DXP Survivor 2014 Part V Challenge

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by StoicGoat on Wednesday, April 9, 2014 and has 149 replies.
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Judge...7 minutes is way to long of a wait time...my stomach is now turning...lol
Posted by GetMisted

Air Heads, your challenge:
Write an original burlesque villanelle. The first perfect submission will win immunity from the vote that will immediately follow. In the event no submission is perfect, the most perfect submission will be declared the winner. Your submission must be stamped no more than 89 minutes, 59 seconds after the time stamp on this post. Multiple submissions are permitted. Only the most perfect one will be considered when judging. No feedback will be given during the challenge. Good luck!
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by GetMisted


Why? Can I not play this one?
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You're welcome to play if you so desire. However, do note there is nothing for you to win, as you are not presently on the challenged team.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by StoicGoat
Air Heads, your challenge:
Write an original burlesque villanelle. The first perfect submission will win immunity from the vote that will immediately follow. In the event no submission is perfect, the most perfect submission will be declared the winner. Your submission must be stamped no more than 89 minutes, 59 seconds after the time stamp on this post. Multiple submissions are permitted. Only the most perfect one will be considered when judging. No feedback will be given during the challenge. Good luck!

You didn't wait for the other two?
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They were provided with advance notice of the time and place. As neither communicated any scheduling conflict, we are proceeding under the assumption their absence is by choice. This is the same procedure under which all of this year's game has been conducted.
lol @ this challenge.
come ob man, burlesque vilanelle? how many people heard of that?
I do seem to recall indicating they would become increasingly difficult as the game progressed.
I know Stoic, it just...bring back memories of my 11th grade literature teacher. He had a very specific way of describing this kind of thing Big Grin
You just wish it was your challenge. Envy Green isn't your best color, Damnata.
Dude this would've been way more up my alley than the sonnet lol.
I see what you did there with your "Envy Green" comment..but let's not give people ideas for this challenge Tongue
I do not recognize poetry as a form of literature...unless it rhymes. Then I'll entertain the possibility it might be some form of sub-species.
If I were a gambling man, I would bet Nacho's probably off experimenting with recipes utilizing whale meat.
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by StoicGoat
I do not recognize poetry as a form of literature...unless it rhymes. Then I'll entertain the possibility it might be some form of sub-species.

I beg to differ. Free verse is just as much poetry as anything else. Simply a different form.
A whole bunch of poets would disagree as well!
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Free verse is certainly a form of poetry, it's just not a form of literature. Tongue
Strictly speaking, poetry is undoubtedly the most ancient of the two and therefore should, at least theoretically, be the better developed, as well. It is certainly more difficult to produce poetry that rhymes than that which does not; ergo, rhymed poetry is logically the more refined form. Personally, I think those who write poetry in so-called free verse are just lazy, but I know that's a matter of opinion. (I don't mean to offend if that's your thing!)
I know they're all technically forms of literature...I'm just fanning the flames. Tongue
Judge I agree with Damanta this is absolutely ridiculous..lol
Guys please do not laugh at me...please refrain.. don't life this is the only thing i could think off..lol
What does the dreamer do but dream of course
walking threw life without a course
Not realizing they are a fool
Scared to use their tools
Reaching is not that hard
if they only would try
Reaching far up high, to the sky
Rain will fall
yes it will
Leaving you cold and filled with chills
Running in circles
Lost with the wind
No one to lean on
Not even a close kin
Growing old with the days, taking no action
Youth is no longer present
only the shades of gray
Will the dreamer ever change
Only time will tell

I better win..lol
Stoic if no one comes close to this, what happens? You'll award immunity to whomever writes one line of the poem or what lol?
Getting ready to cast my vote Big Grin
Poetry and literature are both forms of art. There is no purely objective way to measure the quality or laziness of any particular writer or style of writing.
That poem has nothing to do with the burlesque style .
Don't want to diss you aqua but it's one of my favorites so..no dice.
Posted by Damnata
Stoic if no one comes close to this, what happens? You'll award immunity to whomever writes one line of the poem or what lol?
Getting ready to cast my vote Big Grin

Posted by StoicGoat
Air Heads, your challenge:
Write an original burlesque villanelle. The first perfect submission will win immunity from the vote that will immediately follow. In the event no submission is perfect, the most perfect submission will be declared the winner. Your submission must be stamped no more than 89 minutes, 59 seconds after the time stamp on this post. Multiple submissions are permitted. Only the most perfect one will be considered when judging. No feedback will be given during the challenge. Good luck!
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Yeah yeah I know Stoic. You said you'll fan my flames not take the wind from my wings.
Get it right.Tongue
Still not good enough Scruffy but ofc you nail this being Romanian.
You need a rich dark morbid sense of humor for burlesque and boy does this nation have it in spades.
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by StoicGoat
Poetry and literature are both forms of art. There is no purely objective way to measure the quality or laziness of any particular writer or style of writing.

Don't want to call them lazy? Winking
I consider my work done here.
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I've never cared for anything of Whitman's that I've read. Having not read his complete works, I will refrain from calling him lazy, as it is possible one or more of those I've yet to suffer through may demonstrate some menial level of skill and/or artistry.
I have read all of Shakespeare's published works and generally find them quite agreeable, with the exception of those unrhymed and masquerading as poetry. Tongue
Posted by Damnata
That poem has nothing to do with the burlesque style .
Don't want to diss you aqua but it's one of my favorites so..no dice.

