Eagle feather, even if found on the ground.
Native Americans have sacred rituals that include the Eagle feathers in the ceremonies.
Prayer smudging and the like.

"A Federal Eagle Indian Religious Permit is required to obtain eagle parts and/or feathers from the National Eagle Repository. "

The Ghost Dance (Caddo: Naniss??anah,[1] also called the Ghost Dance of 1890) was a new religious movement which was incorporated into numerous Native American belief systems.
Practice of the Ghost Dance movement was believed to have contributed to Lakota resistance. In the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890, U.S. Army forces killed at least 153 Lakota Sioux.

"According to what I have read, those who had taken part in the Ghost Dance, which was later to be banned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs , "The Ghost Dance" would no longer be allowed to be practiced amoung its people as they did all other Indians spiritual rituals), the Lakotas adopted it and began composing sacred songs of hope. "

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Posted by virgojustice
I do live in America. I lived around and went to school with Native Americans the Choctaws. I have read some history on Native Americans and have always been interested. My sister is actually doing research to trace our Native American ancestors.

You lived in SE. portion of Oklahoma?
In case you missed it, I mentioned the Blood fractionalization set forth by the white man. A
practice I personally resent due to it's insulting implications.
Here's a snippet but visit the links.

"The blood quantum law or "Indian Blood law" was passed by European Americans to regulate who would be classified as Native American and thus eligible to receive federal benefits."

"After the turn of the century, the Curtis Act dismantled tribal institutions. The Dawes Act was directed at assimilation by breaking up tribal common landholdings into allotments for individual members. The Caddo vigorously opposed allotment. Whitebread, a Caddo leader, said, that "because of their peaceful lives and friendship to the white man, and through their ignorance were not consulted, and have been ignored and stuck away in a corner and allowed to exist by sufferance."[13]
The Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936 provided the opportunity for the Caddo to reform their tribal government. They organized in 1938 as the Caddo Indian Tribe of Oklahoma. They ratified their constitution on 17 January 1938.[2] In 1976, they drafted a new constitution. During the 20th century, Caddo leaders such as Melford Williams, Harry Guy, Hubert Halfmoon, and Vernon Hunter have shaped the tribe.[13]
In a special election on 29 June 2002, six amendments were made to the constitution. Tribal enrollment is open to individuals with a documented minimum of 1/16 degree Caddo blood quantum."
" data-url="
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Posted by virgojustice
No, I am from the south,
The MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians are a state-recognized Native American tribe located in southern Alabama, primarily in Washington and Mobile counties. The MOWA Choctaw Reservation is located along the banks of the Mobile and Tombigbee rivers, on 300 acres (1.2 km?_) near the small southwestern Alabama communities of McIntosh, Mount Vernon and Citronelle, and north of Mobile. In addition to those members on the reservation, about 3,600 tribal citizens live in 10 small settlements near the reservation community. They are led by elected Chief Wilford Taylor. They claim descent from small groups of Choctaw and African people of Mississippi and Alabama, who avoided removal to Indian Territory in present-day Oklahoma at the time of the 1830 Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek by intermarriage with African slaves.

There IS dispute with that particular tribe.
"Since the late 20th century, the MOWA Choctaw have attempted to gain recognition as a federally recognized tribe. They have encountered difficulties in trying to satisfy documentation of continuity requirements of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) and failed to provide valid DNA proof of ancestry not of African descent. So far they have been unsuccessful in gaining recognition. In addition, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians and the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, both federally recognized tribes that operate successful gambling casinos in the area, oppose recognition of the MOWA Choctaw Band."

There ARE many people who think they are native or have native ancestry. It may be or may not be true.
But we live in the white man's world and we have to live the white man's way. That is, the US Government and it's laws dictate many things what the people can and cannot do. Many things
for which they are or are not eligible for. - IF a white skin man says he identifies with the black
culture, does it mean he is black? No, because of the genes. That's why the BIA is pretty strict
in the laws that it enforces. Reason is, IF for example a white man, even the entire white american population decided one day that he/they "Identified" himself/themselves as a Native American, it
would be akin to say "We want they have" and if the US said "ok", then, that would be no different
than when the white man came to this land to begin with, taking what doesn't belong to them.
^^^^ In a way, that would be legalizing "stealing" all over again. Something, the white man is very good at. So... in short, what the MOWA Choctaw is trying to assert is that they think they have rights that may not necessarily be so. It should be noted "in addition, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians and the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, both federally recognized tribes that operate successful gambling casinos in the area, oppose recognition of the MOWA Choctaw Band."

