
This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by The_eleventh_sign_11 on Saturday, June 15, 2013 and has 46 replies.
What does it mean to you?
Are you offended by bad grammar?
Feel free to post any other questions for topic sake...
My literacy skills are very poor. I still to this day don't know where to put commas a fullstops in my sentences or structure them properly which gets me in trouble with the grammar police.
I recently found out that the way we write is completely different to the way we talk, which is kind of the way I write. I noticed that what I read in forums or on paper is completely different to what I hear.
Personally I think humans have communicated well throughout the ages without grammar and I dont see what the fuss is about or why people get shitty about bad grammar it makes me want to learn it even less out of spite.
Another question - Is having a go at someone who has bad grammar on paper like having a go at someone who does not speak english well?...
because I think people who spell things differently or write things in different ways kind of gives them personality
Poor grammar only frustrates me when the person knows better. Otherwise, my disappointment is directed at those who were responsible for teaching the individual.
The worst are the people who refuse to accept when they have made a mistake. Everyone makes them. Wouldn't you rather be made aware so that you don't continue to go around misinformed? I suppose pride is to blame.
I hesitate to date a man whose native language is English but has very poor grammar. He may very well be an intelligent man with valuable skills sets. But, to me that says you don't value education or you didn't pay close enough attention in school. I value education. Therefore, we wouldn't be compatible.
If English is not the home language, then that is a different story. Still, a person would do well to demonstrate literacy proficiency in their first language at least.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Grammar has it's place and mine can be pretty crappy but bad grammar can be equally creative.

your grammar is fine, bling. you know what good grammar is, even if you don't always use it. same for me. this sort of setting is quite informal- no rules.
it's one thing to have relaxed grammar on a message board. an entirely different thing to do the same in a work setting.
i've seen some horrific resumes and personal statements that people thought was supposed to impress a potential employer/admissions committee.
Posted by ScorpSuperior
Poor grammar only frustrates me when the person knows better. Otherwise, my disappointment is directed at those who were responsible for teaching the individual.
The worst are the people who refuse to accept when they have made a mistake. Everyone makes them. Wouldn't you rather be made aware so that you don't continue to go around misinformed? I suppose pride is to blame.

When either happens I feel like telling whoever I'm talking to to jump onto an electric fence... Ugh its so frustrating :/
But it's no problem if someone doesn't know, we aren't perfect smile
I abhor bad grammar and misspellings. Another treat of this mostly worthless and unoriginal generation.
Posted by BalmyTigress
When it seems sloppy it's kind of disgusting.

I agree...
bad grammar says a lot about a person
I am a sucker for grammar. Can't stand bad grammar. But I must say I'm not a native English speaker, so I guess I make quite a lot of mistakes, but I will google something when I'm not sure. In my own language? ooooh, I take grammar serious. It's one of my pet peeves. But on message boards and in texts it's okay to use slang in my opinion.
Posted by Europesaggy
I am a sucker for grammar. Can't stand bad grammar. But I must say I'm not a native English speaker, so I guess I make quite a lot of mistakes, but I will google something when I'm not sure. In my own language? ooooh, I take grammar serious. It's one of my pet peeves. But on message boards and in texts it's okay to use slang in my opinion.

pretty damn good in English!
I speak and write 3 languages -- the right way to say or write something is what I love smile
OK, who else has done this as a kid?
Look through the dictionary, JUST for FUN, to see the spelling of unusual words?

Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Europesaggy
I am a sucker for grammar. Can't stand bad grammar. But I must say I'm not a native English speaker, so I guess I make quite a lot of mistakes, but I will google something when I'm not sure. In my own language? ooooh, I take grammar serious. It's one of my pet peeves. But on message boards and in texts it's okay to use slang in my opinion.

pretty damn good in English!
I speak and write 3 languages -- the right way to say or write something is what I love smile
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Awww thanks Aqua!
I speak 5 languages, but only write and read 3 of them properly ... see this is where I doubt whether it should be 'proper' or 'properly'
Posted by aquapiscescusp
OK, who else has done this as a kid?
Look through the dictionary, JUST for FUN, to see the spelling of unusual words?

