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Sep 06, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2592 · Topics: 68
It's easier to blame people with power than to use the power that you have to change yourself.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
Mr Firebird...I agree with you
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Sometimes I feel like people need to attend seminars or something on black pride to rid themselves of what I suspect to be self hating. Nothing will ever change until people start loving themselves-- that in turn will lead to loving other people & improve communities. I'm so sick of hearing people talking about getting with other people so their kids could get "good hair". People using bleaching creams because they think being light skinned is the only way to the top, or get accepted. Blacks critisizing other blacks for being dark skinned. How stupid is that? How can other people respect you when you don't even respect yourself? I also feel like black people are out of good role models. All the ones that people look up to are dead. Fact is, most young kids these days cant relate to the old role models, they dont even get what they stood for because they're not struggling with the same issues that made those people role models in the 1st place. So they'd rather choose Lil Wayne as an idol & listen to him when he says women are whores, talking about "redbones", etc. Black people, "the man" is not putting you down, you're putting yourselves down & making a laughing stock out of yourselves with these "high yella" shows you're not comfortable in your own skin.
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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
Did you know that Native Americans are the only people who required a permit to practice their traditional religious beliefs and rituals?
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Here is a quote I like from Steve Biko, the promoter of Black Consciousness, famously known here for his slogans such as "Black man you are on your own" "Black is beautiful", etc. Sadly he was killed for trying to wise up the black race.
"We do not want to be reminded that it is we, the indigenous people, who are poor & exploited in the land of our birth. These are concepts which the Black Consciousness approach wishes to eradicate from the black man's mind before our society is driven to chaos by irresponsible people from Coca-Cola & hamburger cultural backgrounds"
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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
IMHO, EVERYONE needs to pull their heads out of their rears, wake up and smell the coffee because IF they don't there WILL be some SERIOUS consequences coming down the pipe because of the spectre of
economic collapse which will shut down this nation and in the vacuum, chaos will ensue and quite
possibly disorganized war in every city will follow. Don't blame the white man on the street - blame
the politicians! Blame the SPECIFIC people who caused these problems and bring THEM to justice. Keep the peace, do no harm, obey the law and straighten self up, align with others of all races. - Which
is why the people need a REAL Civil Rights organization that looks out for EVERYONE. Not just a convenient few to exploit in the name of chunk change and petty suits and useless legislation.
That is what I am promoting - The People coming together, learning one another's hardships
and working on rectifying the solutions necessary to berid the US Government of the corruption that
has divided this nation. Learn from the past, but do NOT live in the past.
I don't know if it can be done, I do know it cannot be done if people are NOT willing to get it together
and start becoming seriously active in their communities and within their families.
I don't know... I KNOW Dr. Martin Luther King's work was only the beginning but the content of a man's character is what we ALL must focus on - IF his character is rotten, do something about it. IF not, then
consequences will follow - and it all begins within each and every one of us. Hard work, requires discipline. A lonnnng hard road.
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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
^^^^ When I say I am trying to rip color and politics out of it, I am trying make the distinction that
this problem is SPIRITUAL in nature and origin.
It's not about color, but color is victimized by it. Does that make sense to anyone????
Victimized either by someone else or by the simple "perception" of victimization.
I've heard black people express that they are VERY sensitive. And in order to work toward solutions
there needs to be some "thickening of skin". I forget who said it, but some will see what that is
referring to, others will not and feel offended.
Sigh... I've been up tooooo long.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
The Native-American culture is an interesting one. I didn't know much about it until I watched the cartoon, Brother Bear. LOL! And reading your posts about Native-Americans is making me to want to read up on the culture. I'm doing it for the love of learning. I love new cultures & learning new things about other people. Just the other day I ate Kitfo for the 1st time. Kitfo is an Ethiopian raw beef cubes with spices & wasn't bad but I wont be doing it again. What kind of food do Native-Americans usually eat? Their traditional food.
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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
btw, the region where they filmed the buffalo jump appears to be in the region of Monument Valley
a historically favorite location for many Hollywood western films.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
I find so many similarities in Native-American culture & African culture. When you say every bit of the buffalo was used, do you mean you ate "tripe" too? The intestines. We eat that here, but only that of sheep & cow.
I'll read the links later. Btw, that's a beautiful picture you posted there.
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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
^^^^ To add to the above, Yes, tripe soup.
Obviously not all parts of the Buffalo or animal was used for nourishment, but also for
clothing, tools, weapons and shelter. In fact, the animal itself and occasionally it's parts
served as metaphors in stories, not unlike many other things in nature which were similarly used.
It is a very beautiful and heartwarming thing.
And YES, there ARE many similarities between the two cultures. In part, because the white man brought
the two together in the form of the nation we call the United States, which is open to ALL nations.
BUT... the difficulties lie in the insistence that a predominant government be strictly followed and
in this case, the dominant race is the white race in this country. In the African Continent, the white man would really be the minority. Same holds true in the Middle East and Far East Asia.
The disparity has a lot to do not so much with color but with cultural attitudes -
In the US, BOTH the black and white (red, brown, yellow, olive are not necessarily excluded) communities predominate in politics and are divided by two, if not three, basic philosophic psychologies, that sets the stage and national discussion, as set forth by the poltical leaderships of the Nation. 1) independent thought and self-respect, 2) dependent thought, entitlement, complacency, 3) Indifference and total lack of self-respect.
I should point out that no one race, no one political ideology, or income bracket which defines the
individual/or group's standard of living.... etc. are immune to the swing and sway of good and bad behavior. ALL have their good and bad days, all have their good and bad thoughts. As it is said, the rain falls on the just and the unjust.
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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
^^^ For example - one side believes in entitlement - another side disagrees - a third side reviews.
No matter where one is from, in the world, there is a common theme: IF you break the law, and you are caught, you will face the consequence. You may or may not be tried, you may or may not find mercy.
It's up to you as to whether you choose to obey the law - that's a universal concept.
Law - don't play with the fire or you may get burned. - Very simple concept first learned as a child,
yet many people believe as adults, they should NOT have to pay the consequence.
IF a child misbehaves, the child MUST be corrected. IF not, that child will grow up thinking
he or she can do anything they want and one day commit one or more terrible crimes against another.
Crimes such as physical assault, rape, theft, violence, and murder. Believe it or not, for whatever
reason, there ARE people who believe that it is wrong to correct a child. Such people are NOT grasping the future implications.
Nevertheless, IF the child does NOT learn to NOT play with fire, sooner or later, that child WILL get
burned. Likewise, also, what goes for the child, goes for the adult, and goes for whatever background, gender, race, political or religious affiliation that person belongs or subscribes to.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
I feel naked, please delete the post with the photos.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
I don't feel naked because of you, don't be silly-- one of the photos is mine & I don't feel comfortable having it on a thread. So please, delete the post. I don't care about people thinking whatever, I just don't want my photo up like this. DELETE IT!!
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
just was woundering what you were if you know a person is european or american or asin or black or brown you get different prospectives. you are hard to read sometimes.-
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
yes the dance is world wide could be anywhere