Geminicandle: who is that woman on the left of you

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firebunny on Sunday, June 16, 2013 and has 21 replies.
r profile pic?
That's the kind of "elegant" I'm looking for. At least, it qualifies to my standards. And yet, it's sexy and modern. Very womanly. Is she Gemini too?
Blue Velvet is one of my favourite movies smile
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by geminicandle
Fire bunny and Chopstick, are you guys going for coffee soon or something?

i'm trying to quit coffee. we're going to a titty bar. lulz JK!
oh firebunny i suppose had just 1 peso in my prepaid. i was too lazy to go down to the convenience store to put load in it but i live in makati.
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LOL!!! Oh... I thought you were thinking I'm a creep for asking where you live. LOL.
Posted by geminicandle
David Lynch and I share some major astro aspects. I can relate to his movies and characters.
I have light blonde hair myself. Dark hair does not look good on me. I wish I could it pull it off though. It's so sultry and sophisticated.

Dark-haired women are my type! LOL. Whenever I watch Western movies, it's always the women with very dark hair color that swoon me over. smile Jet black is my ideal hair. I remember Cecil of Cruel Intentions. Naive... sexy... very dark hair color. And then she starred in Legally Blonde too as the dark-haired b*tchy classmate of Elle Woods. smile I miss that actress! Hahah...
Posted by geminicandle
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by firebunny
r profile pic?
That's the kind of "elegant" I'm looking for. At least, it qualifies to my standards. And yet, it's sexy and modern. Very womanly. Is she Gemini too?

that's some pretty high standards u got there lunar leo solar virgo! Devil
i don't think it's elegant but that's just me. i always say u can't be both elegant and sexy but women who think they are both always fight me on this.

I guess it depends on your perception of sexiness. A woman can be sexy without showing anything. It's that anticipation of what's underneath...and how well put together she looks and you can't wait to tear it all apartWinking
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To me, sexiness cannot be sexy if it's not accompanied by womanly elegance. I think that if you're just sexy, it can't be enough. I want sensuality too and a woman's elegance is a very good indicator of how sensual she can be! smile
I'm a Taurus Ascendant btw. smile
Posted by firebunny
r profile pic?
That's the kind of "elegant" I'm looking for. At least, it qualifies to my standards. And yet, it's sexy and modern. Very womanly. Is she Gemini too?

No, she's a Pisces.
Watch "Mulholland drive" to see more of her charms.
Posted by enfant_terrible
Blue Velvet is one of my favourite movies smile

That was a great film, the song under the same name is a memorable one as well.
Posted by ninjutsu
I think it pays to mix it up, ands. A lot of women need foreplay to get the engines revving etc. But I mean foreplay doesn't just need to be physical, mental foreplay can be even more potent really.

+ 1
ands, it is like the child who has to wait until Christmas Day to open the presents, a similar type of anticipation where it leaves one thinking about it, constantly, the build up until the day arrives, a release yet there is great excitement too. Very potent indeed or else it becomes nothing more than an act, mundane range of motions = boredom.
Posted by ninjutsu
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by ninjutsu
I think it pays to mix it up, ands. A lot of women need foreplay to get the engines revving etc. But I mean foreplay doesn't just need to be physical, mental foreplay can be even more potent really.

+ 1
ands, it is like the child who has to wait until Christmas Day to open the presents, a similar type of anticipation where it leaves one thinking about it, constantly, the build up until the day arrives, a release yet there is great excitement too. Very potent indeed or else it becomes nothing more than an act, mundane range of motions = boredom.

You produce a constant stream of exquisitely detailed thoughts my LadyS, so I know for certain you are a woman in need of a spouse that can expertly tantalise that mind of yours!
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Thank you dear Water Sister.
Hah, perhaps I should start leaving Personal Assistant Applications where ever I may go, open for them to apply Tongue
(Hopefully he would be able to tame my fickle heart too!)
Posted by ninjutsu
LadyS with a fickle heart? I do not believe! Tongue

I do not know...
Recently came to a realization I simply can not keep myself away, like fish to shiny objects and moth to burning flames. One and the next and the next, who ever will make me stay long before boredom takes over again? It must be a Scorpion's wet dream to have three husbands, one for emotional/spiritual satisfaction, another for mental simulation, lastly one for the bedroom and daily life. My mind keeps changing itself over! Tongue
Keep saying that.
You people will pull anything out of the thin air to explain my insanity. There is no manual book you see, it is utter madness Big Grin
Posted by ninjutsu
Well if you need someone similarly insane I think you should seriously consider using dxp as your love connection

Hahaha, I have a hunch that would spell disaster with a capital D, it would make for an interesting story to tell the children when one is old Big Grin There is insane and then there is insane, the latter consists of stalkers, bat-shit crazy obsessive-compulsive individuals.
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Keep saying that.
You people will pull anything out of the thin air to explain my insanity. There is no manual book you see, it is utter madness Big Grin

u do know i can only pull out two things.
1. sun in scorpio
2. mars in gemini
there is nothing left to be pulled out of the bag... oh wait... condoms... black lace panties... a sybian... gosh lady scorps haven't u seen up in the air? george clooney and his bag? :p
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Yesterday, there were others whom pulled out Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Libra and Capricorn Ascendent out of their magical hats and *poof* into thin air. They probably thought I was truly anal Tongue
Posted by ninjutsu
I think you just need someone as complexly wondrous as you are, LadyS. You're a WHOLE LOT of woman, and you need a man who is similarly multifaceted, and proficient at near as many of those many aspects as are you.