Posted by Europesaggy
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Europesaggy
I am a sucker for grammar. Can't stand bad grammar. But I must say I'm not a native English speaker, so I guess I make quite a lot of mistakes, but I will google something when I'm not sure. In my own language? ooooh, I take grammar serious. It's one of my pet peeves. But on message boards and in texts it's okay to use slang in my opinion.

pretty damn good in English!
I speak and write 3 languages -- the right way to say or write something is what I love smile

Awww thanks Aqua!
I speak 5 languages, but only write and read 3 of them properly ... see this is where I doubt whether it should be 'proper' or 'properly'
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Both are gramatically correct I would think. Slight difference...
If you say "Write proper English" it puts the emphasis on what is being written, namely proper English.
or "Write English properly" puts emphasis on how to write the English...properly.
If that makes sense smile
Posted by Europesaggy
Posted by aquapiscescusp
OK, who else has done this as a kid?
Look through the dictionary, JUST for FUN, to see the spelling of unusual words?

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oh thank heavens someone out there can understand...
you want to say the rosary now? LOL
I have an issue with it when it's freaking four letter words being misspelled all the time. Or when they make it incredibly hard to fully understand what they're saying because it's a wall of text with no punctuation or it's littered with text lingo/slang.
But overall, the biggest issue right now is that bad grammar is a huge reflection of how freaking stupid society is getting. And the general, oh so intelligent comeback is something along the lines of "I'M NOT IN SCHOOL, IT DOESN'T MATTER, LOL!!" or some other response that implies they think it holds no importance. You know it's bad when professors in college are writing on the syllabus that it's unacceptable to use text lingo in papers.
Texting? Fine. Forums or between friends? Fine.
But sometimes, that shit is just too much. It's depressing to see such horrible writing from people. It's proof that people are increasingly becoming dumber and lazier.
Wall-E wasn't just a cute movie, it's a prediction of our not so distant future. :/
I know spelling isn't everyone's strong point, but there are times you can tell when someone just isn't good at spelling and when they just aren't doing them self any favors by writing like they do.
And sweet Jesus, someone please stop this "should of/would of" bullshit!
< width="640" height="360" ="http:
The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

Posted by Nemesis
let??s eat, grandpa.
let??s eat grandpa.
it can make a big difference.
i would say i am tolerant; what i do not like however, are these modern abbreviations of words - TGIF, IIRC...etc. etc.
i would and do encourage everybody to read. with time your own writing skills and expression will become finer and finer.

The entire fucking generation is STOOPID.
I don't even bother to care anymore.
I'm very lazy a lot of the time. I also love it when it piss's people off. Peace!
OMG! Yes I'm very offended by poor grammar, writing skills, etc. My biggest pet peeve is people saying things that aren't correct: Pet pea for pet peeve; Pacific for specific, and lew for slew. This just drives me crazyyyyyyyyy! I'm certain much of this has to do with what area of the country from which these people come, but sheesh! My job in the military was to review/correct quite a bit of writings so it never fails that I recognize errors in anything I read. I'm not saying I'm perfect...
I think when people are posting they don't care about grammar as much as getting their point across. However, it would certainly make things a lot simpler if they'd stop to check what's being posted.
Wow some really good answers! I Had no idea what I was missing.
Posted by GemStar05
OMG! Yes I'm very offended by poor grammar, writing skills, etc. My biggest pet peeve is people saying things that aren't correct: Pet pea for pet peeve; Pacific for specific, and lew for slew. This just drives me crazyyyyyyyyy! I'm certain much of this has to do with what area of the country from which these people come, but sheesh! My job in the military was to review/correct quite a bit of writings so it never fails that I recognize errors in anything I read. I'm not saying I'm perfect...