Why? They recognize that their income is in jeopardy, and no doubt suspect that the MOWA are trying
to stake their claim to get in on the $ $ $ $ action.
The Mashintucket Pequot Nation of Connecticut, comprises of BOTH white native and black native members.
Truth be told, there IS a rift within the tribe between the George and Sebastian families - Reality: it
is a peculiar exploitation by corporate and political individuals of two pairs of mixed races in order
to make a buck.
The Native-American culture is an interesting one. I didn't know much about it until I watched the cartoon, Brother Bear. LOL! And reading your posts about Native-Americans is making me to want to read up on the culture. I'm doing it for the love of learning. I love new cultures & learning new things about other people. Just the other day I ate Kitfo for the 1st time. Kitfo is an Ethiopian raw beef cubes with spices & wasn't bad but I wont be doing it again. What kind of food do Native-Americans usually eat? Their traditional food.
Posted by WaterCup
The Native-American culture is an interesting one. I didn't know much about it until I watched the cartoon, Brother Bear. LOL! And reading your posts about Native-Americans is making me to want to read up on the culture. I'm doing it for the love of learning. I love new cultures & learning new things about other people. Just the other day I ate Kitfo for the 1st time. Kitfo is an Ethiopian raw beef cubes with spices & wasn't bad but I wont be doing it again. What kind of food do Native-Americans usually eat? Their traditional food.

Before the white man came, depending on the region, for meat, Buffalo, Deer, Elk, Salmon, Trout, Bass fish, and the like.
^^^^ from above
Below link is a good read from wikipedia - IF you wanted to focus on a specific staple meal for a specific tribe, you first learn of the tribe and you will discover what the northern tribes ate and what the southeastern tribes ate - that is of the tribes within the existing US borders. Indigenous tribes such as the Mayans, Toltecs, Inca, and Aztecs and their descendants would be a whole different matter to be explored but the same cultural research techniques can be used.

btw, the region where they filmed the buffalo jump appears to be in the region of Monument Valley
a historically favorite location for many Hollywood western films.
Posted by tiziani
What you're saying makes sense Firebird. It's ironic when colour is mentioned many people only see that and can't actually read the rest beyond that. A big contradiction.
There's a fine line between going to the source of the pain and getting lost in that, making the pain your whole life's work though.
Mixed race people don't really need acceptance from anyone. It's not an "either or" situation for me. I always found it unnecessary when people insist you have to chose or belong. Mixed race is a race in itself and if anything multiculturalism of the future favours that on odds alone.

"when colour is mentioned many people only see that and can't actually read the rest beyond that."
That is a BIG part of the problem and the reason why races and nations cannot get along -
In the US, the Liberal establishment had done very well to strategically garner support, shore it up and block, stock and barrel, secured it's position in the minds of it's followers. See my "Psychological Warfare" thread for further details.
Basically, to illustrate what an American politician does, I will draw this analogy as if I were a politician: IF I can convince you to believe a certain thing (philosophy, creed, set of cultural values, entitlements), to believe it, and to be afraid and resist an unfamiliar concept, then I have enslaved your mind. Why I do this, is none of your business - the important thing to remember is that I am here to represent you in government, even though I have never met you and do NOT even know you exist. - The politicians are NOT just the elected government officials, but also the diverse variety of
lobbyists and organizations. The NAACP is one, the NRA is another, etc., etc., etc. A mindboggling population abusing the very purpose of government so as to acquire some form of gain, be it political, financial, civil, etc.