On your request, allow me to put that up as my status, maybe I might get a hit or two? Tongue
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Keep saying that.
You people will pull anything out of the thin air to explain my insanity. There is no manual book you see, it is utter madness Big Grin

u do know i can only pull out two things.
1. sun in scorpio
2. mars in gemini
there is nothing left to be pulled out of the bag... oh wait... condoms... black lace panties... a sybian... gosh lady scorps haven't u seen up in the air? george clooney and his bag? :p

Yesterday, there were others whom pulled out Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Libra and Capricorn Ascendent out of their magical hats and *poof* into thin air. They probably thought I was truly anal Tongue

what? lulz! r those ur placements? i suppose not. cap asc... d'awww didja have a rough childhoodie woodie?
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You are an adorable bull, you see a cloth and you charge assuming it is red Big Grin
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Keep saying that.
You people will pull anything out of the thin air to explain my insanity. There is no manual book you see, it is utter madness Big Grin

u do know i can only pull out two things.
1. sun in scorpio
2. mars in gemini
there is nothing left to be pulled out of the bag... oh wait... condoms... black lace panties... a sybian... gosh lady scorps haven't u seen up in the air? george clooney and his bag? :p

Yesterday, there were others whom pulled out Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Libra and Capricorn Ascendent out of their magical hats and *poof* into thin air. They probably thought I was truly anal Tongue

Those are my planets and ascending...WTF?
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Maybe, they thought I was your twin...
Posted by ninjutsu
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by ninjutsu
I think you just need someone as complexly wondrous as you are, LadyS. You're a WHOLE LOT of woman, and you need a man who is similarly multifaceted, and proficient at near as many of those many aspects as are you.

On your request, allow me to put that up as my status, maybe I might get a hit or two? Tongue

Lol of course if you so wish! I would be honoured. Maybe nix the second 'many', though. Too many manys in that sentence Tongue
*Big hugs* ??? ??? ???
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The advert is out, now let us see whom I may get for my interviewees Tongue
Posted by chopstickcharmer
that advert is intimidating yo! smile i mean i'd respond to it coz im stupid and have no air so i wouldn't even think it thru but for those with a tiny smidgen of air hmmm....

Intimidating, what else is one suppose to do? *lifts an eyebrow in question*
Put on lace panties, heels, an apron, bake a cake, stir a few cocktails and have inviting spoonfuls of pure sweetness ready? Men...*shakes my head*
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by chopstickcharmer
that advert is intimidating yo! smile i mean i'd respond to it coz im stupid and have no air so i wouldn't even think it thru but for those with a tiny smidgen of air hmmm....

Intimidating, what else is one suppose to do? *lifts an eyebrow in question*
Put on lace panties, heels, an apron, bake a cake, stir a few cocktails and have inviting spoonfuls of pure sweetness ready? Men...*shakes my head*

oh u just enjoy giving us that visual don't u? #tease Devil
naw let's think up a new lady scorp man harem-ing strategy!
how about work out like a mofo and wear the frumpiest clothes u can palate? idk jynja was explaining to me reverse leo style . put some idears in my head. spanx granny panties? lulz! do men really like cakes? i think burgers/ sandwiches! just look at my profile. yes absinthe and sugarcubes or sub sero beer! but really we're not that lazy that we can't bake a cake ourselves or buy one if we really craved a cake and make out own drinks...
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Frankly, I do both extremes (B) wearing a man's too-big-on-me shirt is smexy and what is a lady not to like, being surrounded by his scent and all Big Grin
Bulls can get quite lazy themselves, especially when they are satisfyingly grazing...
Posted by chopstickcharmer
^do u look anything like laura harring btw? how bout bunnies? Devil

Gee, it was not as if one would steal his wardrobe, I have one of my own!
Though wearing his gear, go out in the wilderness, hiking/kayaking/climbing/sailing/ and any outdoor activity, all mud and dusty...a great excuse for him to hose me down Big Grin
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Keep saying that.
You people will pull anything out of the thin air to explain my insanity. There is no manual book you see, it is utter madness Big Grin

u do know i can only pull out two things.
1. sun in scorpio
2. mars in gemini
there is nothing left to be pulled out of the bag... oh wait... condoms... black lace panties... a sybian... gosh lady scorps haven't u seen up in the air? george clooney and his bag? :p

Yesterday, there were others whom pulled out Venus in Virgo, Mercury in Libra and Capricorn Ascendent out of their magical hats and *poof* into thin air. They probably thought I was truly anal Tongue

Those are my planets and ascending...WTF?

Maybe, they thought I was your twin...

I'd be honored to be your twin.
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If that were the case as it were, then truckloads of red bull and coffee would be mandated a.s.a.p.