Posted by GemStar05
I think when people are posting they don't care about grammar as much as getting their point across. However, it would certainly make things a lot simpler if they'd stop to check what's being posted.
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Here, people say "supposebly" instead of "supposedly" and don't even think twice about it. People hear everyone else say it so they see nothing wrong with it, which is kinda sad and proves sheep mentality is raging. It's like omg did you even read what you just wrote? Did you even stop to think about how stupid that looks? No? You were too busy watching TMZ? Oh okay.
I also find it sad when I see such stupid little errors in newspapers and other professional sources. These people supposedly went to school and this is the crap that you see??
Hell, I even saw it in one of my college newspapers. One edition in particular had some really bad mistakes throughout the entire paper. Maybe the editor called in sick that day?
I'm always amazed when people downplay the importance of this stuff. I guess they don't realize that when you use any sort of written form of communication, how you write is a huge impression of who you are. If you write like an idiot, you'll be perceived as an idiot. Nobody is going to take that shit seriously.
I also agree with the "I'm not perfect" bit. I know grammar isn't everyone's strong suit, but the things that are just plain stupid is what's ridiculous. I mean really, "supposebly?" "Pet pea?" What the hell, people?
Omg, another one- "labtop" (as in the computer). ????
I saw someone refer to their baby bump as "baby bumb." Upside down dyslexia much??
This is actually quite hilarious
< width="560" height="315" ="http:
Posted by speranza
Posted by Poisson

Me two.
I think superficial anal assholes are the ones who are sticklers for grammar and spelling. Non creative types as well. I rather not be around people like that. I am actually so tired of 'intellectual' people. Not everyone was privileged enough to be given a proper education. Have some fricking patience and empathy.
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A privileged education does not make you great at grammar.
depends on the setting.
Posted by bkbella86
depends on the setting.

I received this email from my bank saying to update my credit card information by clicking a link they supplied.
BUT THERE was a TYPO in the letter. Clearly fraudulent.
In this setting, the person should know how to spell Tongue
Posted by SUT2pointoh
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by speranza
Posted by Poisson

Me two.
I think superficial anal assholes are the ones who are sticklers for grammar and spelling. Non creative types as well. I rather not be around people like that. I am actually so tired of 'intellectual' people. Not everyone was privileged enough to be given a proper education. Have some fricking patience and empathy.

A privileged education does not make you great at grammar.

LMAO!!! So you have to be a Rhode's scholar to be able to spell and use proper grammar now???? LMFAOO!!!
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Apparently Tongue
Yeh like some people are too lazy to use capitals and full stops ^^........Another thing I'm seeing is people using grammar to belittle other people, instead of inspiring them!!....Its topics like these, where peoples real intentions and stupidity come out.
Posted by Nemesis
let??s eat, grandpa.
let??s eat grandpa.
it can make a big difference.
i would say i am tolerant; what i do not like however, are these modern abbreviations of words - TGIF, IIRC...etc. etc.
i would and do encourage everybody to read. with time your own writing skills and expression will become finer and finer.

Yes it does make a difference but doesn't "common sense" tell us that we're not going to eat grandpa?......Doesn't common sense give us the ability to look over pretty much anything and see the truth? or am I wrong?
I don't understand why I find japanese lyrics and sentence structure more interesting than our own.
.I'm awakened by the persistent ring of the alarm clock
The sun is dazzling perfectly again today
Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I chase after your back
I run as fast as I can, but I trip and fall overStaring at the sky in the middle of class
I gulp down my sports drink gratefully
But I get hit in the head by a paper airplane bearing the message:"Always, always smile, okay?"Right now I'm sharing every day with you
I can overcome any obstacles just being by your side
The two of us can face tomorrow together
Even on cloudy days, I can smile with the color of happiness
So I hope the sun continues to shine
I want to be a part of a culture that writes cool shit like this........But first I want to learn proper Grammar so I can belittle and ridicule all the Grammar Nazi Police.....I will be the Grammar Avenger.
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by speranza
Posted by Poisson

Me two.
I think superficial anal assholes are the ones who are sticklers for grammar and spelling. Non creative types as well. I rather not be around people like that. I am actually so tired of 'intellectual' people. Not everyone was privileged enough to be given a proper education. Have some fricking patience and empathy.