It makes me sick to look at it, but I must because it helps me to understand the true beast.
A must, if I hope to be of any help to anyone.
I find so many similarities in Native-American culture & African culture. When you say every bit of the buffalo was used, do you mean you ate "tripe" too? The intestines. We eat that here, but only that of sheep & cow.
I'll read the links later. Btw, that's a beautiful picture you posted there.
Posted by tiziani
What you're saying makes sense Firebird. It's ironic when colour is mentioned many people only see that and can't actually read the rest beyond that. A big contradiction.
There's a fine line between going to the source of the pain and getting lost in that, making the pain your whole life's work though.
Mixed race people don't really need acceptance from anyone. It's not an "either or" situation for me. I always found it unnecessary when people insist you have to chose or belong. Mixed race is a race in itself and if anything multiculturalism of the future favours that on odds alone.

To answer the second part - The purpose of going to the source of the pain is remove that source. The purpose for experiencing that pain, is to understand, first hand, so as to genuinely relate to the pain of another, that one may be sympathetic to the plight of others. Whatever pain I must feel, is for a reason. At first, the pain is not clearly understood, but later, it may be critically instrumental for to affect a much larger work. A work that transcends one's own life.
As for the mixed race. It all depends. Obama is bi-racial being a true "African-Caucasian", as it were.
He culturally identifies with the Black community but in the back of his mind, he is white. He no doubts picks up on the friction between the races. BUT.... He wasn't raised in a place where the bitter hatred of blacks v. whites and whites v. blacks existed - In Hawaii, the culture is vastly different.
At one time, the white person is something of a minority over there. To this day, there remains some
elements of Islander/Mainlander racism. Perhaps not as bad as it once was some 40 years ago.
As for acceptance, I have, in fact, been discriminated for the color of my skin by all sides.
And for that.... I have learned to deal with it. In the end, I have come out stronger than all.

Posted by WaterCup
I find so many similarities in Native-American culture & African culture. When you say every bit of the buffalo was used, do you mean you ate "tripe" too? The intestines. We eat that here, but only that of sheep & cow.
I'll read the links later. Btw, that's a beautiful picture you posted there.

Everything has Purpose. Everything has Spirit. Everything ought to be respected.
It is what Native Americans will call The Red Road.
^^^^ To add to the above, Yes, tripe soup.
Obviously not all parts of the Buffalo or animal was used for nourishment, but also for
clothing, tools, weapons and shelter. In fact, the animal itself and occasionally it's parts
served as metaphors in stories, not unlike many other things in nature which were similarly used.
It is a very beautiful and heartwarming thing.
And YES, there ARE many similarities between the two cultures. In part, because the white man brought
the two together in the form of the nation we call the United States, which is open to ALL nations.
BUT... the difficulties lie in the insistence that a predominant government be strictly followed and
in this case, the dominant race is the white race in this country. In the African Continent, the white man would really be the minority. Same holds true in the Middle East and Far East Asia.
The disparity has a lot to do not so much with color but with cultural attitudes -
In the US, BOTH the black and white (red, brown, yellow, olive are not necessarily excluded) communities predominate in politics and are divided by two, if not three, basic philosophic psychologies, that sets the stage and national discussion, as set forth by the poltical leaderships of the Nation. 1) independent thought and self-respect, 2) dependent thought, entitlement, complacency, 3) Indifference and total lack of self-respect.
I should point out that no one race, no one political ideology, or income bracket which defines the
individual/or group's standard of living.... etc. are immune to the swing and sway of good and bad behavior. ALL have their good and bad days, all have their good and bad thoughts. As it is said, the rain falls on the just and the unjust.

