Guess her Rising Sign

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by aime7 on Monday, August 11, 2014 and has 67 replies.
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Capricorn or scorpio. She has the "hard" look about her. And she's either Nigerian or from Cameroon going by her facial features smile
Haha yes WC I'm guessing those as well. And it's this girl I'm seeing from Cameroon.
Posted by aime7
Haha yes WC I'm guessing those as well. And it's this girl I'm seeing from Cameroon.

She's pretty. Good choice smile I'll bet my last Rand & say scorpio ascendant for certain.
I hope I can sustain a long term relationship with her. She's a Sag Sun, Cap Moon, Scorpio Mars and Cap Venus.
@Tiz what makes you say first decan Leo?
Cancer Rising
Posted by aime7
I hope I can sustain a long term relationship with her. She's a Sag Sun, Cap Moon, Scorpio Mars and Cap Venus.

She has Beyonce's scorpio rising kind of look, the eye & mouth area. She's really cute. Why do you think you can't sustain a LTR with her? Is it because she's from a different country than you? I know you guys are kind of picky lol.
Mainly because she's Cameroonian. Nigerians and Cameroonians are friendly, but cultural differences might get in the way. Also because a lot of guys there want her, so there's that competition.
lmao I have the same droopy eyelids as she does. She's rocking them, though. I hate mines lol
Posted by aime7
Mainly because she's Cameroonian. Nigerians and Cameroonians are friendly, but cultural differences might get in the way. Also because a lot of guys there want her, so there's that competition.

I understand but not the part about other guys lol. You should be elated that she chose to be with you over them. I didnt know the culture was so different between Cameroon & Nigeria. I see them cooking the same kind of stuff, similar in almost everything. Plus if you guys can get away with marrying "Euro- Africans" as you call us lol, I'm sure you can overlook the differences with your neighbouring country.
Yeah similarities but still different. And she's so intense and sexual..... something I've never experienced.
Posted by aime7
Yeah similarities but still different. And she's so intense and sexual..... something I've never experienced.

Is that a complaint? She sounds like jackpot! Just go with the flow & stop being such a Cap. She is adorable. The hell with culture.
Mkay. I'm certainly not complaining about the sexual part Winking. But I don't want to lose this woman. I see her as a goddess.
Posted by aime7
Mkay. I'm certainly not complaining about the sexual part Winking. But I don't want to lose this woman. I see her as a goddess.

just dont be obsessed lol
Thanks Phoenix and I'll do that Tiz.
Nemesis I don't know her rising, that's why I asked.
Posted by Nemesis
i don??t want to insult your lady - but those eyebrows.....are a bit over the top.

Come on now, not everyone is a makeup expert. I've seen ones that look like an upside down smile, the Nike logo & so on.
Trevor Noah even has a youtube video about women who draw an "angry line" aka brows. He made an example of Shoprite cashiers & said, imagine if one won the lotter & if they were asked why they still look angry...they'll say "I'll draw happy brows tomorrow". LMAO
Posted by backtokemet
she looks sirius and has a bit of a conservative vibe
probably an earth rising

Where are you from, leeb?
Posted by backtokemet
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by backtokemet
she looks sirius and has a bit of a conservative vibe
probably an earth rising

Where are you from, leeb?

I came from my mama's womb .. what about you aqua ?
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You know what I meant but you dont have to answer. I was just curious.
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by Nemesis
i don??t want to insult your lady - but those eyebrows.....are a bit over the top.

Come on now, not everyone is a makeup expert. I've seen ones that look like an upside down smile, the Nike logo & so on.
Trevor Noah even has a youtube video about women who draw an "angry line" aka brows. He made an example of Shoprite cashiers & said, imagine if one won the lotter & if they were asked why they still look angry...they'll say "I'll draw happy brows tomorrow". LMAO

LMAO Big Grin scowling.
nahhh though, in all seriousness and without being mean - i have no reason to be mean - those eyebrows are not complementing her at all. looks hard, angry and are way too long. she missed the arch too. i??d tone it down. it??s amazing what eyebrows does to a face - it??s like a frame of a picture - the picture being the face. choose the wrong frame and you??ll be distracted from the painting/pic.
ahhh well - but some people like caterpillars.
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So, what is the perfect shape & size? I'm guilty of bad brow day myself. I know there's a pencil test that is used to measure where they should start, arch & end. But who has time?
She always looks angry or hard most of the time... That's how it is. I was getting tired of being with happy go lucky, ditzy females anyway.
Posted by aime7
She always looks angry or hard most of the time... That's how it is. I was getting tired of being with happy go lucky, ditzy females anyway.