A privileged education does not make you great at grammar.
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Right? Someone's touchy about their own ignorance.
In this day and age of the internet at your fingertips, people really don't have much excuse to be ignorant about basics like this. But of course, the main focus of internet access is social media and Youtube. Using it to learn? *gasp*
Though at the same time, with people's inability to think individually or logically, along with the internet being a meeting place of all types- including those with shitty grammar, you're going to have an explosion of shitty writing. People just write what they've seen and don't think twice if it's correct or not.
Posted by speranza
Posted by Poisson

Me two.
I think superficial anal assholes are the ones who are sticklers for grammar and spelling. Non creative types as well. I rather not be around people like that. I am actually so tired of 'intellectual' people. Not everyone was privileged enough to be given a proper education. Have some fricking patience and empathy.
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Where I come from everyone is entitled to a free and "proper" education all the way through high school. If you pay attention in school, most people can grasp the basic grammar rules, unless they have some sort of learning disability. One doesn't necessarily have to be a stickler for grammar, but they don't have to be lazy about it either.
Oh lawdy, leave it to someone to get overly offended of special circumstances that nobody is really referring to.
Honey, our entire nation is getting dumber. If not for shitty schools, then it's society embracing being an idiot. Nevermind a lot of this "dumbification" of America is done on purpose. People are just blindly going with it.
If you want to get all technical, all school districts are getting fucked, and education is suffering everywhere. I'm not about to make excuses for society as a whole because of a few shitty, unfortunate spots.
That said, I think it's ridiculous that you're getting all up in arms and assuming that people are "superficial" about this when there are a lot of people out there who DON'T have a legitimate excuse for writing like they do, other than they're lazy as fuck and getting dumber because they WANT to, despite education.
Tbh, writing is the tip of the iceberg and a good illustration of how stupid people are allowing themselves to become. ALLOWING themselves. This isn't about the kids at the community center that live in the middle of the ghetto who got handed a raw deal in life.
But hey, if your hobby is getting offended by things like this, by all means, have fun. Are you the same type that gets offended for other groups when those groups aren't offended to begin with? Are you overly PC too?
Posted by speranza
"A privileged education does not make you great at grammar."
"LMAO!!! So you have to be a Rhode's scholar to be able to spell and use proper grammar now???? LMFAOO!!!"

No, a privileged education doesn't make a person have perfect grammar but it sure as hell doesn't hinder it.
When I said privileged, I mean a school district with money. Not necessarily private schools. Imagine how hard it is to hire and keep good teachers in poor districts. My friend was GM of a restaurant before becoming part of corporate. He managed city kids. They were smart kids but rough around the edges. He had to teach them manners and how to talk professionally. They told him stories of how teachers didn't care and would have to break up fights literally everyday.The parents of the students didn't care either. Quite a few had unstable homes. Poor home life and school environment = children unable to learn.

You said it, POOR home life is the crippling agent for those kids. Schools and teachers do their best with problem children IMO. I have some experience with schools in my neighbourhood and let me tell you how sickening it is to see the children come to school without breakfast or a lunch. A lot is done to give the education and most importantly --hope to these children. I see teachers go out of their way to make a difference. Programs are in place to give them breakfast and lunch. How can a child learn if hungry.
Don't blame the schools or teachers.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Oh lawdy, leave it to someone to get overly offended of special circumstances that nobody is really referring to.
Honey, our entire nation is getting dumber. If not for shitty schools, then it's society embracing being an idiot. Nevermind a lot of this "dumbification" of America is done on purpose. People are just blindly going with it.
If you want to get all technical, all school districts are getting fucked, and education is suffering everywhere. I'm not about to make excuses for society as a whole because of a few shitty, unfortunate spots.
That said, I think it's ridiculous that you're getting all up in arms and assuming that people are "superficial" about this when there are a lot of people out there who DON'T have a legitimate excuse for writing like they do, other than they're lazy as fuck and getting dumber because they WANT to, despite education.
Tbh, writing is the tip of the iceberg and a good illustration of how stupid people are allowing themselves to become. ALLOWING themselves. This isn't about the kids at the community center that live in the middle of the ghetto who got handed a raw deal in life.
But hey, if your hobby is getting offended by things like this, by all means, have fun. Are you the same type that gets offended for other groups when those groups aren't offended to begin with? Are you overly PC too?