^^^ For example - one side believes in entitlement - another side disagrees - a third side reviews.
No matter where one is from, in the world, there is a common theme: IF you break the law, and you are caught, you will face the consequence. You may or may not be tried, you may or may not find mercy.
It's up to you as to whether you choose to obey the law - that's a universal concept.
Law - don't play with the fire or you may get burned. - Very simple concept first learned as a child,
yet many people believe as adults, they should NOT have to pay the consequence.
IF a child misbehaves, the child MUST be corrected. IF not, that child will grow up thinking
he or she can do anything they want and one day commit one or more terrible crimes against another.
Crimes such as physical assault, rape, theft, violence, and murder. Believe it or not, for whatever
reason, there ARE people who believe that it is wrong to correct a child. Such people are NOT grasping the future implications.
Nevertheless, IF the child does NOT learn to NOT play with fire, sooner or later, that child WILL get
burned. Likewise, also, what goes for the child, goes for the adult, and goes for whatever background, gender, race, political or religious affiliation that person belongs or subscribes to.
That said, Enter The Art Of War
With that said, the case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin and ALL the people who have been
exposed to it, should examine closely what the NEWS MEDIA, and the Politicians, had done to perpetuate and escalate hatred above and beyond the necessary levels.
To this day I have sought to find where Zimmerman had singled Trayvon out for his race, where he
broke the law. And the only way that I can remotely say he DID, in fact, do so is when I rely on
irrational thought and EMOTIONS in my approach to pass judgement. I am NOT an emotional type on this matter, because I was NOT directly involved. However, from a military point of view, I recognize what kind of confrontation George and Trayvon had and I keep coming back to the conclusion that in the height of his pride, Trayvon had made the mistake of picking a fight he ultimately could not win and lost his life. Zimmerman had the right to defend himself. I cannot think of anyone else on earth, in
his shoes, facing the same thing he faced would not do the same thing to save his own life. That is the INSTINCT to survive. Trayvon should have known his enemy and known himself and execute wise judgement, but he did not - Sun Tzu, ancient author of the "Art of War", would agree.
< width="560" height="315" ="

Another VERY important feature about the US is that it IS a melting pot of diverse peoples possessing
diverse values - the result? A Monumental Clash of Civilizations. The sooner EVERYONE picks up on that
and contemplates it with greater sincerity and honesty, the sooner they can REMOTELY hope to find
stability, come together and work together toward a more truly civilized society.
I feel naked, please delete the post with the photos.
You're so passionate about your threads MrF smile
I don't feel naked because of you, don't be silly-- one of the photos is mine & I don't feel comfortable having it on a thread. So please, delete the post. I don't care about people thinking whatever, I just don't want my photo up like this. DELETE IT!!
Posted by WaterCup
I don't feel naked because of you, don't be silly-- one of the photos is mine & I don't feel comfortable having it on a thread. So please, delete the post. I don't care about people thinking whatever, I just don't want my photo up like this. DELETE IT!!

Because you asked. NOT because you demanded.
And because you asked, I must retract my subsequent follow-ups.
Nevertheless, so be it.
Because you asked.

PS. America is DYING.
Thank you smile You're starting to crack me up. Wassup?
Posted by starlover
Posted by MrFirebird
PS. America is DYING.

Come to IRELAND ~~ God's land ~ it is steeped in culture
and is great CRAIC!
Big Grin
click to expand

Ahhh, but did you know that Ireland is the land of ire, the land of anger?
I know what gossip, nonsense and anger is all about.....
All I have to do is a) turn on the news b) turn on a woman.
In America, BOTH are Irish and full of Blarney.
And I've done BOTH.
Just saying, it is bad enough as it is, already.

Posted by starlover
Pure gold Big Grin
< width="420" height="315" ="

Look at the little Leprechauns!!!! oops, what's this????
Oh.... yes...., yes... Let's walk in front of the camera, please, thank you.
Another thing: The women just cannot wait before interrupting the men until the men have had their say.
Even out in the middle of nowhere, a man cannot finish his song dance before the woman interrupts him.
To be truthful, this tradition is NOT an isolated phenomenon. It's an apparent global tradition.

Posted by starlover
They are all to pissed (drunk) to be angry
Lighten up man!
Big Grin

I've been White Lightning drunk and I know the reason behind it, too.
And, you can't get any lighter than that without staying dead.

Posted by starlover
....the light i am talking about is
humour, laughter light

< width="560" height="315" ="

I've already seen that film, back when it came out.
Big Grin
There's a time to laugh and a time for seriousness.
Some people can enjoy their laughter, I on the other hand, have
a lot of serious questions concerning some serious observations
that many people have chosen to ignore for too long.
There's a very REAL problem and it's on the national level.
There is a LOT more than meets the eye.
A body in motion, stays in motion until the right resistance
exists to cease the motion.
So too, Geopolitical Social Psychological Warfare.
Mind you what is happening in the US has the potential
to trigger some seriously catastrophic international consequences.
In God We Trust.
All Others We Monitor
just was woundering what you were if you know a person is european or american or asin or black or brown you get different prospectives. you are hard to read sometimes.-
yes the dance is world wide could be anywhere