Angry & crazy chicks are said to be great in bed. They take out all that angst & cray behaviour on your you know what Winking I can imagine one grinding her teeth & telling you to lean back. Sounds sexay. I wouldn't mind a crazy guy on my tit right about now. LMAO. You lucky guy, you.
The Leo Moon is saving me haha. And she's excellent in bed Winking
Posted by aime7
The Leo Moon is saving me haha. And she's excellent in bed Winking

Ok wow, I didn't know you were a leo moon. You don't come across as them. Way too chill. Interesting.
Cap restricts it. Also I'm Sag dominant, and heavy Sag makes people chill.
You should thank your other influence lol, because leo moon is just plain embarrassing. Sag is cool but you didnt strike me as that either. You have an earthy kind of vibe.
I probably have a Taurus or Cancer Asc instead of Gemini. I honestly don't see myself as Gem Asc, I mean I have lean arms but that's about it. I have treetrunk legs and such. And how is Leo Moon embarrassing?
The way some seem to crave attention all the time.
Hmm I hate attention hehe. And she has a hard vibe, but she's very affectionate deep down.
How long have you been together?
3 months.
Nemesis you're funny.
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by Nemesis
i don??t want to insult your lady - but those eyebrows.....are a bit over the top.

Come on now, not everyone is a makeup expert. I've seen ones that look like an upside down smile, the Nike logo & so on.
Trevor Noah even has a youtube video about women who draw an "angry line" aka brows. He made an example of Shoprite cashiers & said, imagine if one won the lotter & if they were asked why they still look angry...they'll say "I'll draw happy brows tomorrow". LMAO

LMAO Big Grin scowling.
nahhh though, in all seriousness and without being mean - i have no reason to be mean - those eyebrows are not complementing her at all. looks hard, angry and are way too long. she missed the arch too. i??d tone it down. it??s amazing what eyebrows does to a face - it??s like a frame of a picture - the picture being the face. choose the wrong frame and you??ll be distracted from the painting/pic.
ahhh well - but some people like caterpillars.

So, what is the perfect shape & size? I'm guilty of bad brow day myself. I know there's a pencil test that is used to measure where they should start, arch & end. But who has time?

well - def. consider your face shape/form and hair colour. by drawing your eyebrows out too long like this lady we are talking about, the face gets a "sad clown look" it looks droopy and she looks older than she is. her face looks "closed" off. instead of open and young. also the beginning of the eyebrow is just so harsh. i mean nature has already provived us with the right stuff but no, we have to go and fuck things up (mea culpa - in my teens i so overplucked) also instead of only using eyebrow gel or pencils - i??d recommend blending the stuff properly with a mixture of pencil and eyeshadow in a brown nuance. WC, what facial shape do you have?
click to expand

It's roundish/ovalish. IDK. But nice tips you have here. So the beginning mustn't be harsh? Noted lol
No I'm not mad, I just found your rant hilarious. I also think her eyebrows could be improved.
I'll post another one later. And yes hehe I know how them lips taste.
lol at aime. So are you going to relay to her Nem's eyebrow filling tips, Aime?
lol at aime. So are you going to relay to her Nem's eyebrow filling tips, Aime?
Hehe maybe. I still like that hard vibe that she gives off.
Posted by Nemesis
WC, no, never harsh - if you give off that vibe who knows what kind of maschochists you??ll attract. you want that?! :Big Grin

Maybe when I take them to the bedroom, then I'll draw the angry line. LMAO. But thanks for the tips. Sincerely. I'm almost embarrassed by what I have above my eyes at the moment lol. Will practise.
WC, I can tell you lay it down on brothas in the bedroom haha
Posted by aime7
WC, I can tell you lay it down on brothas in the bedroom haha

LMAO. A lady never tells Winking In all honesty, though, I don't have much experience to lay any brotha down lol. But sex, like anything else, there's always something to learn. I'm still an amateur, but my aim is to be a master. LMAO
"Master" haha that describes my Mars in Virgo very well.
lol if you say so.
Posted by Nemesis
i dedicate this song to you WC and aime Big Grin hehe

you guys got some good energy going

What song is it? I can't see it.
Btw, I was thinking about how much we didn't like each other before. Remember the scorp days? We've come a long way. Now I think you're a nice person, informative & quite entertaining. I wonder why we squabbled before Tongue
Posted by Nemesis
hey - i remember where we first butted heads - in that thread you made about why women prostitute themeselves - hahahaha. i had tunnel vision at that point - but i enjoy reading your posts WC. i like you??re no bullshit attitude.

Good memory lol. I forgot about that. Yeah I agree with you, people should rise above petty bullshit & move forward. Especially the internet kind since it has no real impact in one's own life. Cheers to that! How do you make the glass thing? I want to be classy too lol.
I think the lady is an aries??_??_.when are you gonna find out what star sign she is?
Haha yes she would, but I still like to be dominant.
11, her Sun sign is Sag. I'm just wondering what her rising is.