I don't mind when it's a little bad but if I have to read your sentence super slow 5x I can't deal.
Posted by speranza
I've been thinking...
Written language originated with the spoken word. It has evolved so much from the beginning. Even from 50 years ago. It will continue to evolve. Why be so vigilante on correct use of words when it will eventually change? The sole purpose of speaking and writing is to connect with people. As long as you can understand the context of what they are saying then it should be OK. I don't want to close myself off to someone because if ego/ higher sense of self.Whose to say that the "broken" language is incorrect? Because it doesn't follow rules established long ago to separate the classes? Why do we follow the grammar rules? To fit into higher society? They were made up by government and churches in order to keep certain people in power, imo. Hmm...

"I promote writing like a moron."
You're also full of shit. I'm sorry you feel so comfortable being ignorant. All you've done so far is just make excuses for it.
PS- making people stupider is what's keeping people in power.
Posted by speranza
I've been thinking...
Written language originated with the spoken word. It has evolved so much from the beginning. Even from 50 years ago. It will continue to evolve. Why be so vigilante on correct use of words when it will eventually change? The sole purpose of speaking and writing is to connect with people. As long as you can understand the context of what they are saying then it should be OK. I don't want to close myself off to someone because if ego/ higher sense of self.Whose to say that the "broken" language is incorrect? Because it doesn't follow rules established long ago to separate the classes? Why do we follow the grammar rules? To fit into higher society? They were made up by government and churches in order to keep certain people in power, imo. Hmm...

You actually raise some interesting questions.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by speranza
I've been thinking...
Written language originated with the spoken word. It has evolved so much from the beginning. Even from 50 years ago. It will continue to evolve. Why be so vigilante on correct use of words when it will eventually change? The sole purpose of speaking and writing is to connect with people. As long as you can understand the context of what they are saying then it should be OK. I don't want to close myself off to someone because if ego/ higher sense of self.Whose to say that the "broken" language is incorrect? Because it doesn't follow rules established long ago to separate the classes? Why do we follow the grammar rules? To fit into higher society? They were made up by government and churches in order to keep certain people in power, imo. Hmm...

"I promote writing like a moron."
You're also full of shit. I'm sorry you feel so comfortable being ignorant. All you've done so far is just make excuses for it.
PS- making people stupider is what's keeping people in power.
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For fucks sake hes sharing an opinion of a concept which is legit. Why do people have to call other people stupid and ignorant all the time its fucking annoying! because people are not stupid they are nothing short of a miracle and can do amazing things when they are inspired. If you have a gift for grammar then use it to inspire others. I had no idea how important grammar was to people. I just thought this chick was being a bitch on Facebook by correcting people and getting shitty over your and you're all the time and I'm like "chill the fuck out"..If anything I'm inspired to learn the highest form of grammar so i can put dicky people who are so full of themselves in their place and not just on paper but verbally. I have a lot for respect for grammar now knowing this.
"writing like a moron" inspires creativity, its stepping outside the lines and using everything you have to express yourself! Tim Minchin just wrote the music for Matilda the musical and one of the songs is "Revolting Children" but it doesn't mean they are gross it means they are in revolt its witty and clever and I guess someone who is grammatically correct would not understand the pun? I think thats what its called.