Posted by LivenLuvMe too. I like giving some things to other people who need them more than I do.
I don't have enough and I still try to give.
Posted by The_AndsExcuse me. I never needed your help. And I paid for whatever you drank in that bar despite me being broke.
Once I tried to help this poor struggling lawyer out from the province and teach him social etiquette but he was hopeless and weird and accused me of trying to blow him despite being not in my league
I don't know what happened to him
Last I heard he was still living with his parents and making threads about giving to charity
Posted by SimsimiThis issue has long been established and he wasnt even accused. He admitted it himself.Posted by The_AndsWhy are you always being accused of trying to blow someone?
Once I tried to help this poor struggling lawyer out from the province and teach him social etiquette but he was hopeless and weird and accused me of trying to blow him despite being not in my league
I don't know what happened to him
Last I heard he was still living with his parents and making threads about giving to charityclick to expand
Posted by LivenLuvThank you. Giving is better than receiving. That altruistic feeling that embraces your soul when you help another without expectation of any return or reward is priceless.Posted by firebunnyGood heart.Posted by LivenLuvMe too. I like giving some things to other people who need them more than I do.
I don't have enough and I still try to to expand
Posted by cornmaizesharkIt's a tax write off because the government encourages people to donate to charities. Some people just give and give without thinking of the tax write-off. That alone is already something.
No. Giving to charities is lazy and ineffective.
If you really care and you have enough, take a break and volunteer your service. You never know where your money will go too. If you donate your time and talents, you know it's going to a good cause.
It's irresponsible to donate to charities. And pretentious. AND a tax write off, so it's not even altruistic.
Posted by firebunnyI don't know why but that part about you paying for his drink(s) cracked me up.. LolPosted by The_AndsAnd I paid for whatever you drank in that bar despite me being broke.
Once I tried to help this poor struggling lawyer out from the province and teach him social etiquette but he was hopeless and weird and accused me of trying to blow him despite being not in my league
I don't know what happened to him
Last I heard he was still living with his parents and making threads about giving to charity
.click to expand
Posted by firebunnyIt doesn't matter why it's a tax write off; simply that it is.Posted by cornmaizesharkIt's a tax write off because the government encourages people to donate to charities. Some people just give and give without thinking of the tax write-off. That alone is already something.
No. Giving to charities is lazy and ineffective.
If you really care and you have enough, take a break and volunteer your service. You never know where your money will go too. If you donate your time and talents, you know it's going to a good cause.
It's irresponsible to donate to charities. And pretentious. AND a tax write off, so it's not even altruistic.
Volunteer services is another matter but you cannot disregard the value of material things too - for how would one charitable organization operate in the first place if it has nothing to give?click to expand
Posted by cornmaizesharkI do volunteer works from time to time. And I also background check the charitable orgs before making some donations.Posted by firebunnyIt doesn't matter why it's a tax write off; simply that it is.Posted by cornmaizesharkIt's a tax write off because the government encourages people to donate to charities. Some people just give and give without thinking of the tax write-off. That alone is already something.
No. Giving to charities is lazy and ineffective.
If you really care and you have enough, take a break and volunteer your service. You never know where your money will go too. If you donate your time and talents, you know it's going to a good cause.
It's irresponsible to donate to charities. And pretentious. AND a tax write off, so it's not even altruistic.
Volunteer services is another matter but you cannot disregard the value of material things too - for how would one charitable organization operate in the first place if it has nothing to give?
You can volunteer material things. You can build houses. You can even buy food and donate it to a local soup kitchen. You can choose the cause you want to back and in someway donate directly material goods or services.
But writing a check? Lazy. And that would be okay, but for the fact that it's also irresponsible. Fact is that most money donated to charities doesn't actually go to the cause you think it does. Do some research on that. Even if you think you can trust a specific charity, it really isn't possible to actually *know* where your money is going. So take the extra time to, idk, do more than write a check. Even if it means writing a check to a company to buy a thousand blankets which you then donate to orphans or something. That one step extra can mean the difference between helping children or lining the pockets of a corrupt "charitable" to expand
Posted by firebunnyNot at all.Posted by cornmaizesharkI do volunteer works from time to time. And I also background check the charitable orgs before making some donations.Posted by firebunnyIt doesn't matter why it's a tax write off; simply that it is.Posted by cornmaizesharkIt's a tax write off because the government encourages people to donate to charities. Some people just give and give without thinking of the tax write-off. That alone is already something.
No. Giving to charities is lazy and ineffective.
If you really care and you have enough, take a break and volunteer your service. You never know where your money will go too. If you donate your time and talents, you know it's going to a good cause.
It's irresponsible to donate to charities. And pretentious. AND a tax write off, so it's not even altruistic.
Volunteer services is another matter but you cannot disregard the value of material things too - for how would one charitable organization operate in the first place if it has nothing to give?
You can volunteer material things. You can build houses. You can even buy food and donate it to a local soup kitchen. You can choose the cause you want to back and in someway donate directly material goods or services.
But writing a check? Lazy. And that would be okay, but for the fact that it's also irresponsible. Fact is that most money donated to charities doesn't actually go to the cause you think it does. Do some research on that. Even if you think you can trust a specific charity, it really isn't possible to actually *know* where your money is going. So take the extra time to, idk, do more than write a check. Even if it means writing a check to a company to buy a thousand blankets which you then donate to orphans or something. That one step extra can mean the difference between helping children or lining the pockets of a corrupt "charitable" organization.
But if one wants to help in one way or another, anything they give must be welcomed. Even if they may be lazy, the mere fact that they give must be viewed in a positive to expand
Posted by cornmaizesharkThat's true. But how do you know if giving is with good intentions or not?
Good intentions =/= good outcomes.
If you cause damage because you want an easy way to be able to pat yourself on the back, there's no reason that should be viewed in a positive light. Just as an example.Damage? How?click to expand
Posted by cornmaizesharkIt's your opinion. I firmly believe that that Involuntary Servitude provision in the Constitution is there for a good reason.Posted by firebunnyNot at all.Posted by cornmaizesharkI do volunteer works from time to time. And I also background check the charitable orgs before making some donations.Posted by firebunnyIt doesn't matter why it's a tax write off; simply that it is.Posted by cornmaizesharkIt's a tax write off because the government encourages people to donate to charities. Some people just give and give without thinking of the tax write-off. That alone is already something.
No. Giving to charities is lazy and ineffective.
If you really care and you have enough, take a break and volunteer your service. You never know where your money will go too. If you donate your time and talents, you know it's going to a good cause.
It's irresponsible to donate to charities. And pretentious. AND a tax write off, so it's not even altruistic.
Volunteer services is another matter but you cannot disregard the value of material things too - for how would one charitable organization operate in the first place if it has nothing to give?
You can volunteer material things. You can build houses. You can even buy food and donate it to a local soup kitchen. You can choose the cause you want to back and in someway donate directly material goods or services.
But writing a check? Lazy. And that would be okay, but for the fact that it's also irresponsible. Fact is that most money donated to charities doesn't actually go to the cause you think it does. Do some research on that. Even if you think you can trust a specific charity, it really isn't possible to actually *know* where your money is going. So take the extra time to, idk, do more than write a check. Even if it means writing a check to a company to buy a thousand blankets which you then donate to orphans or something. That one step extra can mean the difference between helping children or lining the pockets of a corrupt "charitable" organization.
But if one wants to help in one way or another, anything they give must be welcomed. Even if they may be lazy, the mere fact that they give must be viewed in a positive to expand