Yes I know...I suck...I think I only got the 19 lines part right lol..
Posted by GetMisted

If only you were a vampire...

whats the point of that anyways? no one else on my team is playing..
Posted by GetMisted

Do you wish to purchase time or do you have time available for sale?
Posted by GetMisted
I was over by 3 seconds Sad

Pretty much what all of them say.
I feel how hard it is for Stoic to decide who won...
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
This is bullshit. You make us stick circles, squares, and triangles up our asses and the Airheads get this?! Bullshit, Sir. BULLSHIT.
The night the kitty joined dxpSurvivor's chain.
suffice to say she was indeed impressed.
The Goat thought - That cat's insane.
The kitty served snacks even in the rain,
the poor kitty's obvious duress,
the night the kitty joined dxpSurvivor's chain.
The players tore down dxp lane,
the kitty's escape plan was a mess.
The Goat thought - That cat's insane.
A lion even showed off his mane,
ostriches all seemed quite impressed,
the night the kitty joined dxpSurvivor's chain.
The players were fast but light on brains,
the kitty laughed indeed, she must confess.
The Goat thought - That cat's insane.
The kitty laughed all through the pain,
for the Goat pounced at first, but then regressed.
The night the kitty joined dxpSurvivor's chain,
the Goat thought - That cat's insane.
Peace out Tongue

^This isn't bad. It's a solid B+ effort, maybe an A- depending on the others against which it was graded.
It wouldn't be a challenge if it was easy!
Posted by Damnata
I feel how hard it is for Stoic to decide who won...

I'm seriously wringing my hands here.
Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by Damnata
I feel how hard it is for Stoic to decide who won...

I'm seriously wringing my hands here.
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there, there.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by Damnata
I feel how hard it is for Stoic to decide who won...

I'm seriously wringing my hands here.

there, there.
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You are a Romanian vampire. How many different souls' compassion are you regurgitating there?
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
This is bullshit. You make us stick circles, squares, and triangles up our asses and the Airheads get this?! Bullshit, Sir. BULLSHIT.
The night the kitty joined dxpSurvivor's chain.
suffice to say she was indeed impressed.
The Goat thought - That cat's insane.
The kitty served snacks even in the rain,
the poor kitty's obvious duress,
the night the kitty joined dxpSurvivor's chain.
The players tore down dxp lane,
the kitty's escape plan was a mess.
The Goat thought - That cat's insane.
A lion even showed off his mane,
ostriches all seemed quite impressed,
the night the kitty joined dxpSurvivor's chain.
The players were fast but light on brains,
the kitty laughed indeed, she must confess.
The Goat thought - That cat's insane.
The kitty laughed all through the pain,
for the Goat pounced at first, but then regressed.
The night the kitty joined dxpSurvivor's chain,
the Goat thought - That cat's insane.
Peace out Tongue

^This isn't bad. It's a solid B+ effort, maybe an A- depending on the others against which it was graded.
It wouldn't be a challenge if it was easy!

Sweet! Big Grin *ignores the B+* I'll take the A-. Thank you, Sir.
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Not so grabby, elephancat.
Congratulations on your win, Aqua. Air Heads, please PM your votes to me.
Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by Damnata
Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by Damnata
I feel how hard it is for Stoic to decide who won...

I'm seriously wringing my hands here.

there, there.

You are a Romanian vampire. How many different souls' compassion are you regurgitating there?
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I lost Count Tongue
Posted by Damnata
I feel how hard it is for Stoic to decide who won...

Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by Damnata
I feel how hard it is for Stoic to decide who won...

I'm seriously wringing my hands here.
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Posted by StoicGoat
Congratulations on your win, Aqua. Air Heads, please PM your votes to me.

Yes!!!! I won... boy am I lucky...
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
Yay! Congrats Aqualove.
Here's your Immmunity Statue sculpted in the Judge's likeness. Big Grin

I'm sure the Judge's decision was oh so difficult. You must thank him for all that hand wringing for what must have been hours...even days...

It is convenient I possess the ability to travel backward and forward in time.
^^^You didn't give me that and I won immunity twice.
It could be poisoned.^.^
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by StoicGoat

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You appear very confused.
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
Posted by GetMisted
I give you a C-. Only because you have yet to find me a awesome Beluga hat. I said good day!

Straight Face
You didn't ask me for a Beluga hat. Take back that C- and I shall knit you one. Take it back, whale!
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After showcasing an example of nearly the entire animal kingdom, do you really mean to tell us that you don't have a whale hat?
lol@ Stoic trolling the beluga.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by StoicGoat


You appear very confused.

Why are you messing with me?
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Wait a minute...am I in the wrong game again?!
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
Yay! Congrats Aqualove.
Here's your Immmunity Statue sculpted in the Judge's likeness. Big Grin

I'm sure the Judge's decision was oh so difficult. You must thank him for all that hand wringing for what must have been hours...even days...

lmbo...that is ugly..can I have something pretty
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
Yay! Congrats Aqualove.
Here's your Immmunity Statue sculpted in the Judge's likeness. Big Grin

I'm sure the Judge's decision was oh so difficult. You must thank him for all that hand wringing for what must have been hours...even days...

lmbo...that is ugly..can I have something pretty
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Is he sitting on a turtle?
Still looking for my missing pom poms Crying

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